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Last active May 5, 2018 01:54
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Setting up your environment

Setting up Your BigVM Instance

You need to do the followings only once when you connect to your BigVM instance for the first time.

  1. Login to MoVE using your authcate and password.

  2. Go to Desktops Tab and select Linux Template. This will take you to an Ubuntu Desktop screen. We call this window MoVE Desktop hereafter.

    This desktop is your jump host from which you will be accessing the BigVM server (you cannot connect directly without using MoVE in the middle).

  3. Click on the top right button (the first icon on the side bar) to search for Terminal. When you found the terminal, click and open it. We call this window MoVE Terminal hereafter.

  4. Connect to your BigVM instance using SSH channel:

    1. ssh <your-BigVM-IP-address> Your unique IP address in given to you in the feedback section of Assessment 0. Keep this IP address in a safe place as you will need it every time you want to use your BigVM instance.
    2. Type yes when you are asked if you are happy to add SSH key.
    3. Enter your regular password that you use to enter to Moodle site or your Monash email account. Note: when you are typing your password the curser does NOT move (to protect your password from any other observer who may see your screen). Therefore, you may feel the screen is frozen while it is not! The terminal captures your input and let you enter after you press Enter.
    4. Now you should see the BigVM Welcome Screen. Also note that the command prompt (the green text) changed from<username>@move-<instance-id>:~$ to <username>@bigvm:~$. We call this window BigVM Terminal hereafter.
  5. Run setup file:

    1. sudo /usr/local/bin/
    2. You be asked to enter your password again. Do it (once again, when you type your password in terminal, the cursor does not change. It seems you enter nothing.)!
    3. Press any key to continue.
  6. Log out:

    1. Type logout and press Enter.
    2. Now you should be out of BigVM Terminal and be back to MoVE Terminal (see the command prompt)
  7. Connect to BigVM again (similar to Step 4):

    1. Type ssh <your-BigVM-IP-address> and press Enter and enter your password again.
    2. Now you should see the Welcome Screen again (note the command prompt as well).
  8. Sanity check:

    1. If everything goes right you should see /home/user when you run pwd.

    2. You should see a lot of files and folders when you issue ls -la

    3. You should be able to start Hadoop daemons by

      1. Issue and enter your password as requested (3 times). You should see something similar to the following:

        Starting namenodes on [localhost]
        bkaz0001@localhost's password:
        localhost: starting namenode, logging to /home/user/hadoop-2.7.3/logs/hadoop-bkaz0001-namenode-bigvm.out
        bkaz0001@localhost's password:
        localhost: starting datanode, logging to /home/user/hadoop-2.7.3/logs/hadoop-bkaz0001-datanode-bigvm.out
        Starting secondary namenodes []
        bkaz0001@'s password: starting secondarynamenode, logging to /home/user/hadoop-2.7.3/logs/hadoop-bkaz0001-secondarynamenode-bigvm.out

      2. Issue jps. Now you should see something similar to the following:

        5712 DataNode
        5907 SecondaryNameNode
        5559 NameNode
        6028 Jps

  Please note that the above four-digit numbers can be different for you. However, you should still see DataNode, NameNode, SecondaryNameNode, and Jps in an arbitrary order.

Congratulations! You set up your BigVM instance successfully.

Connecting to your BigVM Instance

After you successfully completed the above steps (only once), you can connect to your instance by doing the following:

  1. Go to MoVe, login, and chose the Linux Template as before.
  2. In the MoVE Desktop, find the MoVE Terminal and open it.
  3. In the MoVE Terminal, open an SSH channel by ssh <your-BigVM-IP-address> and entering your password. Your unique IP address in given to you in the feedback section of Assessment 0.
  4. Now, you are connected to your instance. If you need start Hadoop daemons.


  • MoVE environment is only available from 8:00-23:00 Melbourne/Sydney time.
  • Your changes to BigVM remains untouched but it is strongly recommended to back up your files regularly.
  • Your changes to MoVE Desktop/Terminal will be reset every night (and every time you log out or inactive for long time). Therefore, do not store important files on the MoVE. Remember, MoVE is just a bridge from your Mac/PC/Laptop to BigVM servers.
  • Experiencing technical issue? Contact Monash eSolutions and raise a ticket as soon as possible.
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