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Created January 16, 2017 07:34
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package main
import (
var stdReader *bufio.Reader = bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
func readInt() (result int) {
var negative, started bool
for {
char, err := stdReader.ReadByte()
switch {
case err != nil:
case char == '-':
negative = true
case unicode.IsDigit(rune(char)):
started = true
result = result*10 + int(char&0xf)
case started:
if negative {
result = -result
type point struct {
x, y int
// rect stores lowest and highest points of a rectangle.
type rect struct {
lo, hi point
// longestEdge returns longest edge of the rectangle.
func longestEdge(r rect) int {
x, y := r.hi.x-r.lo.x, r.hi.y-r.lo.y
if x > y {
return x
return y
// inside checks if point p is inside rectangle bonud by lo and hi.
func inside(p point, r rect) bool {
return p.x >= r.lo.x && p.y >= r.lo.y && p.x <= r.hi.x && p.y <= r.hi.y
// bounds calculates the smallest rectangular containing all the points.
func bounds(points []point) rect {
first := true
var b rect
for _, p := range points {
if first || p.x < b.lo.x {
b.lo.x = p.x
if first || p.y < b.lo.y {
b.lo.y = p.y
if first || p.x > b.hi.x {
b.hi.x = p.x
if first || p.y > b.hi.y {
b.hi.y = p.y
first = false
return b
// pick builds a rectangular in on of the corners of rectangle bound by lo and hi.
func pick(side, edge int, b rect) rect {
switch side {
case 0:
return rect{b.lo, point{b.lo.x + edge, b.lo.y + edge}}
case 1:
return rect{point{b.hi.x - edge, b.lo.y}, point{b.hi.x, b.lo.y + edge}}
case 2:
return rect{point{b.hi.x - edge, b.hi.y - edge}, b.hi}
case 3:
return rect{point{b.lo.x, b.hi.y - edge}, point{b.lo.x + edge, b.hi.y}}
panic("Unexpected side")
// feasible checks if we can cover poits by three rectangles with specified edge.
func feasible(edge int, points []point) bool {
b := bounds(points)
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
corner := pick(i, edge, b)
var loose []point
for _, p := range points {
if !inside(p, corner) {
loose = append(loose, p)
looseBounds := bounds(loose)
midx, midy := looseBounds.lo.x+edge, looseBounds.lo.y+edge
var left, right, top, bottom []point
for _, p := range loose {
if p.x <= midx {
left = append(left, p)
} else {
right = append(right, p)
if p.y <= midy {
top = append(top, p)
} else {
bottom = append(bottom, p)
leftBounds := bounds(left)
rightBounds := bounds(right)
if longestEdge(leftBounds) <= edge && longestEdge(rightBounds) <= edge {
return true
topBounds := bounds(top)
bottomBounds := bounds(bottom)
if longestEdge(topBounds) <= edge && longestEdge(bottomBounds) <= edge {
return true
return false
func main() {
// Reading.
n := readInt()
points := make([]point, n)
for i := range points {
points[i] = point{readInt(), readInt()}
// Max possible answer.
m := longestEdge(bounds(points))
// Binary search [0, m) so I shift it to [1, m].
fmt.Println(sort.Search(m, func(edge int) bool {
return feasible(edge+1, points)
}) + 1)
package main
import "testing"
func TestInside(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
p point
r rect
want bool
{point{0, 0}, rect{point{1, 1}, point{3, 3}}, false},
{point{2, 0}, rect{point{1, 1}, point{3, 3}}, false},
{point{0, 2}, rect{point{1, 1}, point{3, 3}}, false},
{point{4, 0}, rect{point{1, 1}, point{3, 3}}, false},
{point{0, 4}, rect{point{1, 1}, point{3, 3}}, false},
{point{1, 3}, rect{point{1, 1}, point{3, 3}}, true},
{point{3, 2}, rect{point{1, 1}, point{3, 3}}, true},
{point{2, 2}, rect{point{1, 1}, point{3, 3}}, true},
for _, test := range tests {
if got := inside(test.p, test.r); got != test.want {
t.Errorf("inside(%v, %v) = %t; want %t", test.p, test.r, got, test.want)
func TestBounds(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
points []point
want rect
[]point{{1, 1}, {3, 3}},
rect{point{1, 1}, point{3, 3}},
[]point{{3, 1}, {1, 3}},
rect{point{1, 1}, point{3, 3}},
[]point{{1, 1}, {3, 3}, {1, 3}, {3, 1}},
rect{point{1, 1}, point{3, 3}},
[]point{{0, 0}},
rect{point{0, 0}, point{0, 0}},
rect{point{0, 0}, point{0, 0}},
[]point{{1, 2}, {2, 1}, {3, 2}, {4, 1}, {5, 2}, {6, 1}},
rect{point{1, 1}, point{6, 2}},
[]point{{2, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 3}, {1, 4}, {2, 5}, {1, 6}},
rect{point{1, 1}, point{2, 6}},
for _, test := range tests {
if got := bounds(test.points); got != test.want {
t.Errorf("bounds(%v) = %v; want %v, %v", test.points, got, test.want)
func TestPick(t *testing.T) {
var tests = []struct {
side, edge int
bound, want rect
0, 1,
rect{point{1, 1}, point{3, 3}},
rect{point{1, 1}, point{2, 2}},
1, 1,
rect{point{1, 1}, point{3, 3}},
rect{point{2, 1}, point{3, 2}},
2, 1,
rect{point{1, 1}, point{3, 3}},
rect{point{2, 2}, point{3, 3}},
3, 1,
rect{point{1, 1}, point{3, 3}},
rect{point{1, 2}, point{2, 3}},
for _, test := range tests {
if got := pick(test.side, test.edge, test.bound); got != test.want {
t.Errorf("pick(%d, %d, %v) = %v; want %v", test.side, test.edge, test.bound, got, test.want)
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