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Last active February 20, 2018 18:21
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  • Save bordeux/2f679dea12248983dac352da1a34e531 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bordeux/2f679dea12248983dac352da1a34e531 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Solutions to
1. !0
2. function(){return 'true';}
3. !0
4. 0
5. 𪒧
6. $GLOBALS[v] = create_function('', 'return $GLOBALS[v];')
7. (object)[!0]
8. new class extends Bar{}
9. N //or NaN (if you do not like errors)
10. function(&$x){$x=new Bar(1);}
11. []
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#10 may be diminished to function(&$x){$x=new$x(1);}

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