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Created August 18, 2010 01:44
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-export([setup/0, go/0, oh/0]).
setup() ->
% assuming dist. erlang already set up across nodes
rpc:multicall(rexi, start, []).
%% submit the jobs to individual workers (a little verbose for illustration)
go() ->
{M,F,A} = {rexi_example, oh, []},
Workers = lists:map(fun(Node) ->
{rexi:cast(Node, {M,F,A})} % tuple is for keyfind in rexi_utils
end, nodes()),
KeyPos = 1, % place in tuple for keyfind
Acc0 = {length(Workers), []},
GlobalTimeout = 5000,
PerMsgTimeout = infinity,
rexi_utils:recv(Workers, KeyPos, fun handle_message/3, Acc0,
GlobalTimeout, PerMsgTimeout).
%% handles messages from individual workers
handle_message({rexi_DOWN, _, _, _}, _Worker, Acc0) ->
handle_message({rexi_EXIT, Reason}, _Worker, Acc0) ->
io:format("rexi_EXIT: ~p", [Reason]),
handle_message({ok, Msg}, _Worker, {C0, Acc0}) ->
% good msg, so decrement counter and add Msg to Acc0
{C1, Acc1} = {C0 - 1, [Msg | Acc0]},
case C0 of
1 -> {stop, Acc1};
_ -> {ok, {C1, Acc1}}
handle_message(Msg, _Worker, Acc0) ->
io:format("bad response: ~p", [Msg]),
%% RPC endpoint
oh() ->
rexi:reply({ok, hai}).
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