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Created September 18, 2018 12:21
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Lambda Calculus Interpreter
; Constructors
(define (lambda-expr? e)
(and (pair? e)
(equal? (car e) 'λ)
(equal? (caddr e) '→)))
(define (make-lambda argn argv) (list 'λ argn '→ argv))
(define (lambda-param e) (cadr e))
(define (lambda-body e) (cadddr e))
; Substitution procedures
(define (lambda-subst e src dst)
(cond ((equal? e src) dst)
((lambda-expr? e) (if (eq? (lambda-param e) src)
e ; If this lambda expression has a param name same as src, do not substitute
; Otherwise, construct a new lambda with this param and substitute src to dst in the lambda body
(make-lambda (lambda-param e) (lambda-subst (lambda-body e) src dst))))
; If it's a list of expressions recursively substitute them
((pair? e) (cons (lambda-subst (car e) src dst)
(lambda-subst (cdr e) src dst)))
(else e)))
; Evaluation procedures
(define (can-beta-reduce? e)
(and (pair? e)
; If the first parameter in the list is a lambda expression, or the first parameter can also be reduced
;(or (lambda-expr? (car e)) (can-beta-reduce? (car e)))
(lambda-expr? (car e))
; And there is a second value in the list (to apply to the lambda expr)
(pair? (cdr e))))
(define (beta-reduce e . vs)
(if (and (pair? vs) (lambda-expr? e))
; Substitute current value in lambda-body and recursively reduce the remaining values
(apply beta-reduce
(lambda-subst (lambda-body e) (lambda-param e) (car vs))
(cdr vs))
; No values, so just return the expression
(define (lambda-eval e)
(cond ((can-beta-reduce? e) (lambda-eval (apply beta-reduce e)))
((pair? e) (let ([new-e (cons (lambda-eval (car e))
(lambda-eval (cdr e)))])
(if (can-beta-reduce? new-e)
(lambda-eval new-e)
(else e)))
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bor0 commented Sep 18, 2018

Test for pairs:

(define one (make-lambda 'f (make-lambda 'x '(f x))))
(define two (make-lambda 'f (make-lambda 'x '(f (f x)))))

(define true (make-lambda 'x (make-lambda 'y 'x)))
(define false (make-lambda 'x (make-lambda 'y 'y)))

(define pair (make-lambda 'x (make-lambda 'y (make-lambda 'f '(f x y)))))
(define first (make-lambda 'p (list 'p true)))
(define second (make-lambda 'p (list 'p false)))

(define test-pair (lambda-eval (list pair 1 2)))

 (equal? (lambda-eval (list first test-pair)) 1)
 (equal? (lambda-eval (list second test-pair)) 2))

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