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Created March 13, 2016 09:13
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#coding: utf-8
import requests,re
headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/4.0',
'Accept-Encoding':'gzip, deflate, sdch',
'Cache-Control': 'max-age=0',
'Accept': 'text/html;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8'
result = dict()
pageindex, totalpage = 1, 0
# print 'page {}'.format(pageindex)
data = {'currentPage':pageindex,'kskm':2,'pageSize':20,'ykrq':'2016-03-20'}
r ="", data=data, headers=headers)
html = re.sub('\r|\n', '', r.text)
html = re.sub('\s{2,}', ' ', html)
html = re.sub('>\s+<', '><', html)
html = re.sub('\s*>', '>', html)
html = re.sub('&nbsp;', '', html)
s = re.findall('<tr onMouseOver="mouseover\(this\);" onMouseOut="mouseout\(this\);"><td>(.*?)</td><td>(.*?)</td><td>(.*?)</td><td>(.*?)</td><td>(.*?)</td><td>(.*?)</td><td>(.*?)</td></tr>', html)
if len(s) < 1:
print 'redo', pageindex
for x in s:
#print x[0].strip(),x[1].strip(),x[2].strip()
m = x[2].strip()
n = x[3].strip()
if not result.has_key(m):
result[m] = dict()
if not result[m].has_key(n):
result[m][n] = 0
result[m][n] = result[m][n]+1
if totalpage < 1:
s = re.findall(u'共(\d+)页', html)
totalpage = int(s[0])
if pageindex+1>totalpage:
pageindex = pageindex + 1
print u'科目二 2016-03-20 统计结果:'
total = 0
for m in result:
for n in result[m]:
total = total + result[m][n]
print "{:<20}{:<16}{}".format(m.encode('gbk'), n.encode('gbk'), result[m][n]), u'人'
print u'总共{}人'.format(total)
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