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Created November 29, 2017 16:15
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Name: Wifi Test
# Author: Corey L Butts
# Date: 11/28/2017
# Description: A python script used to test the stability of a wifi adapter or
# wireless network. You can set your desired ip address or domain name with the
# "-a, --address" flag and the packet loss threshold with the "-t, --threshold"
# flag. The script will ping the address indefinitely until manually stopped
# (i.e. ctrl+C). It then saves two log files, one of which contains the raw
# output from the test and the other contains the output during instances where
# there was no connection or the packet loss percentage is greater than the
# threshold.
import subprocess
import datetime
import time
import signal
import sys
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-a", "--address", nargs="?", const="",
help="Sets the ip address or domain name to ping. Default value is \"\"")
parser.add_argument("-t", "--threshold", nargs="?", const="0", type=int,
help="Sets a packet loss threshold for saving errors to log. Default value is \"0%%\"")
args = parser.parse_args()
# Address used in the ping command
if args.address:
address = args.address
address = ""
# Packet loss threshold. If the packet loss percentage goes above this number
# the output of the command will be logged to the error.log file
if args.threshold:
threshold = args.threshold
threshold = 0
start_time = time.time()
initial_timestamp = '{:%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S}'.format(
# Sets what happens when the infinite loop is interrupted with a "ctrl+C"
# command
def signal_handler(signal, frame):
print "\n Done :D \n"
# Math for test execution duration
duration = time.time() - start_time
m, s = divmod(duration, 60)
h, m = divmod(m, 60)
d, h = divmod(h, 24)
if d >= 1:
duration_metric = "Test Duration: %d days | %d hours | %d minutes | %d seconds" % (d, h, m, s)
elif d < 1 and h >= 1:
duration_metric = "Test Duration: %d hours | %d minutes | %d seconds" % (h, m, s)
elif d < 1 and h < 1 and m >= 1:
duration_metric = "Test Duration: %d minutes | %d seconds" % (m, s)
duration_metric = "Test Duration : %d seconds" % (s)
# This will only print test metrics if the ping command is ran at least once
# (otherwise count would equal zero and you would get divide by zero errors)
if count > 0:
packet_loss_metric = "Average Packet Loss Percentage: %0.2f%%" % (packet_loss/count)
response_time_metric = "Average Response Time: %0.2fms" % (average_response/count)
metrics = duration_metric + "\n" + packet_loss_metric + "\n" + response_time_metric + "\n"
print metrics
with open(initial_timestamp + "__raw.log", "a") as myfile:
print "Instances of packet loss or no connection saved to \"" + initial_timestamp + "__errors.log\""
print "All output saved to \"" + initial_timestamp + "__raw.log\" \n"
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
count = 0
packet_loss = 0
average_response = 0
while True:
command = "ping -c 5 -w 20 " + address
# Runs the ping command which pings the specified ip address 5 times and times
# out completely after 20 seconds
proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
# Saves the output and errors of the ping command
(out, err) = proc.communicate()
# Saves the return code of the ping command. It equals 0 if it succeeded
result = proc.returncode
timestamp = '{:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}'.format(
# This parses the output of the ping command for the packet loss percentage to
# be factored into the average at the end of the test
packet_loss += float(out.split("%",1)[0].split(" ")[len(out.split("%",1)[0].split(" ")) - 1])
# Do nothing
print ""
# This parses the output of the ping command for the average response time to
# be factored into the average at the end of the test
average_response += float(out.split("max",1)[1].split("=",1)[1].split("/")[1])
# Do nothing
print ""
count += 1
print '--[ ' + timestamp + ' ]----------------------------------------'
print out
with open(initial_timestamp + "__raw.log", "a") as myfile:
myfile.write('--[ ' + timestamp + ' ]----------------------------------------\n')
if result != 0 or float(out.split("%",1)[0].split(" ")[len(out.split("%",1)[0].split(" ")) - 1]) > threshold:
with open(initial_timestamp + "__errors.log", "a") as myfile:
myfile.write('--[ ' + timestamp + ' ]----------------------------------------\n')
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