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Created December 29, 2015 20:05
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Create a Bat-File to Batch Render Maya Files
import os
#Variables must be configured to the proper Path
projectName = "default"
path = os.environ['USERPROFILE'] + "\Documents\maya\projects" + "\\" + projectName + "\\" + "autosave"
#Camera selected
camera = "persp"
filename = "batchRender.bat"
fileoutput = path + "\\" + filename
file = open(fileoutput, "w")
file.write("@ECHO OFF")
file.write("TITLE Rendering AutoSaves")
outputpathCmd ="-rd " + path + "\img "
filelist = os.listdir(path)
for item in filelist:
outputimgNameCmd = "-im " + os.path.splitext(item)[0] + " "
file.write("Render -r mr -of tga -cam " + camera + " " + outputimgNameCmd + outputpathCmd + path +"\\" + item)
file.write("ECHO Batchrendering Completed \n")
file.write("ECHO Press Any Key to Finish... \n")
file.write("DEL " + fileoutput)
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