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Last active January 7, 2022 13:34
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Use a spec for defining function arguments and get validation automatically
(ns specfn.core
(:require [clojure.spec :as s]
[clojure.spec.test :as t]))
(defn- spec-symbols [s]
(->> s
(drop 1)
(partition-all 2)
(map first)
(map name)
(mapv symbol)))
(defmacro defn* [name spec & body]
(let [params (spec-symbols spec)
spec-key (keyword (str *ns*) (str name "__args"))]
(s/def ~spec-key ~spec)
(defn ~name ~params
(if (s/valid? ~spec-key ~params)
(throw (ex-info
(s/explain-str ~spec-key ~params)
(s/explain-data ~spec-key ~params))))))))
(defn* my-fn (s/cat :n number? :s string?)
(str n s))
(my-fn 10 "bar") ;; => "10bar"
(my-fn 10 10)) ;; => clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: In: [1] val: 10 fails spec: :specfn.core/my-fn__args at: [:s] predicate: string?
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