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Last active November 17, 2023 23:54
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Squint pinball
;; Adapted from:
#_(do #_:clj-kondo/ignore (warn-on-lazy-reusage!))
(defn element [tag id child-of prepend?]
(or (js/document.getElementById id)
(let [elt (js/document.createElement tag)
parent (if child-of (js/document.querySelector child-of)
(set! (.-id elt) id)
(if prepend?
(.prepend parent elt)
(.appendChild parent elt))
(defonce create-canvas
(element "canvas" "myCanvas" "body" true))
(def canvas (js/document.getElementById "myCanvas"))
(def c (.getContext canvas "2d"))
(set! (.-width canvas) (- js/window.innerWidth 20))
(set! (.-height canvas) (- js/window.innerHeight 100))
(def offset 0.02)
(def flipper-height 1.7)
(def c-scale (/ (.-height canvas)
(def sim-width (/ (.-width canvas) c-scale))
(def sim-height (/ (.-height canvas) c-scale))
(defn c-x [[pos-x _pos-y]]
(* pos-x c-scale))
(defn c-y [[_pos-x pos-y]]
(- (.-height canvas)
(* pos-y c-scale)))
(defn vdot [[va vb] [na nb]]
(+ (* va na)
(* vb nb)))
(defn vlen [[vx vy]]
(js/Math.sqrt (+ (* vx vx)
(* vy vy))))
(defn vscale [[vx vy] s]
[(* vx s)
(* vy s)])
(defn vadd [[ax ay] [bx by]]
[(+ ax bx)
(+ ay by)])
(defn vsub [a b]
(vadd a (vscale b -1)))
(defn norm [v]
(vscale v (/ 1 (vlen v))))
;; the vector 90deg perpendicular to v in counter clockwise direction
(defn vperp [[vx vy]]
[(* -1 vy) vx])
(defonce physics-scene (atom {:gravity [0.0 0.0]
:dt (/ 1.0 60.0) ;; slow down sim
:balls []
:obstacles []
:flippers []
:score 0}))
(defn flipper-tip [flipper]
(let [{:keys [length sign pos rotation rest-angle]} flipper
angle (+ rest-angle
(* sign rotation))
tip [(* (js/Math.cos angle) length)
(* (js/Math.sin angle) length)]
tip (vadd pos tip)]
(defn make-ball [_]
(let [radius (+ 0.05 (* (rand) 0.1))
mass (* js/Math.PI radius radius)
pos [(* (rand) sim-width)
(* (rand) sim-height)]
vel [(+ -1.0 (* 2.0 (rand)))
(+ -1.0 (* 2.0 (rand)))]
restitution 1.0]
{:radius radius
:mass mass
:pos pos
:vel vel
:restitution restitution}))
(defn draw-disc [c x y radius]
(.beginPath c)
(.arc c
(* 2.0 js/Math.PI))
(.closePath c)
(.fill c))
(defn draw []
(let [ps @physics-scene]
(.clearRect c 0 0 (.-width canvas) (.-height canvas))
;; border
(set! (.-strokeStyle c) "#009900")
(set! (.-lineWidth c) 5)
(.beginPath c)
(let [[first-bp & rest-bl] (:border ps)]
(.moveTo c (c-x first-bp) (c-y first-bp))
(doseq [bp rest-bl]
(.lineTo c (c-x bp) (c-y bp)))
(.lineTo c (c-x first-bp) (c-y first-bp))
(.stroke c))
(set! (.-lineWidth c) 1)
;; poly-segments
(set! (.-strokeStyle c) "orange")
(set! (.-lineWidth c) 5)
(.beginPath c)
(let [[first-po & rest-po] (:poly-obstacle ps)]
(.moveTo c (c-x first-po) (c-y first-po))
(doseq [po rest-po]
(.lineTo c (c-x po) (c-y po)))
(.lineTo c (c-x first-po) (c-y first-po))
(.stroke c))
(set! (.-lineWidth c) 1)
;; balls
(set! (.-fillStyle c) "#FF0000")
(doseq [ball (:balls ps)]
(let [orig-fill-style (.-fillStyle c)]
(set! (.-fillStyle c) (get ball :color "#FF0000"))
(draw-disc c
(c-x (:pos ball))
(c-y (:pos ball))
(* (:radius ball) c-scale))
(set! (.-fillStyle c) orig-fill-style)))
;; obstacles
(set! (.-fillStyle c) "#FF8000")
(doseq [obstacle (:obstacles ps)]
(draw-disc c
(c-x (:pos obstacle))
(c-y (:pos obstacle))
(* (:radius obstacle)
;; flippers
(set! (.-fillStyle c) "#FF0000")
(doseq [flipper (:flippers ps)]
(let [flipper-color "#FF0000"]
(set! (.-fillStyle c) flipper-color)
(let [flipper-pos (:pos flipper)]
(.translate c
(c-x flipper-pos)
(c-y flipper-pos))
(.rotate c
(- (* -1.0 (:rest-angle flipper))
(* (:sign flipper) (:rotation flipper))))
(.fillRect c
(* -1.0 (:radius flipper) c-scale)
(* (:length flipper) c-scale)
(* 2.0 (:radius flipper) c-scale))
(draw-disc c 0 0 (* (:radius flipper) c-scale))
(draw-disc c (* (:length flipper) c-scale) 0 (* (:radius
flipper) c-scale))
(.resetTransform c)))
;; score
(set! (.-fillStyle c) "black")
(set! (.-font c) "24px sans-serif")
(.fillText c
(str "score: " (:score ps))
(defn setup-scene-alter [ps]
(let [radius 0.03
mass (* js/Math.PI radius radius)
restitution 0.2
[{:radius radius
:mass mass
:pos [0.92 0.5]
:vel [-0.2 3.5]
:restitution restitution
:color "gray"}
{:radius radius
:mass mass
:pos [0.08 0.5]
:vel [0.2 3.5]
:restitution restitution
:color "black"}
[[0.74 0.25]
[(- 1.0 offset) 0.4]
[(- 1.0 offset) (- flipper-height offset)]
[offset (- flipper-height offset)]
[offset 0.4]
[0.26 0.25]
[0.26 0.0]
[0.74 0.0]
(assoc :obstacles
[{:radius 0.1
:pos [0.25 0.6]
:push-vel 2.0}
{:radius 0.1
:pos [0.75 0.5]
:push-vel 2.0}
{:radius 0.12
:pos [0.7 1.0]
:push-vel 2.0}
{:radius 0.1
:pos [0.2 1.2]
:push-vel 2.0}
(assoc :flippers
(let [radius 0.03
length 0.2
max-rotation 1.0
rest-angle 0.5
angular-velocity 10.0
restitution 0.0]
[{:id :left
:pos [0.26 0.22]
:radius radius
:length length
:rest-angle (* -1.0 rest-angle)
:max-rotation max-rotation
:angular-velocity angular-velocity
:restitution restitution
:sign 1.0
:rotation 0.0
:current-angular-velocity 0.0}
{:id :right
:pos [0.74 0.22]
:radius radius
:length length
:rest-angle (+ js/Math.PI rest-angle)
:max-rotation max-rotation
:angular-velocity angular-velocity
:restitution restitution
:sign -1.0
:rotation 0.0
:current-angular-velocity 0.0}]))
(assoc :poly-obstacle (let [tl [0.45 1.6]
bl [0.55 1.4]
br [0.60 1.4]
tr [0.50 1.6]]
[0.52 1.46]
[0.50 1.4]
[0.45 1.4]
[0.49 1.52]
(assoc :gravity [0.0 -3.0])
(assoc :score 0)))
(defn setup-scene []
(defn simulate-flipper [flipper dt active]
(let [{:keys [rotation angular-velocity max-rotation sign]} flipper
prev-rotation rotation
rotation (if active
(min (+ prev-rotation
(* dt angular-velocity))
(max (- prev-rotation
(* dt angular-velocity))
current-angular-velocity (/ (* sign
(- rotation prev-rotation))
(assoc flipper
:rotation rotation
:current-angular-velocity current-angular-velocity)))
(defn simulate-flippers [ps]
(let [{:keys [flippers dt flippers-active]} ps]
(fn [flipper]
(let [active (get flippers-active (:id flipper))]
(simulate-flipper flipper dt active)))
(defn simulate-ball [ball dt gravity]
(let [ball (update ball :vel (fn [vel]
(vadd vel (vscale gravity dt))))
ball (update ball :pos (fn [pos]
(vadd pos (vscale (:vel ball) dt))))]
(defn closest-point-on-segment [p a b]
;; p,a,b are all vectors
;; find point c on line ab where dist p to c is smallest
;; this is where line pc is 90degrees to line ab
;; the length of line ac is vdot ap times normal of ab
;; (with the rule 'project line on normal for side length')
;; to find point c from length ac can do a+ratio c vs ab * ab
;; c = a + t(b - a)
;; n = (b - a)/|b - a|
;; ac = (p - a) dot n
;; ab = (b - a) dot n
;; t = ac / ab
;; t = (p - a) dot (b - a)/|b-a| / (b - a) dot (b - a)/|b - a|
;; the lenght |b - a| is a scalar in numerator and denominator, so they cancel out
;; t = (p - a)dot(b - a) / (b - a)dot(b - a)
;; also note that point c must lie on the line between a and b, so t is clamped between 0 and 1
(let [bmina (vsub b a)
tden (vdot bmina bmina)
t (if (zero? tden) ;; don't div zero
(let [tnum (vdot (vsub p a)
(/ tnum
t (min 1.0 (max 0.0 t))
c (vadd a (vscale bmina t))]
(defn handle-segments-collision [ball segments]
;; if incoming vel vector is d then outgoing vector r is r = d - 2(d dot n)n
;; where n is normal from c r is draw the velocity vector through the border,
;; fold it along the border. then the result is twice the side of the triangle
;; side (d dot n) (a number), in the direction of n (a vector)
(let [ball-pos (:pos ball)
ball-radius (:radius ball)
ball-vel (:vel ball)
ball-restitution (:restitution ball)
(mapv (fn [[a b]]
(let [c (closest-point-on-segment ball-pos a b)
dist (vlen (vsub ball-pos c))]
[c dist a b]))
(if (not (seq closest-point+pc-length-seq))
ball ;; no border defined
(let [closest (apply min-key
(fn [[_point dist]]
[point-on-border dist a b] closest
cp (vsub ball-pos point-on-border)
n (vscale cp (/ 1 dist))
[dist cp n] (if (zero? dist) ;; the center of the ball is precisely on the border
(let [bmina (vsub b a)
n (vperp bmina)
dist (vlen n)]
[0.000001 n (vscale n (/ 1 dist))])
[dist cp n])
;; the border point are ordered such that nperpab should always
;; point towards the playing area (from a to b the perp normal, is
;; 90deg counter clock wise pointing into playing field)
abn (let [bmina (vsub b a)]
(vscale bmina
(/ 1 (vlen bmina))))
abnperp (vperp abn)
abnperpdotcp (vdot abnperp cp)
ball-outside (neg? abnperpdotcp)
r (if (or
;; no matter how far beyond border turn the velocity inwards again
;; only handle ball hit if actually hitting from within the field
(and (not ball-outside)
(< dist ball-radius))
(let [n (if ball-outside
(vscale n -1.0)
;; without restitution fac is 2.0, 1.0 to the border plus 1.0 from the border to mirror the velocity
;; we need full mirroring (1.0) and restitution in the infield side
fac (+ 1.0
(* 1.0 ball-restitution))
d ball-vel
r (vsub d
(vscale n (* fac (vdot d n))))
;; if ball in border due to timestep, push it out
new-pos (if ball-outside
;; ball center outside field
;; this doesn't do a full reflection, but places ball back on border
(vadd ball-pos
(vscale n (* -1 (+ ball-radius dist))))
(if (< dist ball-radius)
;; ball center inside field but partially through border
(vsub ball-pos
(vscale n (* -1 (- ball-radius dist))))
(assoc ball
:vel r
:pos new-pos)))))
(defn handle-border-collision [ball border]
(let [all-border-segments (clj->js (vec (partition 2 ;; n
1 ;; step
[(first border)] ;; pad seq
(handle-segments-collision ball all-border-segments)))
(defn orientation [[px py] [qx qy] [rx ry]]
;; from p to q do we need to turn clockwise or counterclockwise to get to r
;; math represents comparing the slope of the line p to q to the slope q to r
(let [val (- (* (- qy py)
(- rx qx))
(* (- qx px)
(- ry qy)))]
(= val 0) :colinear
(> val 0) :clockwise
:else :counterclockwise)))
;; based on
(defn cross= [or1 or2]
(or (and (= or1 :clockwise)
(= or2 :counterclockwise))
(and (= or1 :counterclockwise)
(= or2 :clockwise))))
(defn crossing-segment [ball [a b]]
;; ball overlaps with radius on line a b
(let [ball-pos (:pos ball)
c (closest-point-on-segment ball-pos a b)
pos-to-c (vsub ball-pos c)
dist (vlen pos-to-c)]
(and (< dist (:radius ball))
;; is the ball coming from outside?
(<= 0.0 (vdot pos-to-c
(vperp (vsub b a))))))
;; crossing through segment but only from outside
(when-let [last-vel-change-pos (:last-vel-change-pos ball)]
(let [pos (:pos ball)
c last-vel-change-pos
d pos]
(and (cross= (orientation a b c)
(orientation a b d))
(cross= (orientation c d a)
(orientation c d b)))))))
(defn vcross [[vx vy] [wx wy]]
(- (* vx wy)
(* vy wx)))
(defn distance-to-cross-line [[a b] [c d]]
(let [;; find distance to segment
p a
pr b
r (vsub pr p)
q c
qs d
s (vsub qs q)
u (vcross (vsub p q)
(/ 1.0 (vcross s r))))]
;; from 0 to 1 where on line from c to d
(defn handle-poly-obstacle-collision [ball points]
(let [segments (partition 2 ;; n
1 ;; step
[(first points)] ;; pad seq
crossing-segments (vec (filter
(partial crossing-segment ball)
(if (seq crossing-segments)
(let [ball-line [(:last-vel-change-pos ball) (:pos ball)]
nearest-segment (apply min-key
(fn [segment]
(distance-to-cross-line segment ball-line))
ball (assoc ball :restitution 0.6)]
(-> (handle-segments-collision ball [nearest-segment])
(update :points (fnil + 0) 5)))
(defn handle-obstacle-collision [ball obstacle]
(let [ball-pos (:pos ball)
ball-radius (:radius ball)
ball-vel (:vel ball)
obs-pos (:pos obstacle)
obs-radius (:radius obstacle)
obs-push-vel (:push-vel obstacle)
dir (vsub ball-pos obs-pos)
dist (vlen dir)]
(if (< (+ ball-radius obs-radius) dist)
ball ;; no collision
(let [n (vscale dir (/ 1.0 dist))
;; pushout
corr (- (+ ball-radius obs-radius)
new-pos (vadd ball-pos (vscale n corr))
;; v is vel component in direction of n
v (vdot ball-vel n)
new-vel (vadd ball-vel
(vscale n (- obs-push-vel v)))]
(-> ball
:vel new-vel
:pos new-pos)
(update :points (fnil + 0) 1))))))
(defn handle-obstacles-collision [ball obstacles]
(defn handle-ball-collision [ball-i ball-j]
(let [restitution (min (:restitution ball-i)
(:restitution ball-j))
dir (vsub
(:pos ball-j)
(:pos ball-i))
dir-len (vlen dir) ;; distance between the 2 centers of ball-i and
;; ball-j
(if (or (== dir-len 0.0)
(>= dir-len (+ (:radius ball-i) (:radius ball-j))) ;; not colliding, space between balls
[ball-i ball-j]
;; balls are colliding
(let [norm-dir (vscale dir (/ 1.0 dir-len))
corr (/ (- (+ (:radius ball-i) (:radius ball-j))
;; undo the overlap created by doing simulation in time steps
ball-i (update ball-i :pos vadd (vscale norm-dir (* -1 corr)))
ball-j (update ball-j :pos vadd (vscale norm-dir corr))
v1 (vdot (:vel ball-i) norm-dir)
v2 (vdot (:vel ball-j) norm-dir)
m1 (:mass ball-i)
m2 (:mass ball-j)
new-v1 (/ (- (+ (* m1 v1) (* m2 v2))
(* m2 (- v1 v2) restitution))
(+ m1 m2))
new-v2 (/ (- (+ (* m1 v1) (* m2 v2))
(* m1 (- v2 v1) restitution))
(+ m1 m2))
ball-i (update ball-i :vel vadd (vscale norm-dir (- new-v1 v1)))
ball-j (update ball-j :vel vadd (vscale norm-dir (- new-v2 v2)))]
[ball-i ball-j]))))
(defn handle-flipper-collision [ball flipper]
(let [flipper-pos (:pos flipper)
flipper-tip-pos (flipper-tip flipper)
flipper-radius (:radius flipper)
ball-pos (:pos ball)
ball-radius (:radius ball)
closest (closest-point-on-segment ball-pos flipper-pos flipper-tip-pos)
dir (vsub ball-pos closest)
dist (vlen dir)]
(if (< (+ ball-radius flipper-radius) dist)
(let [impact-norm (vscale dir (/ 1.0 dist))
pos-corr (vscale impact-norm
(- (+ ball-radius flipper-radius)
{:keys [current-angular-velocity]} flipper
ball-vel (:vel ball)
contact-pos (vadd closest
(vscale impact-norm
radius (vsub contact-pos
surface-vel (-> (vperp radius)
(vscale current-angular-velocity))
v (vdot ball-vel impact-norm)
vnew (vdot surface-vel impact-norm)
vchange (vscale impact-norm
(- vnew v))]
(-> ball
(update :pos vadd pos-corr)
(update :vel vadd vchange))))))
(defn handle-flippers-collision [ball flippers]
(defn simulate-balls [{:keys [dt gravity balls border obstacles flippers poly-obstacle]}]
(fn [balls i]
(let [old-i-ball-vel (get-in balls [i :vel])
balls (update balls i simulate-ball dt gravity)
balls (reduce
(fn [balls j]
(let [ball-i (get balls i)
ball-j (get balls j)
[ball-i ball-j] (handle-ball-collision ball-i ball-j)]
(-> balls
(assoc i ball-i)
(assoc j ball-j))))
(range (inc i) ;; note: going from i forward can miss
;; collisions if our simulate-ball makes us now
;; hit a ball <i
(count balls)))
;; not needed, the wall is the black rectangle, now we use the green machine border
;;balls (update balls i handle-wall-collision)
balls (update balls i handle-obstacles-collision obstacles)
balls (update balls i handle-poly-obstacle-collision poly-obstacle)
balls (update balls i handle-flippers-collision flippers)
balls (update balls i handle-border-collision border)
;; track last velocity change position, so we can track if a ball crossed a line
new-i-ball-val (get-in balls [i :vel])
balls (if (not= old-i-ball-vel new-i-ball-val)
(assoc-in balls [i :last-vel-change-pos] (get-in balls [i :pos]))
(range (count balls))))
(defn simulate []
(swap! physics-scene
(fn [ps]
(let [ps (assoc ps :flippers (simulate-flippers ps))
balls (simulate-balls ps)
points (apply + 0 (keep #(:points %) balls))
balls (mapv
(fn [b] (dissoc b :points))
(-> ps
(assoc :balls balls)
(update :score + points))))))
(defn sim-update []
(js/window.requestAnimationFrame sim-update))
(defn on-touch-start [event]
(.preventDefault event) ;; fix android ontouchend event touches empty
(let [rect (.getBoundingClientRect canvas)
mid-x (/ (.-width rect) 2.0)]
(dotimes [i (.. event -touches -length)]
(let [touch (aget (.-touches event) i)
is-left (< (.-clientX touch)
flipper-id (if is-left
touch-identifier (.-identifier touch)]
(swap! physics-scene
assoc-in [:flippers-active flipper-id] touch-identifier)))))
(defn on-touch-end [event]
(dotimes [i (.. event -changedTouches -length)]
(let [touch (.item (.-changedTouches event) i)
touch-identifier (.-identifier touch)]
(when-let [flipper-id (some (fn [[flipper-id touch-id]]
(when (= touch-id touch-identifier)
(get @physics-scene :flippers-active))]
(swap! physics-scene
update :flippers-active dissoc flipper-id)))))
(defn flipper-id-from-key [k]
(or (= k "z")
(= k ".")
(= k "ArrowLeft"))
(or (= k "x")
(= k "/")
(= k "ArrowRight"))
(defonce button-restart (doto (element "button" "button-restart" "body" true)
(aset "innerText" "restart")))
(defn reg-listeners []
(.addEventListener canvas "touchstart"
on-touch-start false)
(.addEventListener canvas "touchend"
on-touch-end false)
(.addEventListener js/document.body "keydown"
(fn [event]
(let [k (.-key event)]
(when-let [flipper-id (flipper-id-from-key k)]
(swap! physics-scene
assoc-in [:flippers-active flipper-id] k)))))
(.addEventListener js/document.body "keyup"
(fn [event]
(let [k (.-key event)]
(when-let [flipper-id (flipper-id-from-key k)]
(swap! physics-scene
update :flippers-active dissoc flipper-id))
(when (= k "r")
(.addEventListener (js/document.getElementById "button-restart") "click"
(fn []
(defn start []
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