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Last active December 7, 2023 19:53
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AOC 2023 day 3 in squint + TC39 Tuples
;; Helper functions:
;; (fetch-input year day) - get AOC input
;; (append str) - append str to DOM
;; (spy x) - log x to console and return x
;; original solution:
(require '["" :as tc39])
(def input (->> (js-await (fetch-input 2023 3))
(def t js/Tuple)
(defn digit? [x]
(#{\1 \2 \3 \4 \5 \6 \7 \8 \9 \0} x))
(defn ->grid
([raw] (->grid nil raw))
([pred raw]
(->> raw
(fn [y row]
(->> row (map-indexed
(fn [x char]
(if pred
(when (pred char)
[(t x y) char])
[(t x y) char])))
(filter seq)
(into []))))
(filter seq)
(into [])
(apply concat)
(into (new js/Map)))))
(defn part? [char]
(not (or (= \. char) (digit? char))))
(defn ->part-locs [raw]
(->grid part? raw))
(->part-locs input)
(->grid input)
(->> "45..*.4" (map (fn [char] (digit? char)))))
(defn neighbors [[x y]]
#{(t x (inc y))
(t x (dec y))
(t (inc x) y)
(t (dec x) y)
(t (inc x) (inc y))
(t (dec x) (dec y))
(t (dec x) (inc y))
(t (inc x) (dec y))})
(defn x-num-neighbors [grid [x y]]
(let [->x-nbrs
(fn [->x]
(loop [new-coord (t (->x x) y)
nbrs []]
(nil? (get grid new-coord)) nbrs
(digit? (get grid new-coord))
(recur (t (-> (first new-coord) ->x) y) (concat nbrs [new-coord]))
:else nbrs)))
left-nbrs (->x-nbrs dec)
right-nbrs (->x-nbrs inc)]
(concat (reverse left-nbrs) [(t x y)] right-nbrs)))
(x-num-neighbors (->grid input) (t 3 2))
(x-num-neighbors (->grid input) [2 2])
(x-num-neighbors (->grid input) [0 0])
(defn coord->number [grid coord]
(let [num-coords (x-num-neighbors grid coord)]
[(first num-coords)
(->> num-coords
(map grid)
(apply str)
(coord->number (->grid input) [2 2])
(coord->number (->grid input) [0 0])
(defn part-numbers
([raw] (part-numbers nil raw))
([opts raw]
(let [grid (->grid raw)
part-locs (->part-locs raw)]
;; symbols->neighbor-digits
(cond->> part-locs
(map (fn [[coord sym]]
(let [nbrs (neighbors coord)]
(->> nbrs
(filter (fn [nbr]
(let [char (get grid nbr)]
(digit? char))))
(map (fn [nbr] [nbr (get grid nbr)]))))]))
(:symbol opts) (filter (fn [[sym _nbrs]]
(#{(:symbol opts)} sym)))
(map (fn [[_sym nbrs]]
(->> nbrs
(map (fn [[coord _digit]]
(coord->number grid coord)))
(into {}))))
(:part-count opts)
(filter (fn [xs]
(= (:part-count opts) (count xs))))))))
;; part 1
(part-numbers input)
(map vals)
(apply concat)
(reduce +))
;; part 2
{:symbol \*
:part-count 2})
(map vals)
(map #(apply * %))
(reduce +))
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