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Last active August 16, 2016 22:58
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Relase 1 Psuedocode
- Make <form> and <a> tags functional
- Use horses/new as a partial that will be rendered with AJAX after user clicks on the appropriate link
- Create a new function to hold event listener for the #new-horse-link
- Confirm listener functions
- Use AJAX to intercept the HTTP request
- hide the #new-horse-link
- Modify controller @ route '/horses/new' to respond to xhr
- Confirm getting to route I think I need
- Controller will return compiled erb with an ID = #horse-form
- Make sure to specify "layout: false" when rendering partial
- Make sure erb has all variables it needs
Release 2 Pseudocode
- Create a new function to hold event listener for the #horse-form submission
- listener needs to be dynamic
- Confirm listener functions
- Use .preventDefault() to intercept the HTTP request
- Use AJAX to send form data to ruby server
- get info needed for valid AJAX call
- action
- method
- form data
- Build AJAX options and send off
- Go to controller land
- modify route post '/horses' to be xhr compliant
- create the new horse in the database with params received from AJAX
- Return partial with horse info from newly created horse
- Back in AJAX land
- Confirm .done gives back the data I expected
- Append the horse html from controller to the div with ID = #horse-list
- Remove horse form from page
- re-show the #new-horse-link
Release 3 Pseudocode
- Use AJAX to display horse's info with a partial
- Create a new function to hold event listener for <h3> or <a> tag, IDK depends on issues that pop up
- before AJAX, check for horse deets
- if deets, remove deets
- else, proceed to AJAX
- assign that = this for current context of clicked element
- AJAX goes to /horses/:id route
- need to get horse ID from DOM for url
- Off to Controller land
- find horse based on ID passed in params from AJAX
- create/format partial view for horse details
- Return a partial with horse details
- use jQuery to append horse details to 'that' element
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