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Created October 7, 2014 10:29
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Generic multi-machine Vagrantfile that supports fast and easy way to get testing machines up and running. Provisioning is done through multi-tier shell scripting
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
# Landrush domain name suffix
# For linux:
# sudo apt-get install -y resolvconf dnsmasq
# sudo sh -c 'echo "server=/vm/" > /etc/dnsmasq.d/vagrant-landrush'
# sudo service dnsmasq restart
# ensure you run 'vagrant landrush restart' if it's changed
TLD = 'vm'
# IP number prefix for this set of machines
ip_prefix = "10.10.1."
# Example node listing
# 'name' => [ num_of_vms, starting_ip, domain, size, box, synced_folders ]
# 'node' => [1, 110, 'test.vm', 'small, 'generic, [['./www', '/srv/www', 'nfs'], ['./www2', '/srv/www2', 'nfs']] ]
nodes = {
'node' => [2, 200, "test.#{TLD}", "small", "generic", []],
box_map = {
'generic' => ['puphpet/debian75-x64', ">=1.0", ""],
box_dimensions = {
'small' => { :cpus => 1, :mem => 512 },
'medium' => { :cpus => 2, :mem => 1024 },
'large' => { :cpus => 4, :mem => 2048 },
'large_mem' => { :cpus => 4, :mem => 4096 },
# Exclude these files from rsync syncing
rsync_exclude = ['.git/', '.idea']
# Vagrant SHELL provisioning script
# Apply order: generic, node, nodeX
$provision_scripts = {
'generic' => "
sudo apt-get update
'node' => "echo 'Example NODE script'",
'node2' => "echo 'Example node2-specific script'"
# Vagrantfile API/syntax version. Don't touch unless you know what you're doing!
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
config.landrush.guest_redirect_dns = false
config.landrush.tld = TLD
# run generic provision for all instances
config.vm.provision "shell", inline: $provision_scripts['generic']
nodes.each do |prefix, (count, ip_start, domain, size, box, synced_folders)|
count.times do |i|
hostname = "#{prefix}#{i+1}"
config.vm.define hostname do |node|
box_info = box_map[box] = box_info[0]
node.vm.box_version = box_info[1]
node.vm.box_url = box_info[2]
node.vm.hostname = "#{hostname}.#{domain}" :private_network, ip: "#{ip_prefix}#{ip_start+i}"
synced_folders.each do |from, to, sync_type|
opts = {type: sync_type}
opts[:rsync__exclude] = rsync_exclude if sync_type == 'rsync'
config.vm.synced_folder from, to, opts
# Provisioning
if $provision_scripts.has_key?(prefix)
node.vm.provision "shell", inline: $provision_scripts[prefix]
if $provision_scripts.has_key?(hostname)
node.vm.provision "shell", inline: $provision_scripts[hostname]
# Virtualbox specific config
node.vm.provider :virtualbox do |v|
v.memory = box_dimensions[size][:mem]
v.cpus = box_dimensions[size][:cpus]
# Probleemid VBox dnsproxyga takistavad rubygems HTTPS liiklust:
v.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--natdnsproxy1", "on"]
v.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--natdnshostresolver1", "off"]
# Parallels specific config
node.vm.provider :parallels do |v|
v.update_guest_tools = true
v.memory = box_dimensions[size][:mem]
v.cpus = box_dimensions[size][:cpus]
# Enable closing GUI window
v.customize ['set', :id, '--on-window-close', 'keep-running']
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