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Created September 15, 2023 09:18
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UUID v1 in babashka / Clojure
;; based on code from
;; translated to Clojure by ChatGPT, minus the hex numbers which I evaluated in jshell
(defn get-64-least-significant-bits-for-version1 []
(let [random (java.util.Random.)
random-63-bit-long (bit-and (.nextLong random) 4611686018427387903)
variant-3-bit-flag -9223372036854775808]
(bit-or random-63-bit-long variant-3-bit-flag)))
(defn get-64-most-significant-bits-for-version1 []
(let [current-time-millis (System/currentTimeMillis)
time-low (bit-shift-left (bit-and current-time-millis 4294967295) 32)
time-mid (bit-shift-left (bit-and (bit-shift-right current-time-millis 32) 65535) 16)
version (bit-shift-left 1 12)
time-hi (bit-and (bit-shift-right current-time-millis 48) 4095)]
(bit-or time-low time-mid version time-hi)))
(defn generate-type1-uuid []
(let [most-64-sig-bits (get-64-most-significant-bits-for-version1)
least-64-sig-bits (get-64-least-significant-bits-for-version1)]
(java.util.UUID. most-64-sig-bits least-64-sig-bits)))
(println (generate-type1-uuid)) ;; #uuid "98217366-018a-1000-b164-f4689455adbf"
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I made a Minecraft command out of your code here. Is it alright if I use it and publish it? It basically does the same as this tool.

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Sure, no problem

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