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Created December 7, 2017 10:36
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from pyzabbix import ZabbixAPI
import requests
import re
from ipaddress import IPv4Network, IPv4Address
import ast
from deepdiff import DeepDiff
class billing_to_zabbix():
def __init__(self):
self.ip4regex = re.compile('(\d+\.){3}\d+')
# excluded network
exclude_net = ['']
# excluded others
exclude_others = ['host']
exclude = [IPv4Network(net).hosts() for net in exclude_net]
self.exclude_hosts = []
for net in exclude:
for host in net:
self.exclude_hosts = self.exclude_hosts + exclude_others
#id from map --- #template id --- #group id
self.dev_type_dict = {'67': {'template': '10105', 'group': '70'}}
self.zapi = ZabbixAPI("http://zabbix")
self.zapi.login('log', 'pass')
def get_billing_hosts(self):
"""Get from billing hosts that exact in dev_type_dict, than create output dict
billing format "6486 1 3 Калинина 10"
from_billing = requests.get(
self.billing_hosts = dict()
for host in from_billing:
host = host.split()
if host[2] in list(self.dev_type_dict.keys()):
self.billing_hosts[host[3]] = dict(self.dev_type_dict[host[2]])
self.billing_hosts[host[3]]['address'] = ' '.join(host[4::])
return self.billing_hosts
def get_zabbix_hosts(self):
'''Get data from zabbix'''
# login to zabbix API
self.zab_hosts = dict()
self.zab_hosts_id = dict()
# get hosts with snmp agent
zabbix_hosts_out =
output=["host", "hostid", "description"], filter={"type": 2})
# exclude hosts from specific networks
zabbix_hosts_out = [
host for host in zabbix_hosts_out if host['host'] not in self.exclude_hosts]
zabbix_hosts_id = [host['hostid'] for host in zabbix_hosts_out]
# create host to group dict. Need for find group by hostid.
# Faster the create request for each host to API
host_to_group = dict()
for group in self.zapi.hostgroup.get(selectHosts=zabbix_hosts_id):
g = group['groupid']
for i in group['hosts']:
host_to_group[i['hostid']] = g
# same as group, but template
host_to_template = dict()
for template in self.zapi.template.get(selectHosts=zabbix_hosts_id):
t = template['templateid']
for i in template['hosts']:
host_to_template[i['hostid']] = t
# create output dict
for i in zabbix_hosts_out:
host = i['host']
address = i['description']
devid = i['hostid']
group = host_to_group[devid]
template = host_to_template[devid]
template = None
self.zab_hosts[host] = {'address': address,
'group': group, 'template': template}
self.zab_hosts_id[host] = {'hostid': devid}
return self.zab_hosts
def hosts_to_ids(self, hosts):
hosts_ids = [x['hostid'] for x in
output=["hostid", "host"]) if x['host'] in hosts]
return hosts_ids
def monkeybusines(self):
Get data from billing and create dict like a
'': {'address': 'Восход 45 к1','group': '17','template': '19534'},
billing = self.get_billing_hosts()
#same as billing but forf zabbix api
zab = self.get_zabbix_hosts()
#Diff between two dict
diff = DeepDiff(zab, billing)
# delete
if 'dictionary_item_removed' in list(diff.keys()):
to_delete = [ast.literal_eval(a.split('root')[1])[
0] for a in diff['dictionary_item_removed']]
to_delete = self.hosts_to_ids(to_delete)
print('delete: {}'.format(to_delete))*to_delete)
# create
if 'dictionary_item_added' in list(diff.keys()):
to_create = [ast.literal_eval(a.split('root')[1])[
0] for a in diff['dictionary_item_added']]
print('create: {}'.format(to_create))
for ip in to_create:
if self.ip4regex.match(ip):
interfaces={'type': '2', 'main': '1', 'useip': '1',
"ip": ip, 'dns': '', 'port': '161'},
groups=[{"groupid": billing[ip]['group']}],
templates=[{"templateid": billing[ip]['template']}],
if 'values_changed' in list(diff.keys()):
to_change_keys = list(diff['values_changed'].keys())
hosts = [ast.literal_eval(x.split('root')[1].strip(
'][').split('][')[0]) for x in to_change_keys]
print('modify: {}'.format(hosts))
for i in to_change_keys:
host = ast.literal_eval(
hostid = self.zab_hosts_id[host]['hostid']
changekey = ast.literal_eval(
changevalue = diff['values_changed'][i]['new_value']
if changekey == 'address':
changekey = 'description'
if changekey == 'template':
changekey = 'templates'
changevalue = [{"templateid": changevalue}]
if changekey == 'group':
changekey = 'groups'
changevalue = [{"groupid": changevalue}]
change = {changekey: changevalue}
if __name__ == "__main__":
pesi = billing_to_zabbix()
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