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Last active December 22, 2015 05:39
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Save boriscy/6425714 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
'Runs a country iteration and does many calculations
Sub CountryIterations()
Dim iteration, period As Integer
iteration = Range("countryIterations")
If Not (IsNumeric(iteration)) Or iteration < 10 Then
MsgBox ("You must set the iterations above 10, check address " + Range("countryIterations").AddressLocal)
Exit Sub
End If
period = 40
Application.Calculation = xlManual
Dim rowAdrs As String
Dim pricesMat As Variant
ReDim rowPrices(period) As Double
ReDim resultMat(iteration - 1, period) As Double
pricesMat = generatePricesMatrix()
Dim r1, c1, rSum, cSum, i, j As Integer
' Get pos start for the prices
r1 = Range("resultStochasticPosStart").row
c1 = Range("resultStochasticPosStart").Column
' Get the pos for the results
rSum = Range("countryInterationPosStart").row
cSum = Range("countryInterationPosStart").Column
rowAdrs = Cells(r1, c1).Address + ":" + Cells(r1, c1 + period).Address
' To obtain correctly the results
Application.Calculation = xlSemiautomatic
Dim debugAddress As String
' paste prices
For i = 0 To iteration - 1
For j = 0 To period
rowPrices(j) = pricesMat(i, j)
Next j
'Debug.Print rowAdrs, rowPrices(0), rowPrices(1), rowPrices(3)
Sheets("Result").Range(rowAdrs) = rowPrices
' Get results
For j = 0 To period
If IsNumeric(Sheets("Result").Cells(rSum, cSum + j).Value) Then
resultMat(i, j) = Sheets("Result").Cells(rSum, cSum + j).Value
resultMat(i, j) = 0
End If
Next j
Next i
Application.Calculation = xlManual
'Application.Calculation = xlManual
' Order the results
'Debug.Print UBound(resultMat, 1), UBound(resultMat, 2)
Debug.Print resultMat(0, 0), resultMat(0, 1), resultMat(0, 2), resultMat(0, 3)
Debug.Print resultMat(1, 0), resultMat(1, 1), resultMat(1, 2), resultMat(1, 3)
' Clear contents
Range(Range("countryIterFreq"), Range("countryIterFreqEnd")).ClearContents
' Clear contents
Range(Range("countryIterPriceRanges"), Range("countryIterPriceRangesEnd")).ClearContents
ReDim tempMat(iteration - 1), pricesVector(period) As Double
ReDim percentMat(20, 54) As Double
Dim resRanges As Variant
' Calculate frequecy percentil etc
For j = 0 To period
For i = 0 To iteration - 1
tempMat(i) = resultMat(i, j)
Next i
Call QuickSort(tempMat, 0, UBound(tempMat))
' debug address
'debugAddress = Cells(j + 1, 1).Address + ":" + Cells(j + 1, period).Address
'Sheets("debug2").Range(debugAddress) = tempMat
'Debug.Print "Min and Max"
'Debug.Print getMinValue(tempMat), getMaxValue(tempMat)
resRanges = CreateRanges(tempMat, j)
Debug.Print resRanges(0), resRanges(39)
Call CreateFreqs(tempMat, resRanges, j, percentMat)
Next j
With Sheets("Result")
.Range(Range("percentMatStart"), Range("percentMatEnd")).ClearContents
.Range(Range("percentMatStart"), Range("percentMatEnd")) = percentMat
End With
Application.Calculation = xlSemiautomatic
End Sub
' Creates the frequencies
Sub CreateFreqs(arr, arrRanges, col, percentMat)
Dim tmp, c1, r1, i2, i As Integer
tmp = 0
r1 = 0
i2 = 0
i = 0
ReDim arr2(UBound(arrRanges)) As Double
r1 = Range("countryIterFreq").row
c1 = Range("countryIterFreq").Column
'Debug.Print arr(0), arr(1), arr(2), arr(3), arr(4), arr(5), arr(6), arr(7)
'Debug.Print arrRanges(0), arrRanges(1), arrRanges(2), arrRanges(3), arrRanges(4), arrRanges(5)
Dim oldVal As Double
tmp = 0
oldVal = arrRanges(0)
For i = 0 To UBound(arrRanges)
Do While i2 <= UBound(arr) And arr(i2) < arrRanges(i)
i2 = i2 + 1
tmp = tmp + 1
Sheets("Result").Cells(r1 + i, c1 + col) = tmp
arr2(i) = tmp
tmp = 0
Next i
Call HistogramPercentages2(col, arr2, arrRanges, percentMat)
End Sub
' Creates the ranges and returns a matrix with it
Function CreateRanges(arr, col) As Variant
Dim r1, c1 As Integer
Dim res, minVal, maxVal As Double
r1 = Range("countryIterPriceRanges").row
c1 = Range("countryIterPriceRanges").Column
ReDim resRanges(39) As Double
minVal = getMinValue(arr)
maxVal = getMaxValue(arr)
res = (maxVal - minVal) / 40
For i = 0 To 39
If i = 39 Then
Sheets("Result").Cells(r1 + i, c1 + col) = maxVal
resRanges(i) = maxVal
Sheets("Result").Cells(r1 + i, c1 + col) = minVal + res * i
resRanges(i) = minVal + res * i
End If
Next i
CreateRanges = resRanges
End Function
' Sorts a matrix by mat avg
Sub SortByMatAverage(ByRef mat As Variant)
Dim rows, cols, i As Long
rows = UBound(mat, 1)
cols = UBound(mat, 2)
For i = 0 To rows
mat(i, cols) = calculateMatRowAvg(mat, i, cols - 1)
Next i
Call QuickSortMatrix(mat, cols, 0, cols)
End Sub
' Generates
Function generatePricesMatrix() As Variant
Dim iteration, period As Integer
Dim err, rndVal, maxPrice, minPrice, stdDev, stConstant, autoRegFactor As Double
iteration = Range("countryIterations")
period = 40
ReDim FixedError(iteration - 1) As Double
col = Range("H7").Column
ReDim BigMat(iteration - 1, period)
ReDim vals(period - 1) As Double
maxPrice = Range("maxPrice")
minPrice = Range("minPrice")
stdDev = Range("priceStdDev") ' M85
stConstant = Range("stockConstant") ' M83
autoRegFactor = Range("autoregresionFactor") ' M84
Debug.Print maxPrice, minPrice, stdDev, stConstant, autoRegFactor
' store prices
For j = 0 To period - 1
For i = 0 To iteration - 1
If Sheets("Prices").Cells(7, col + j).Value = 1 Then
tot = Range("initialPrice").Value
' EXP($M$83+$M$84*LN(G95)+ DISTR.NORM.INV(RANDOM(),0,1)*$M$85)
If Sheets("Prices").CheckBoxes("checkBoxRepeatError").Value = 1 Then
If FixedError(i) = 0 Then
FixedError(i) = WorksheetFunction.NormInv(Rnd, 0, 1) * stdDev
End If
err = FixedError(i)
rndVal = Rnd
'Application.Calculation = xlSemiautomatic
err = WorksheetFunction.NormInv(rndVal, 0, 1) * stdDev
End If
tot = Exp(stConstant + autoRegFactor * Log(vals(j - 1)) + err)
If useMinMax Then
' compare with max price and get the MIN
tot = getMin(tot, maxPrice)
' compare with min price and get the MAX
tot = getMax(tot, minPrice)
End If
End If
BigMat(i, j) = Round(tot, 2)
Next i
vals(j) = BigMat(0, j)
Next j
generatePricesMatrix = BigMat
End Function
Sub testPGenerate()
Dim arr As Variant
arr = generatePricesMatrix
For i = 0 To 20
Debug.Print arr(i, 0), arr(i, 1), arr(i, 2), arr(i, 3), arr(i, 4)
Next i
End Sub
' Finds the value less than
Function findPosInMat(col, MatPrice() As Double, val As Double) As Integer
For i = 0 To 39
If val > MatPrice(i, col) Then
findPosInMat = i
i = 39
End If
Next i
End Function
Public Sub QuickSort(vArray As Variant, inLow As Long, inHi As Long)
Dim pivot As Variant
Dim tmpSwap As Variant
Dim tmpLow As Long
Dim tmpHi As Long
tmpLow = inLow
tmpHi = inHi
pivot = vArray((inLow + inHi) \ 2)
While (tmpLow <= tmpHi)
While (vArray(tmpLow) < pivot And tmpLow < inHi)
tmpLow = tmpLow + 1
While (pivot < vArray(tmpHi) And tmpHi > inLow)
tmpHi = tmpHi - 1
If (tmpLow <= tmpHi) Then
tmpSwap = vArray(tmpLow)
vArray(tmpLow) = vArray(tmpHi)
vArray(tmpHi) = tmpSwap
tmpLow = tmpLow + 1
tmpHi = tmpHi - 1
End If
If (inLow < tmpHi) Then QuickSort vArray, inLow, tmpHi
If (tmpLow < inHi) Then QuickSort vArray, tmpLow, inHi
End Sub
Sub UpdateResultCountries()
Application.Calculation = xlManual
countryTabColor = 65535
Dim sName As String
Dim col As Integer
' Clear the previous regime imports
Sheets("Multi Scenario").Range("E12:AH49").ClearContents
col = Range("E1").Column
For Each sheet In Sheets
If sheet.Tab.Color = countryTabColor Then
Call LinkCountryResultRegimeImport(sheet.Name, col)
col = col + 1
End If
Next sheet
Application.Calculation = xlSemiautomatic
Call UpdateMultiScenarioLinks
End Sub
Sub LinkCountryResultRegimeImport(sheetName As String, col As Integer)
Dim row As Integer
Dim rangeSrc As String
row = SearchOutputDataStart(sheetName)
If row > 0 Then
'with direct Links
For i = 0 To 37
Sheets("Result").Cells(12 + i, col).Formula = "='" & sheetName & "'!C" & (row + i)
Next i
End If
End Sub
' module to create references in MultiScenario'
Sub UpdateResultScenarioLinks()
Application.Calculation = xlManual
govRevTxt = "Government revenues Positions"
resTxt = "Results Positions"
col = 5
Sheets("Multi Scenario").Range("E72:AH115").ClearContents
For Each sh In Sheets
If sh.Tab.Color Then
rowGovRev = FindRowInSheet(sh, 4, govRevTxt)
If rowGovRev > 0 Then
Debug.Print "Copy col: " & col & ", page: " & sh.Name
Call CopyGovRevenuesPositions(sh, col, rowGovRev + 2)
Call CopyGovRevenueNames(sh, col, rowGovRev + 2)
End If
rowGovRes = FindRowInSheet(sh, 4, resTxt)
If rowGovRes > 0 Then
Call CopyResultsPositions(sh, col, rowGovRes + 2)
Call CopyResultsNames(sh, col, rowGovRes + 2)
End If
col = col + 1
End If
Next sh
Application.Calculation = xlSemiautomatic
End Sub
'Get Max Value in an array
Function getMaxValue(arr As Variant) As Double
Dim L As Long
getMaxValue = arr(0)
L = UBound(arr)
For i = 0 To L
If arr(i) > getMaxValue Then getMaxValue = arr(i)
Next i
End Function
'Get Min Value in an array
Function getMinValue(arr As Variant) As Double
Dim L As Long
getMinValue = arr(0)
L = UBound(arr)
For i = 0 To L
If arr(i) < getMinValue Then getMinValue = arr(i)
Next i
End Function
Function getMin(a, b) As Long
If a < b Then
getMin = a
getMin = b
End If
End Function
Function getMax(a, b) As Long
If a > b Then
getMax = a
getMax = b
End If
End Function
Sub testQuickSort()
Dim arr(99) As Double
For i = 0 To UBound(arr)
arr(i) = Rnd * 100
Next i
Call QuickSort(arr, 0, UBound(arr))
For i = 0 To UBound(arr)
Debug.Print arr(i)
Next i
End Sub
Sub testGetMinMax()
Dim arr(9) As Double
For i = 0 To UBound(arr)
arr(i) = Rnd * 10
Next i
Debug.Print getMinValue(arr), getMaxValue(arr)
For i = 0 To UBound(arr)
Debug.Print arr(i)
Next i
End Sub
' Macros to update the list
Sub UpdateResultImportCountries()
Application.Calculation = xlManual
countryTabColor = 65535
Dim sName As String
Dim col As Integer
' Clear the contents to update
Range(Range("ResultCountriesStart"), Range("ResultCountriesEnd")).ClearContents
col = Range("ResultCountriesStart").Column
For Each sheet In Sheets
If sheet.Tab.Color = countryTabColor Then
Debug.Print "Result import for " & sheet.Name
Call LinkCountryResult(sheet.Name, col)
col = col + 1
End If
Next sheet
Application.Calculation = xlSemiautomatic
Call UpdateResultLinks
End Sub
' Links the result country data
Sub LinkCountryResult(sheetName As String, col As Integer)
Dim row, rowOut As Integer
Dim rangeSrc As String
row = SearchOutputDataStart(sheetName)
rowOut = Range("ResultCountriesStart").row
If row > 0 Then
'with direct Links
For i = 0 To 37
Sheets("Result").Cells(rowOut + i, col).Formula = "='" & sheetName & "'!C" & (row + i)
Next i
Sheets("Result").Cells(rowOut + 38, col) = sheetName
End If
End Sub
Sub UpdateResultLinks()
Application.Calculation = xlManual
govRevTxt = "Government revenues Positions"
resTxt = "Results Positions"
col = Range("ResultCopyDataStart").Column
Sheets("Result").Range(Range("ResultCopyDataStart"), Range("ResultCopyDataEnd")).ClearContents
For Each sh In Sheets
If sh.Tab.Color Then
rowGovRev = FindRowInSheet(sh, 4, govRevTxt)
If rowGovRev > 0 Then
Debug.Print "Copy col: " & col & ", page: " & sh.Name
Call CopyGovRevenuesPositions2(sh, col, rowGovRev + 2)
Call CopyGovRevenueNames2(sh, col, rowGovRev + 2)
End If
rowGovRes = FindRowInSheet(sh, 4, resTxt)
If rowGovRes > 0 Then
Call CopyResultsPositions2(sh, col, rowGovRes + 2)
Call CopyResultsNames2(sh, col, rowGovRes + 2)
End If
col = col + 1
End If
Next sh
Application.Calculation = xlSemiautomatic
End Sub
' Copy Gov Revenues Positions
' Receives sh Sheet, col Integer, row Integer
Sub CopyGovRevenuesPositions2(sh, col, row)
colPos = 3
For i = 0 To 15
If sh.Cells(row + i, colPos).Text = "" Then
i = 15
Sheets("Result").Cells(72 + i, col).Value = sh.Cells(row + i, 3).Value
End If
Next i
End Sub
' Copy Gov Revenues Positions
' Receives sh Sheet, col Integer, row Integer
Sub CopyGovRevenuesPositionsResult2(sh, col, row)
colPos = 3
For i = 0 To 15
If sh.Cells(row + i, colPos).Text = "" Then
i = 15
Sheets("Result").Cells(72 + i, col).Value = sh.Cells(row + i, 3).Value
End If
Next i
End Sub
' Copy Gov Revenues Names
Sub CopyGovRevenueNames2(sh, col, row)
colPos = 4
For i = 0 To 15
If sh.Cells(row + i, colPos).Text = "" Then
i = 15
Sheets("Result").Cells(85 + i, col) = sh.Cells(row + i, colPos).Text
End If
Next i
End Sub
' Copy Gov Revenues Names
Sub CopyGovRevenueNamesResult2(sh, col, row)
colPos = 4
For i = 0 To 15
If sh.Cells(row + i, colPos).Text = "" Then
i = 15
Sheets("Result").Cells(85 + i, col) = sh.Cells(row + i, colPos).Text
End If
Next i
End Sub
' Copy ResutlsPostions in Multi Scenario
Sub CopyResultsPositions2(sh, col, row)
colPos = 3
For i = 0 To 15
If sh.Cells(row + i, colPos).Text = "" Then
i = 15
Sheets("Result").Cells(98 + i, col).Value = sh.Cells(row + i, colPos).Value
End If
Next i
End Sub
' Copy ResutlsPostions in Result
Sub CopyResultsPositionsResult2(sh, col, row)
colPos = 3
For i = 0 To 15
If sh.Cells(row + i, colPos).Text = "" Then
i = 15
Sheets("Result").Cells(98 + i, col).Value = sh.Cells(row + i, colPos).Value
End If
Next i
End Sub
' Copy ResutlsPostions in Multi Scenario
Sub CopyResultsNames2(sh, col, row)
colPos = 4
For i = 0 To 15
If sh.Cells(row + i, colPos).Text = "" Then
i = 15
Sheets("Result").Cells(107 + i, col).Value = sh.Cells(row + i, colPos).Value
End If
Next i
End Sub
' Copy ResutlsPostions in Result
Sub CopyResultsNamesResult2(sh, col, row)
colPos = 4
For i = 0 To 15
If sh.Cells(row + i, colPos).Text = "" Then
i = 15
Sheets("Result").Cells(107 + i, col).Value = sh.Cells(row + i, colPos).Value
End If
Next i
End Sub
'Creates the Values for different percentages
Sub HistogramPercentages2(col, arr, freq, percentMat)
Dim k, sum, rng, iteration As Long
k = 0
sum = 0
iteration = Range("Iterations_result").Value
rng = iteration / 20
For i = 0 To 20
Do While sum < (i * rng) And k < 40
sum = sum + arr(k)
k = k + 1
If k > 39 Then
k = 39
End If
percentMat(i, col) = freq(k)
Next i
End Sub
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