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Last active October 4, 2023 02:27
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在访问 这个页面的时候,页面会ajax一个特殊的header请求,其中的X-Apple-I-FD-Client-Info信息是一个json对象,本gist是整理后的F值获取方式源码。
(function(m) {
function g(e) {
try {
if (navigator.plugins && navigator.plugins.length)
for (var t = 0; t < navigator.plugins.length; t++) {
var n = navigator.plugins[t];
if ( >= 0)
return + (n.description ? "|" + n.description : "")
} catch (r) {}
return ""
function z(e) {
try {
if (!e)
return A();
var t;
e: {
var n;
try {
n = document.getElementById(e)
} catch (r) {}
if (null === n || "undefined" == typeof n)
try {
n = document.getElementsByName(e)[0]
} catch (a) {}
if (null === n || "undefined" == typeof n)
for (var i = 0; i < document.forms.length; i++)
for (var o = document.forms[i], s = 0; s < o.elements.length; s++) {
var u = o[s];
if ( === e || === e) {
t = u;
break e
t = n
if (null !== t)
try {
t.value = A()
} catch (l) {
t.value = escape(l.message)
} catch (c) {}
function A(a) {
var c = new Date
, b = new Date
, e = [t("TF1"), t("020"), function() {
return ScriptEngineMajorVersion()
, function() {
return ScriptEngineMinorVersion()
, function() {
return ScriptEngineBuildVersion()
, function() {
return i("{7790769C-0471-11D2-AF11-00C04FA35D02}")
, function() {
return i("{89820200-ECBD-11CF-8B85-00AA005B4340}")
, function() {
return i("{283807B5-2C60-11D0-A31D-00AA00B92C03}")
, function() {
return i("{4F216970-C90C-11D1-B5C7-0000F8051515}")
, function() {
return i("{44BBA848-CC51-11CF-AAFA-00AA00B6015C}")
, function() {
return i("{9381D8F2-0288-11D0-9501-00AA00B911A5}")
, function() {
return i("{4F216970-C90C-11D1-B5C7-0000F8051515}")
, function() {
return i("{5A8D6EE0-3E18-11D0-821E-444553540000}")
, function() {
return i("{89820200-ECBD-11CF-8B85-00AA005B4383}")
, function() {
return i("{08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608555}")
, function() {
return i("{45EA75A0-A269-11D1-B5BF-0000F8051515}")
, function() {
return i("{DE5AED00-A4BF-11D1-9948-00C04F98BBC9}")
, function() {
return i("{22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95}")
, function() {
return i("{44BBA842-CC51-11CF-AAFA-00AA00B6015B}")
, function() {
return i("{3AF36230-A269-11D1-B5BF-0000F8051515}")
, function() {
return i("{44BBA840-CC51-11CF-AAFA-00AA00B6015C}")
, function() {
return i("{CC2A9BA0-3BDD-11D0-821E-444553540000}")
, function() {
return i("{08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608500}")
, function() {
return eval("navigator.appCodeName")
, function() {
return eval("navigator.appName")
, function() {
return eval("navigator.appVersion")
, function() {
return u(["navigator.productSub", "navigator.appMinorVersion"])
, function() {
return eval("navigator.browserLanguage")
, function() {
return eval("navigator.cookieEnabled")
, function() {
return u(["navigator.oscpu", "navigator.cpuClass"])
, function() {
return eval("navigator.onLine")
, function() {
return eval("navigator.platform")
, function() {
return eval("navigator.systemLanguage")
, function() {
return eval("navigator.userAgent")
, function() {
return u(["navigator.language", "navigator.userLanguage"])
, function() {
return eval("document.defaultCharset")
, function() {
return eval("document.domain")
, function() {
return eval("screen.deviceXDPI")
, function() {
return eval("screen.deviceYDPI")
, function() {
return eval("screen.fontSmoothingEnabled")
, function() {
return eval("screen.updateInterval")
, function() {
return 0 !== Math.abs(p - q)
, function() {
return C(c)
, function() {
return "@UTC@"
, function() {
var e = 0;
return e = 0,
C(c) && (e = Math.abs(p - q)),
e = -(c.getTimezoneOffset() + e) / 60;
, function() {
return new Date(2005,5,7,21,33,44,888).toLocaleString()
, function() {
return eval("screen.width")
, function() {
return eval("screen.height")
, function() {
return n.Acrobat
, function() {
return n.Flash
, function() {
return n.QuickTime
, function() {
return n["Java Plug-in"]
, function() {
return n.Director
, function() {
return n.Office
, function() {
return "@CT@"
, function() {
return p
, function() {
return q
, function() {
return c.toLocaleString()
, function() {
return eval("screen.colorDepth")
, function() {
return eval("window.screen.availWidth")
, function() {
return eval("window.screen.availHeight")
, function() {
return eval("window.screen.availLeft")
, function() {
return eval("window.screen.availTop")
, function() {
return g("Acrobat")
, function() {
return g("Adobe SVG")
, function() {
return g("Authorware")
, function() {
return g("Citrix ICA")
, function() {
return g("Director")
, function() {
return g("Flash")
, function() {
return g("MapGuide")
, function() {
return g("MetaStream")
, function() {
return g("PDFViewer")
, function() {
return g("QuickTime")
, function() {
return g("RealOne")
, function() {
return g("RealPlayer Enterprise")
, function() {
return g("RealPlayer Plugin")
, function() {
return g("Seagate Software Report")
, function() {
return g("Silverlight")
, function() {
return g("Windows Media")
, function() {
return g("iPIX")
, function() {
return g("")
, function() {
var e = document.createElement("span");
e.innerHTML = "&nbsp;", = "absolute", = "-9999px",
var t = e.offsetHeight;
return document.body.removeChild(e),
, k(), k(), k(), k(), k(), k(), k(), k(), k(), k(), k(), k(), k(), k(), function() {
return "5.6.1-0"
, k()];
for (var f = "", d = 0; d < e.length; d++) {
a && (f += v(e[d].toString(), '"', "'", !0),
f += "=");
var h;
try {
h = e[d](this)
} catch (l) {
h = ""
f += a ? h : escape(h),
f += ";",
a && (f += "\\n")
return f = v(f, escape("@UTC@"), (new Date).getTime()),
f = v(f, escape("@CT@"), (new Date).getTime() - b.getTime()),
D && w ? w(f) : f
function v(e, t, n, r) {
"boolean" != typeof r && (r = !1);
for (var a, i = !0; (a = e.indexOf(t)) >= 0 && (r || i); )
e = e.substr(0, a) + n + e.substr(a + t.length),
i = !1;
return e
function C(e) {
var t = Math.min(p, q);
return 0 !== Math.abs(p - q) && e.getTimezoneOffset() === t
function F() {
for (var e = ["Acrobat", "Flash", "QuickTime", "Java Plug-in", "Director", "Office"], t = 0; t < e.length; t++) {
var r = e[t]
, a = n
, i = r
, o = r;
r = "";
try {
if (navigator.plugins && navigator.plugins.length) {
var s = RegExp(o + ".* ([0-9._]+)");
for (o = 0; o < navigator.plugins.length; o++) {
var u = s.exec(navigator.plugins[o].name);
null === u && (u = s.exec(navigator.plugins[o].description)),
u && (r = u[1])
} else if (window.ActiveXObject && x[o])
try {
var l = new ActiveXObject(x[o][0]);
r = x[o][1](l)
} catch (c) {
r = ""
} catch (d) {
r = d.message
a[i] = r
function u(a) {
for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++)
try {
var b = eval(a[c]);
if (b)
return b
} catch (e) {}
return ""
function i(e) {
var t = "";
try {
"undefined" != typeof o.a.getComponentVersion && (t = o.a.getComponentVersion(e, "ComponentID"))
} catch (n) {
e = n.message.length,
e = e > 40 ? 40 : e,
t = escape(n.message.substr(0, e))
return t
function t(e) {
return function() {
return e
function G(e) {
function t(e) {
for (r = r << e[0] | e[1],
a += e[0]; a >= 6; )
e = r >> a - 6 & 63,
n += s.substring(e, e + 1),
a -= 6,
r ^= e << a
var n = ""
, r = 0
, a = 0;
t([6, (7 & e.length) << 3 | 0]),
t([6, 56 & e.length | 1]);
for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {
if (void 0 == y[e.charCodeAt(i)])
return t(y[0]),
a > 0 && t([6 - a, 0]),
function w(e) {
for (var t = G, n = e, r = 0; E[r]; r++)
n = n.split(E[r]).join(String.fromCharCode(r + 1));
if (t = t(n),
void 0 == t)
return e;
for (n = 65535,
r = 0; r < e.length; r++)
n = 65535 & (n >>> 8 | n << 8),
n ^= 255 & e.charCodeAt(r),
n ^= (255 & n) >> 4,
n ^= n << 12 & 65535,
n ^= (255 & n) << 5 & 65535;
return n &= 65535,
e = "",
e += s.charAt(n >>> 12),
e += s.charAt(n >>> 6 & 63),
e += s.charAt(63 & n),
t += e
options = m || {};
m = options.ctx || window;
var D = options.hasOwnProperty("compress") ? options.compress : !0
, o = {}
, p = new Date(2005,0,15).getTimezoneOffset()
, q = new Date(2005,6,15).getTimezoneOffset()
, n = []
, k = t("")
, x = {
Flash: ["ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash", function(e) {
return e.getVariable("$version")
Director: ["SWCtl.SWCtl", function(e) {
return e.ShockwaveVersion("")
try {
o.a = document.createElement("span"),
"undefined" != typeof o.a.addBehavior && o.a.addBehavior("#default#clientCaps")
} catch (H) {}
n = {};
var y = {
1: [4, 15],
110: [8, 239],
74: [8, 238],
57: [7, 118],
56: [7, 117],
71: [8, 233],
25: [8, 232],
101: [5, 28],
104: [7, 111],
4: [7, 110],
105: [6, 54],
5: [7, 107],
109: [7, 106],
103: [9, 423],
82: [9, 422],
26: [8, 210],
6: [7, 104],
46: [6, 51],
97: [6, 50],
111: [6, 49],
7: [7, 97],
45: [7, 96],
59: [5, 23],
15: [7, 91],
11: [8, 181],
72: [8, 180],
27: [8, 179],
28: [8, 178],
16: [7, 88],
88: [10, 703],
113: [11, 1405],
89: [12, 2809],
107: [13, 5617],
90: [14, 11233],
42: [15, 22465],
64: [16, 44929],
0: [16, 44928],
81: [9, 350],
29: [8, 174],
118: [8, 173],
30: [8, 172],
98: [8, 171],
12: [8, 170],
99: [7, 84],
117: [6, 41],
112: [6, 40],
102: [9, 319],
68: [9, 318],
31: [8, 158],
100: [7, 78],
84: [6, 38],
55: [6, 37],
17: [7, 73],
8: [7, 72],
9: [7, 71],
77: [7, 70],
18: [7, 69],
65: [7, 68],
48: [6, 33],
116: [6, 32],
10: [7, 63],
121: [8, 125],
78: [8, 124],
80: [7, 61],
69: [7, 60],
119: [7, 59],
13: [8, 117],
79: [8, 116],
19: [7, 57],
67: [7, 56],
114: [6, 27],
83: [6, 26],
115: [6, 25],
14: [6, 24],
122: [8, 95],
95: [8, 94],
76: [7, 46],
24: [7, 45],
37: [7, 44],
50: [5, 10],
51: [5, 9],
108: [6, 17],
22: [7, 33],
120: [8, 65],
66: [8, 64],
21: [7, 31],
106: [7, 30],
47: [6, 14],
53: [5, 6],
49: [5, 5],
86: [8, 39],
85: [8, 38],
23: [7, 18],
75: [7, 17],
20: [7, 16],
2: [5, 3],
73: [8, 23],
43: [9, 45],
87: [9, 44],
70: [7, 10],
3: [6, 4],
52: [5, 1],
54: [5, 0]
, E = ["%20", ";;;", "%3B", "%2C", "und", "fin", "ed;", "%28", "%29", "%3A", "/53", "ike", "Web", "0;", ".0", "e;", "on", "il", "ck", "01", "in", "Mo", "fa", "00", "32", "la", ".1", "ri", "it", "%u", "le"]
, s = ".0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
o.appidmsform = z,
o.f1b5 = w,
m.appidmsparm = o,
D && (m = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),
"Gecko" === navigator.product && parseInt(m.substring(m.indexOf("rv:") + 3, m.indexOf(")", m.indexOf("rv:") + 3)).split(".")[0]) <= 2 && z())
var F = window.appidmsparm.appidmsform();
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blurm commented Sep 30, 2016

就在我快绝望的时候找到这里!!现在用http request登录会返回400,不知道是不是少了这个header的原因。请问下这个js可以单独调用么?看到代码里好像有操作表单元素啊

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duonghau commented Aug 6, 2018

I'm writing a script auto registration apple ID in python. Do you have this code in python version?

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就在我快绝望的时候找到这里!!现在用http request登录会返回400,不知道是不是少了这个header的原因。请问下这个js可以单独调用么?看到代码里好像有操作表单元素啊

你解决了吗,我用python调用,感觉多了位数,主要是参数 windwo和navigator这俩参数怎么定义的呢

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import execjs
with open('dev.js', 'r') as f:
    code =
code = 'var window = {};var navigator = {userAgent: "' + user_agent + '", language:"' + language + '"};' + code
ctx = execjs.compile(code)
client_id ='r', False)

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