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Last active July 13, 2023 17:39
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{{-- Define all our servers --}}
@servers(['staging' => '', 'production' => ''])
{{-- The timezone your servers run in --}}
$timezone = 'Europe/Amsterdam';
{{-- The base path where your deployments are sitting --}}
$path = '/var/www/';
{{-- The git repository location --}}
$repo = '';
{{-- The git branch to deploy --}}
$branch = 'master';
{{-- The number of releases to keep --}}
$keep = 6;
{{-- Is the HTMLPurifier library installed --}}
$hasHtmlPurifier = true;
{{-- Files and direcrtories that need permissions of 755 and www-data as owner --}}
$chmods = [
{{-- All directories symlinked to the shared folder --}}
$symlinks = [
'storage/views' => 'app/storage/views',
'storage/sessions' => 'app/storage/sessions',
'storage/logs' => 'app/storage/logs',
'storage/cache' => 'app/storage/cache',
$date = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone($timezone));
$release = $path .'/releases/'. $date->format('YmdHis');
{{-- Clone task, creates release directory, then shallow clones into it --}}
@task('clone', ['on' => $on])
mkdir -p {{ $release }}
git clone --depth 1 -b {{ $branch }} "{{ $repo }}" {{ $release }}
echo "Repository has been cloned"
{{-- Updates composer, then runs a fresh installation --}}
@task('composer', ['on' => $on])
composer self-update
cd {{ $release }}
composer install --no-interaction --no-dev --prefer-dist
echo "Composer dependencies have been installed"
{{-- Set permissions for various files and directories --}}
@task('chmod', ['on' => $on])
@foreach($chmods as $file)
chmod -R 755 {{ $release }}/{{ $file }}
chmod -R g+s {{ $release }}/{{ $file }}
chown -R www-data:www-data {{ $release }}/{{ $file }}
echo "Permissions have been set for {{ $file }}"
chmod -R 777 {{ $release }}/vendor/ezyang/htmlpurifier/library/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Serializer
echo "Permissions for HTMLPurifier have been set"
{{-- Symlink some folders --}}
@task('symlinks', ['on' => $on])
@foreach($symlinks as $folder => $symlink)
ln -s {{ $path }}/shared/{{ $folder }} {{ $release }}/{{ $symlink }}
echo "Symlink has been set for {{ $symlink }}"
echo "All symlinks have been set"
{{-- Set the symlink for the current release --}}
@task('update-symlink', ['on' => $on])
rm -rf {{ $path }}/current
ln -s {{ $release }} {{ $path }}/current
echo "Release symlink has been set"
{{-- Migrate all databases --}}
@task('migrate', ['on' => $on])
php {{ $release }}/artisan migrate
{{-- Just a done message :) --}}
@task('done', ['on' => $on])
echo "Deployment finished successfully!"
{{-- Run all deployment tasks --}}
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The @servers and @setup sections need to be updated with your information. Copy to your Laravel project root and deploy:

envoy run deploy --on=staging

Folder structure:

The deploy task expects a certain folder structure in $path, similar to Rocketeer and Capistrano

+-+ current
+-+ releases
+-+ shared
  +-+ storage
    +- cache
    +- logs
    +- sessions
    +- views

Still to do:

  • Write a command that cleans up the releases, taking $keep into account
  • Rollback functionality

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Leenug commented Feb 17, 2015

This was really helpful - did you ever get around to creating the rollback / cleanup tasks?

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atinder commented Mar 9, 2015

chown -R www-data:www-data (changing ownership : Operation not permitted )
any solution for this ?

Also this will create a symlink inside the storage folders like so

storage/views/views because directory already exist.

correct me if i am wrong here

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juukie commented Mar 10, 2015

Thanks for sharing.

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I'm never sure where to run the database migration scripts. Because if you run it early and the deployment fails before changing the current symlink then the db is out of sync...?

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This still the same deploy script you're using?

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One small but very important note is that Envoy doesn't utilize Blade comments the same way, so the above code wouldn't compile. Replace the {{-- --}}'s with #'s and you'll be fine.

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jasperf commented May 9, 2017

@tommymarshall is this difference in the use of comments documented somewhere?

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How to keep file uploaded in server (not cloud) ?:(

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