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Created August 11, 2023 14:33
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Use Case DSL
fun main() {
val result = GetLatestStringImpl().invoke()
interface GetLatestString {
operator fun invoke(): Result<String>
class GetLatestStringImpl : GetLatestString {
override operator fun invoke() = getLatestCache(
cacheFound = {
// for logging purpose
cacheNotFound = {
fetchFromInternet { result ->
storeToCache(result) {
private fun loadFromCache(): Result<String> {
return runCatching {
// "value" // result
throw Throwable("not found")
private fun storeToCache(result: String, function: () -> Result<String>): Result<String> {
// store cache logic there
println("$result inserted to cache")
return function()
private fun fetchFromInternet(success:(String) -> Result<String>) : Result<String> {
// perform network request
val networkResult = "value"
return success(networkResult)
private fun getLatestCache(cacheFound: (String) -> Unit, cacheNotFound: () -> Result<String>): Result<String> {
return loadFromCache().onFailure {
}.onSuccess {
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