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Created March 9, 2022 06:02
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" 交易日工具
__email__ = ""
__date__ = "2021-12-21"
__version__ = "1.0.0"
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
fmt = '%Y%m%d'
holidays = [
'20220101', '20220102', '20220103', # 元旦
'20220131', '20220201', '20220202', '20220203', '20220204', '20220205', '20220206', # 春节
'20220403', '20220404', '20220405', # 清明节
'20220430', '20220501', '20220502', '20220503', '20220504', # 劳动节
'20220603', '20220604', '20220605', # 端午节
'20220910', '20220911', '20220912', # 中秋节
'20221001', '20221002', '20221003', '20221004', '20221005', '20221006', '20221007' # 国庆节
def get_trade_day(str_date, delta: int):
"""获取指定日期相差 delta 天的交易日期
如果 delta 为 0,则判断给定日期是否交易日,如果不是交易日,返回None;是交易日,则返回自身。
:param str_date: 指定的日期字符串,格式 YYYYMMDD
:param delta: 相差的天数。如果需要历史日期,填写为负整数;如果是将来的日期,为正整数
:return: 返回具体的日期字符串,格式 YYYYMMDD
date = datetime.strptime(str_date, fmt)
direction = 1 if delta > 0 else -1
while delta != 0:
date = date + timedelta(days=1 * direction)
wd = date.weekday()
dt = date.strftime(fmt)
# print(f'weekday={wd}, dt={dt}')
if wd not in [5, 6] and dt not in holidays:
delta += -1 * direction
wd = date.weekday()
dt = date.strftime(fmt)
# print(f'weekday={wd}, dt={dt}')
if wd in [5, 6] or dt in holidays:
return None
return date.strftime(fmt)
def get_pre_trade_day(str_date):
"""获取 str_date 日期的上一交易日期
:param str_date: 指定的日期字符串,格式 YYYYMMDD
:return: 返回具体的日期字符串,格式 YYYYMMDD
return get_trade_day(str_date, -1)
def get_next_trade_day(str_date):
"""获取 str_date 日期的下一交易日期
:param str_date: 指定的日期字符串,格式 YYYYMMDD
:return: 返回具体的日期字符串,格式 YYYYMMDD
return get_trade_day(str_date, 1)
def is_trade_day(str_date):
"""获取 str_date 特定日期
:param str_date: 指定的日期字符串,格式 YYYYMMDD
:return: 是否交易日
return get_trade_day(str_date, 0) == str_date
def get_delta_days(begin_date, end_date):
:param begin_date: 开始日期
:param end_date: 结束日期
:return: 天数的绝对值
d1 = datetime.strptime(begin_date, fmt)
d2 = datetime.strptime(end_date, fmt)
delta = (d1 - d2).days
return delta if delta > 0 else delta * -1
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from utils import get_pre_trade_day, get_next_trade_day, is_trade_day
def test_get_pre_trade_day():
a = get_pre_trade_day('20220104')
assert a == '20211231'
a = get_pre_trade_day('20211220')
assert a == '20211217'
a = get_pre_trade_day('20211217')
assert a == '20211216'
a = get_pre_trade_day('20221007')
assert a == '20220930'
def test_is_trade_day():
a = is_trade_day('20211231')
assert a is True
a = is_trade_day('20221007')
assert a is False
def test_get_next_trade_day():
a = get_next_trade_day('20221217')
assert a == '20221219'
a = get_next_trade_day('20220930')
assert a == '20221010'
a = get_next_trade_day('20220908')
assert a == '20220909'
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