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Created December 14, 2023 18:57
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(require '["react" :as react])
(require '["react-dom" :as rdom])
(def empty-board [[\- \- \-]
[\- \- \-]
[\- \- \-]])
(def init-state {:board empty-board :player \X})
(defn get-board-cell
([board row col]
(get-in board [row col])))
(defn get-player [app-state]
(-> app-state :game-state :player))
(defn other-player [player]
(if (= player \X) \O \X))
(defn winner-in-rows? [board player]
(some (fn [row] (every? (fn [c] (= c player)) row)) board))
(defn transposed-board [board]
(vec (apply map vector board)))
(defn winner-in-cols? [board player]
(winner-in-rows? (transposed-board board) player))
(defn winner-in-diagonals? [board player]
(let [diag-coords [[[0 0] [1 1] [2 2]]
[[0 2] [1 1] [2 0]]]]
(some (fn [coords]
(every? (fn [coord]
(= player (apply get-board-cell board coord)))
(defn winner
"checks if there is a winner. when called with no args, checks for player X and player O.
returns the character for the winning player, nil if there is no winner"
(or (winner board \X)
(winner board \O)))
([board player]
(if (or (winner-in-rows? board player)
(winner-in-cols? board player)
(winner-in-diagonals? board player))
(defn full-board?
(let [all-cells (apply concat board)]
(not-any? #(= % \-) all-cells)))
(defn new-state [row col old-state]
(if (and (= (get-board-cell (:board old-state) row col) \-)
(not (winner (:board old-state))))
{:board (assoc-in (:board old-state) [row col] (:player old-state))
:player (other-player (:player old-state))}
(defn board []
(let [[state setState] (react/useState init-state)
{:keys [player board]} state]
[:div {:key "winner"}
(str "The winner is " (winner board))
[:div {:key "game"
:style {:color "#666"
:font-family "Arial"}}
[:table {:style {:width "auto"}}
(for [i (range 0 3)]
[:tr {:key i}
(for [j (range 0 3)]
#jsx [:td {:key j
:style {:padding "1px"}}
[:div {
:style {:border "1px solid #dedede"
:margin "1px"
:height "50px"
:width "50px"
:line-height "50px"
:text-align "center"}
(fn [_]
(if (and (= "-" (get-in board [i j]))
(not (winner board))
(not (full-board? board)))
(setState (->
(update :player other-player)
(update :board assoc-in [i j] player)))))}
(get-in board [i j])]])])]]]))
(defn render-board []
(let [elt (or (js/document.getElementById "board")
(doto (js/document.createElement "div")
(set! -id "board")
root (rdom/createRoot elt)]
(.render root #jsx [board])))
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