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Last active December 2, 2022 13:06
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  • Save boriskirov/8f146a2ea71dc3f6502e720cc7f24ca8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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My personal color schema for creating visual schemas and architecture, inspired by the P3 color space. Feel free to explore and use it.
const ColorData = [
code: "#6bf4c8",
code: "#5debac",
code: "#66ed7f",
code: "#ffd253",
code: "#ff7253",
code: "#f0696a",
code: "#f06a8b",
code: "#ff9cb4",
code: "#b66afe",
code: "#6ac9f5",
code: "#62acfe",
code: "#686afe",
code: "#00091b",
code: "#011438",
code: "#fefefe",
code: "#f2f2f2",
export default ColorData;
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