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Created March 4, 2015 05:29
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* Month Single Event
* This file contains one event in the month view
* Override this template in your own theme by creating a file at [your-theme]/tribe-events/month/Single_Event.php
* @package TribeEventsCalendar
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
die( '-1' );
global $post;
* We build and gather information specific to the individual event prior to
* the tribe_events_template_data() call to reduce the opportunities for 3rd
* party code to call wp_reset_postdata() or similar, which can result in the
* $post global referencing something other than the event we're interested
* in.
$day = tribe_events_get_current_month_day();
$event_id = "{$post->ID}-{$day['daynum']}";
$link = tribe_get_event_link( $post );
$title = get_the_title( $post );
* How to Use the Javascript Templating System in this View
* ========================================================
* Month view (and week in events pro) has implemented javascript templating to power its rich tooltips and mobile views
* as of Events Version 3.3. This is a guide on how to modify, extend and use this functionality.
* 1) Overview
* As of version 3.3 our tooltips and mobile views use a custom javascript templating solution.
* How it works: event data for each event - such as title, start and end time, excerpt etc - is stored on a data
* attribute tagged "data-tribejson" in the markup. This particular json works with simple single level key value pairs.
* The key is used in the javascript template to call our value output.
* The javascript templates are stored in two new files in the views folder, mobile.php and tooltip.php. You can modify
* these templates as you wish, and add new data to it for use either in these templates or anywhere on these views. The
* javascript templates themselves are explained further on.
* This "data-tribejson" attribute contains a string of valid json that must have its double quotes escaped correctly so
* it can be used both on a data att and for use in jquery's json methods. Scary? Dont worry, we've taken care of this
* encoding for you, find out how in the next section.
* 2) The Template Tags
* Two new template tags have been introduced to power this system:
* tribe_events_template_data()
* tribe_prepare_for_json().
* tribe_events_template_data( $post_object, $additional_data )
* ============================================================
* This is the main template tag that will output the string of valid json in the template file. It takes the event post
* object and an optional php array with additional data for output in the json string. Right now we use this only in
* month view in events, and week view in events pro. You can add it to other view files if you want handy event data
* for use in your own javascript. The stock template tag supplies this json string (remember, the key on the left is
* what we use in the javascript template file to call the data on the right):
* {
* "eventId": POST ID,
* "title": "POST TITLE",
* "permalink": "POST PERMALINK",
* "startTime": "EVENT START TIME",
* "excerpt": "POST EXCERPT"
* }
* tribe_prepare_for_json( $string )
* =================================
* This template tag is used internally by the previous tag, but has been made public for your use as well. Please do
* note that any additional params you pass into tribe_events_template_data() will automatically be passed through this
* function and so you need not do that step manually.
* Lets say we want to add our own dynamic data from custom post meta to the javascript template for mobile. For now
* lets say that the key name we want to use is "hello" in our js template. The following example shows how we would go
* about adding the custom post meta and appending it to our event json string that is output in the markup.
* $additional_data = array();
* $string = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'hello_meta' ); // this string can be anything
* $additional_data['hello'] = $string;
* echo tribe_events_template_data( $post, $additional_data ); ?>
* Explanation: we create an empty array to cram our data into. We can add as much as we want, there are no limits on
* data attribute length in the html5 spec. We want to call this data with the word "hello" in the js template, so that
* is the key name we give it in the php array.
* After we have our data we supply it along with the post object. Now we'll cover the javascript template.
* 3) The Javascript Templates
* As said earlier the templates are stored in tooltip.php and mobile.php in the month view folder. Javascript templates
* are simply standard html markup with keys wrapped in an expression that our parsing function uses to populate the
* values to. Our expression is a [[, THE KEY, followed by a ]]
* The template has 3 modes when parsing these.
* [[ ]] is for executing javascript you place between the expression. Note below how we test for the presence of an
* end time and image thumbnail using this.
* [[= ]] Is for a string with escaped html.
* [[=raw ]] Is for a string with html preserved. make sure to test for xss vulnerabilities using this method.
* Now lets look at the tooltip template. Compare the keys in it to the json string in section 2 above to map out whats
* going on.
* <script type="text/html" id="tribe_tmpl_tooltip">
* <div id="tribe-events-tooltip-[[=eventId]]" class="tribe-events-tooltip">
* <h4 class="entry-title summary">[[=title]]</h4>
* <div class="tribe-events-event-body">
* <div class="duration">
* <abbr class="tribe-events-abbr updated published dtstart">[[=startTime]] </abbr>
* [[ if(endTime.length) { ]]
* -<abbr class="tribe-events-abbr dtend"> [[=endTime]]</abbr>
* [[ } ]]
* </div>
* [[ if(imageTooltipSrc.length) { ]]
* <div class="tribe-events-event-thumb">
* <img src="[[=imageTooltipSrc]]" alt="[[=title]]" />
* </div>
* [[ } ]]
* [[ if(excerpt.length) { ]]
* <p class="entry-summary description">[[=raw excerpt]]</p>
* [[ } ]]
* <span class="tribe-events-arrow"></span>
* </div>
* </div>
* </script>
* Please note when creating your own data to feed to this that you must supply the key every time, even if the value is
* empty. The templating function will error if one of the keys in the template is missing from the json.
* 4) Using the JSON String In Your Own Javascript
* OK, so we've gone though how to use, modify and extend the existing templates. But you've probably noticed "Hey, I
* have all the event data for each event in a tidy json string, I want to use that in my own js for something"
* Its really quite easy.
* Plain javascript to loop over all events in grid view, get the json string, convert to object and log event title:
* (function (window, document) {
* var events = document.querySelectorAll('.tribe_events');
* for (var i=0; i < events.length; i++) {
* var event = events[i],
* data = event.getAttribute('data-tribejson'),
* obj = JSON.parse(data);
* console.log('Event title is: ' + obj.title);
* }
* })(window, document);
* Same thing in jQuery:
* (function (window, document, $) {
* $(document).ready(function () {
* $('.tribe_events')
* .each(function () {
* var obj = $(this).data('tribejson');
* console.log('Event title is: ' + obj.title);
* });
* });
* })(window, document, jQuery);
<div id="tribe-events-event-<?php echo $event_id ?>" class="<?php tribe_events_event_classes() ?>" data-tribejson='<?php echo tribe_events_template_data( $post ); ?>'>
<h3 class="tribe-events-month-event-title entry-title summary"><a href="<?php echo esc_url( $link ) ?>" class="url"><?php echo $title ?></a></h3>
</div><!-- #tribe-events-event-# -->
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