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import collections, json
from urllib import urlretrieve
from urlparse import urljoin
from csv import DictReader, reader as csv_reader
import scrapinghub
from project.settings import SH_APIKEY
def _download(url, _fname=None):
_fname, _ = urlretrieve(urljoin(BASE_URL, url), _fname)
return _fname
def _parse(_file, ofmt):
fext ='.')[-1]
if fext == 'csv':
if ofmt == 'dict':
return DictReader(_file)
elif ofmt == 'list':
reader = csv_reader(_file) # Avoid headers
return reader
raise Exception('Not supported ofmt')
elif fext == 'jl':
if ofmt == 'dict':
return (json.loads(l) for l in _file)
raise Exception('Not supported ofmt')
raise Exception('Not supported extension')
def _to_unicode(data, encoding='utf-8'):
if isinstance(data, basestring):
return data.decode(encoding)
elif isinstance(data, collections.Mapping):
return dict(_to_unicode(d, encoding) for d in data.items())
elif isinstance(data, collections.Iterable):
return type(data)(_to_unicode(d, encoding) for d in data)
return data
def ondemand(ofmt='dict', _url='feed_1.csv', _fname=None):
with open(_download(_url, _fname)) as f:
for row in _parse(f, ofmt):
yield _to_unicode(row)
def companies(ofmt='dict', _url='feed_2.csv', _fname=None):
with open(_download(_url, _fname)) as f:
for row in _parse(f, ofmt):
yield _to_unicode(row)
def items(key):
job = scrapinghub.Connection(SH_APIKEY)[key.split('/')[0]].job(key)
for item in job.items():
yield item
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