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Last active April 22, 2022 19:50
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01 - Introduction

01_04 - Excercise Files and other Resources

Project Repository : rocket-books

Course Bookmarks

PhpStorm Live Template repo

02 -Development Setup

02_01 - Tools Required

PhpStorm: The Lightning-Smart IDE for PHP Programming by JetBrains

Google Chrome: The Most Secure Browser on the Web

WampServer, la plate-forme de développement Web sous Windows - Apache, MySQL, PHP

Git - Downloads

02_02 - Install WordPress using WAMP

Recommended database charset and collation for WordPress | Bram Van den Bulcke

Blog Tool, Publishing Platform, and CMS — WordPress

Download |

02_03 - Wordpress Coding Standards - Why and How

Writing a Plugin « WordPress Codex

Best Practices – Make WordPress Core

WordPress Coding Standards – Make WordPress Core

PHP Coding Standards – Make WordPress Core

squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer: PHP_CodeSniffer tokenizes PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards.

WordPress-Coding-Standards/WordPress-Coding-Standards: PHP_CodeSniffer rules (sniffs) to enforce WordPress coding conventions

phpcs - Visual Studio Marketplace

phpMD / PHP CodeSniffer Plugin - NetBeans Plugin detail

PHP Code Sniffer - Help | PhpStorm

02_04 - Install Php Code Snifer and Wordpress Coding Standards

Install Php Code Snifer and Wordpress Coding

02_05 - PhpStorm - Configuring Wordpress Coding Standards

PhpStorm - Configuring WordPress Coding

03 - For Beginners

03_02 - Custom Post Type

Post Types « WordPress Codex

Very Simple Event List

03_03 - Shortcodes

Simple Social Media Share Buttons – Social Sharing for Everyone |

03_04 - Settings Page

add_option() | Function | WordPress Developer Resources

register_setting() | Function | WordPress Developer Resources

PHP: serialize - Manual

test unserialize online - general PHP functions - functions-online

Settings API « WordPress Codex

03_06 - How WordPress loads plugin

Header Requirements | Plugin Developer Handbook | WordPress Developer Resources

03_07 - Action Hooks

add_action() | Function | WordPress Developer Resources

Plugin API/Action Reference « WordPress Codex

Function Reference/remove action « WordPress Codex

Hook Reference | WooCommerce Code Reference

03_08 - Filter Hooks

apply_filters() | Function | WordPress Developer Resources

add_filter() | Function | WordPress Developer Resources

Plugin API/Filter Reference « WordPress Codex

Plugin API « WordPress Codex

04 - Boilerplate

04_01 - What is BoilerPlate

The WordPress Plugin Boilerplate | A Foundation For Building High-Quality WordPress Plugins

GitHub - DevinVinson/WordPress-Plugin-Boilerplate

04_02 - Getting Started with Boilerplate

GitHub - DevinVinson/WordPress-Plugin-Boilerplate

How to Batch Rename Multiple Files in Windows

How to rename multiple files at once on Mac | iMore

WordPress Plugin Boilerplate Generator | Ready to use WordPress Plugin Boilerplate

04_03 - Tips for Using Boilerplate Generator

WordPress Plugin Boilerplate Generator | Ready to use WordPress Plugin Boilerplate

Add your Plugin |

Very Simple Event List |

Simple Social Media Share Buttons – Social Sharing for Everyone |

04_04 - Structure of Plugin Boilerplate

Best Practices | Plugin Developer Handbook | WordPress Developer Resources

Activation / Deactivation Hooks | Plugin Developer Handbook | WordPress Developer Resources

Uninstall Methods | Plugin Developer Handbook | WordPress Developer Resources

04_05 - Defining helper Constants

Checklist for Boilerplate Generator - Google Forms

05 - Custom Post Types

05_01 - Register Custom Post Type

Function Reference/register post type « WordPress Codex

Post Types « WordPress Codex

Very Simple Event List

05_05 - Revisiting Need for Boilerplate

PHP Coding Standards Draft Proposal – Make WordPress Core

PHP Documentation Standards – Make WordPress Core

Best Practices | Plugin Developer Handbook | WordPress Developer Resources

05_06 - Fixing 404 for Custom Post Type

Uninstall Methods | Plugin Developer Handbook | WordPress Developer Resources

Function Reference/register post type « WordPress Codex

05_07 - Template for Single Post Type

Twenty Sixteen CSS for Debug

Show Current Template |

Query Monitor |

05_08 - How Wordpress loads a required Template

vitorcon/twentysixteen-chd: Twenty Sixteen Child Theme for Wordpress

The WordPress Template Hierarchy - a visualization resource

Template Hierarchy | Theme Developer Handbook | WordPress Developer Resources

05_09 - Template for Single Post Type using Template Loader


Template File Loaders in Plugins - Pippins Plugins

now-hiring/now-hiring-global-functions.php at master · slushman/now-hiring

Plugin API/Filter Reference/single template « WordPress Codex

get_template_part() | Function | WordPress Developer Resources

05_10 - Archive CPT Template using Template Loader

Lorem Ipsum - All the facts - Lipsum generator

Plugin API/Filter Reference/archive template « WordPress Codex

496 Awesome Book Photos · Pexels · Free Stock Photos

Little Black Book Surrounded With Pink Click Pen, Red Lipstick, and Black Wayfarer Eyeglasses · Free Stock Photo

05_11 - Custom Post Type Loop

Basic CSS for Flex Card based layout

the_excerpt() | Function | WordPress Developer Resources

the_content() | Function | WordPress Developer Resources

Function Reference/post class « WordPress Codex

06 - Metabox and Custom Fields

06_01 - Metabox for Custom Post Type

Custom Meta Boxes | Plugin Developer Handbook | WordPress Developer Resources

06_02 - Add Metabox to CPT

add_meta_box() | Function | WordPress Developer Resources

Plugin API/Action Reference/add meta boxes « WordPress Codex

do_meta_boxes | Hook | WordPress Developer Resources

__() | Function | WordPress Developer Resources

06_03 - Metabox with Gutenberg Editor

Classic Editor |

06_04 - Add Custom Fields to Metabox

get_post_meta() | Function | WordPress Developer Resources

Function Reference/update post meta « WordPress Codex

Function Reference/add post meta « WordPress Codex

save_post_{$post->post_type} | Hook | WordPress Developer Resources

_e() | Function | WordPress Developer Resources

06_05 - nonce fields and nonce verification

Function Reference/wp nonce field « WordPress Codex

Function Reference/wp verify nonce « WordPress Codex

WordPress Nonces « WordPress Codex

06_06 - Enhancing Security for Save Method

Function Reference/current user can « WordPress Codex

Function Reference/wp get current user « WordPress Codex

Roles and Capabilities « WordPress Codex

06_07 - Sanitize Custom Fields input

Validating Sanitizing and Escaping User Data « WordPress Codex

Data Validation « WordPress Codex

sanitize_text_field() | Function | WordPress Developer Resources

Function Reference/esc html « WordPress Codex

Function Reference/sanitize key « WordPress Codex

06_08 - Validate Custom Fields input - Part 1

Function Reference/checked « WordPress Codex

HTML input checked Attribute

06_09 - Validate Custom Fields input - Select Example

HTML option selected Attribute

Function Reference/selected « WordPress Codex

06_10 - Display Post Meta on single-book template

Basic CSS for Single Post Type Layout

06_11 - Display Post Meta on archive-book template

06_12 - Tweeks to Custom Fields Metabox Code

PHP array_key_exists() Function

PHP: array_key_exists - Manual

Font Awesome

06_13 - Adding Fontawesome icons to custom fields

Font Awesome

06_14 - Speed Setup with Helper frameworks

CMB2/CMB2: CMB2 is a developer's toolkit for building metaboxes, custom fields, and forms for WordPress that will blow your mind.

wpmetabox/meta-box: The best plugin for WordPress custom fields and custom meta boxes

AdvancedCustomFields/acf: Advanced Custom Fields

JoeSz/Exopite-Simple-Options-Framework: Fast, easy and lightweight admin options/metabox form generator for WordPress Plugins.

Top Frameworks for WordPress Plugin & Theme Developers – IncludeWP

odin/class-metabox.php at master · wpbrasil/odin

now-hiring/class-now-hiring-admin-metaboxes.php at master · slushman/now-hiring

07 - Plugin Options Settings Page

07_01 - Plugin Options Settings Page

07_02 - Top level admin menu

Plugin API/Action Reference/admin menu « WordPress Codex

admin_menu | Hook | WordPress Developer Resources

add_menu_page() | Function | WordPress Developer Resources

07_03 - Sub menu item for plugin

Administration Menus « WordPress Codex

Function Reference/add options page « WordPress Codex

Function Reference/add plugins page « WordPress Codex

add_submenu_page() | Function | WordPress Developer Resources

07_04 - Settings Page using Form POST method

add_option() | Function | WordPress Developer Resources

Function Reference/update option « WordPress Codex

Settings API « WordPress Codex

07_05 - Settings API - Display Sections and Security fields

Function Reference/do settings sections « WordPress Codex

Function Reference/settings fields « WordPress Codex

07_06 - Settings API - Add Sections

Function Reference/add settings section « WordPress Codex

07_07 - Settings API - Add Settings Fields

Function Reference/add settings field « WordPress Codex

07_08 - Settings API - Save Settings

register_setting() | Function | WordPress Developer Resources

07_12 - Using Settings Options to modify frontend

Function Reference/sanitize html class « WordPress Codex

07_13 - Plugin Action Links

Plugin API/Filter Reference/plugin action links (plugin file name) « WordPress Codex

07_14 - Overview of Helper Classes and Frameworks

CMB2-Snippet-Library/options-and-settings-pages at master · CMB2/CMB2-Snippet-Library

reduxframework/redux-framework: Redux is a simple, truly extensible options framework for WordPress themes and plugins.

ACF | Options Page

Codestar/codestar-framework: A Simple and Lightweight WordPress Option Framework for Themes and Plugins

Freemius - The new standard in selling WordPress plugins and themes

boospot/boo-settings-helper: This is a helper class for WordPress Settings API

08 - Global Shared Class

09 - Shortcodes

09_02 - Understanding add_shortcode function

Shortcode API « WordPress Codex

Function Reference/add shortcode « WordPress Codex

09_04 - Shortcode for Custom Post Type Loop

Class Reference/WP Query « WordPress Codex

Function Reference/wp reset postdata « WordPress Codex

09_05 - Configuring Default Values for Attributes

Function Reference/shortcode atts « WordPress Codex

get_option() | Function | WordPress Developer Resources

09_09 - Best Practices for Enqueuing CSS and JS for Shortcodes

Function Reference/wp register style « WordPress Codex

wp_enqueue_style() | Function | WordPress Developer Resources

Function Reference/wp add inline style « WordPress Codex

wp_add_inline_script() | Function | WordPress Developer Resources

09_10 - Code optimization for Enqueuing CSS and JS

wp_enqueue_scripts() | Function | WordPress Developer Resources

wp_register_script() | Function | WordPress Developer Resources

09_12 - Solution to Show CPTs for only specific Taxonomies

Class Reference/WP Query « WordPress Codex

10 - Widgets

10_02 - Creating Dedicated Widgets Control Class

Widgets API « WordPress Codex

Function Reference/register widget « WordPress Codex

10_05 - Widgets API - using form method to add fields

esc_attr() | Function | WordPress Developer Resources

10_07 - Widgets API - using widget method to Display CPT loop

10_08 - Widgets API - Enqueuing Widget Specific Style and Scripts

Function Reference/is active widget « WordPress Codex

Basic CSS for Widget Loop

10_09 - Widgets API - Adding more field types and updating widget output

PHP sprintf() Function

PHP: sprintf - Manual

PHP printf() Function

PHP: printf - Manual

10_10 - Widgets Helper Class Part 1 - Registering Widget

boospot/boo-widget-helper: Helper class for creating widgets

11 - Plugin Finalization

11_02 - Plugin Security and Best Practices

Writing a Plugin « WordPress Codex

Best Practices | Plugin Developer Handbook | WordPress Developer Resources

Plugin Security | Plugin Developer Handbook | WordPress Developer Resources

11_03 - Best Practices : Avoind Naming Collisions

Best Practices | Plugin Developer Handbook | WordPress Developer Resources

11_04 - POT File Generation for plugin Translation

Loco Translate – WordPress plugin |

The fastest and most convenient way to translate interfaces — Poedit

__() | Function | WordPress Developer Resources

11_05 - Using custom apply _filter to allow overrides and additions

apply_filters() | Function | WordPress Developer Resources

apply_filters and add_filter example

11_06 - Using custom do_action to make plugin extendible

do_action() | Function | WordPress Developer Resources

boo-recipes/recipe-layout-style1.php at master · boospot/boo-recipes

boo-recipes/class-boorecipe.php at master · boospot/boo-recipes

do_action and add_action example

11_07 - Cleaning up at Uninstall

unregister_taxonomy() | Function | WordPress Developer Resources

Uninstall Methods | Plugin Developer Handbook | WordPress Developer Resources

boo-recipes/uninstall.php at master · boospot/boo-recipes

Option ids to remove

11_08 - Submitting plugins to Wordpress repo

Plugin Developer FAQ | Plugin Developer Handbook | WordPress Developer Resources

Detailed Plugin Guidelines | Plugin Developer Handbook | WordPress Developer Resources

Readme Validator |

Developer Information |

WordPress Plugins |

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