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Last active September 29, 2019 02:50
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Intelligence and ability-wise, I have no doubts you can do it! You are smart and writing code is almost never any sort of rocket science.

The only question is if you'll enjoy it enough to do 40+ hours a week, which you'll find out soon enough if you pour time and energy into classes and stuff.

One thing I'd say is that most coders don't code all day. Most coders have to spend a fair amount of time w/ clients figuring out requirements, working w/ testers, etc. So don't feel like it will be just you and a keyboard forever and ever.

ALSO, a strong ability to work with people can be your ace in the hole. I would see you excelling at this.

Lots of autistic level dudes in this industry who can write code but are tough to work with, and a lot of folks from other countries who understandably struggle with communication because of language barriers. Somebody who can code and communicate is pretty golden. This has been one of my main assets over the years. It's also the one thing they can never outsource overseas. There are roomfulls of dudes in other countries who will write code for $20 a week, after all, but there's a reason why it's still a very viable career here in the USA -- you are being hired for your skill in TRANSLATING USERS' NEEDS INTO CODE, which requires COMMUNICATION AND UNDERSTANDING. Not just your ability to pound a keyboard.

(⬆ This real talk paragraph might be the one thing you'll hear from me that others might not tell you... lot of coders don't get this ⬆)

So as far as career choices go, I would see demand for software developers remaining pretty strong for any kind of forseeable future.

Like most careers, getting your first job or two is the hard part. Though in software development it's probably easier than most careers - we LOVE to see those bachelor degrees in computer science but that's far from a necessity. Work experience and/or your portfolio will really trump that once you get that pesky first job under your belt.

(I never finished my bachelor's degree, personally. Although, that's still the most foolproof way to go if you have 3-4 years and a pile of money to spare)

Depending on your learning style there are a few ways to get started. There are a lot of "boot camps" (sorry Army guy, it's always "boot camp" and never "basic training" for some reason) that give you a crash course. I think that's the most common route. I don't have particular ones to recommend/avoid though.

There are also 1,000 lifetimes' worth of classes on Udemy and elsewhere. If you like self-study those can be really good and are cheap too!

When it comes to hiring newbies w/ little experience, I personally put a lot of weight behind whether or not the newbie has done projects they can walk me through. A lot of "boot camps" will hand you a piece of paper in exchange for some money. But have you actually seen some projects thru to completion, either as part of a class or on your own?

Well... that's about the entire contents of my brain on this topic. =)

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