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Last active April 23, 2023 04:08
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Move Playground

Move Playground

Move Playground allows you to build, test and run Move language packages in browser.

The playground utilizing both Dove Light and Move VM built for WASM to work directly from your browser.

Create module

  1. Go to Move Playground and create new project (by click on "+" near "Projects").
  2. Put name of project into appeared input.
  3. Click on created project.
  4. Add new module to project by clicking on "+" near sources folder.
  5. Put name of the module in appeared input, e.g. test_module.move (file extension is must).
  6. Put there your Move code, e.g.:
module 0x01::TestModule {

Click on first button in the top menu (hammer and wrench) to build new module, close console.

Run script

  1. Create new script similar to module (but in script folder), e.g. test_script.move.
  2. Put there following code:
script {
   fun test_script(val: u128) {
     assert!(val == 15, 101);
  1. Build it.
  2. Navigate to Run section in left menu.
  3. In the bottom of the screen you can put script command to execute, e.g.: test_script(100).
  4. Enjoy playing with arguments :)

Other functional

  • You can add custom addresses.
  • You can send transactions (i think we need few days to complete functional), yet only for Pontem network, but we are planning to support other networks as well.

Future plans

  1. Dependencies fetching directly from blockchain node (it's almost done, but we need time to test it, etc).
  2. Support of other networks.
  3. Allow to launch tests.
  4. Allow to watch resources.
  5. Allow to run prove.
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