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Last active February 2, 2024 21:41
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Specter running inside SCI
(ns specter-demo
(:require [com.rpl.specter :as specter]
[com.rpl.specter.impl :as i]
[sci.core :as sci])
;; Private vars, used from path macro
(def ic-prepare-path #'specter/ic-prepare-path)
(def ic-possible-params #'specter/ic-possible-params)
(def sci-ctx (volatile! nil))
(defmacro path
"Same as calling comp-paths, except it caches the composition of the static parts
of the path for later re-use (when possible). For almost all idiomatic uses
of Specter provides huge speedup. This macro is automatically used by the
select/transform/setval/replace-in/etc. macros."
[& path]
(let [local-syms (-> &env keys set)
used-locals (i/used-locals local-syms path)
;; note: very important to use riddley's macroexpand-all here, so that
;; &env is preserved in any potential nested calls to select (like via
;; a view function)
expanded (i/clj-macroexpand-all (vec path))
prepared-path (ic-prepare-path local-syms expanded)
possible-params (vec (ic-possible-params expanded))
cache-sym (vary-meta
(gensym "pathcache")
merge {:cljs.analyzer/no-resolve true :no-doc true :private true})
info-sym (gensym "info")
get-cache-code `(try (i/get-cell ~cache-sym)
(catch ClassCastException e#
;; With AOT compilation it's possible for:
;; Thread 1: unbound, so throw exception
;; Thread 2: unbound, so throw exception
;; Thread 1: do alter-var-root
;; Thread 2: it's bound, so retrieve the current value
(if (bound? (var ~cache-sym))
(i/get-cell ~cache-sym)
(var ~cache-sym)
(fn [_#] (i/mutable-cell)))
add-cache-code `(i/set-cell! ~cache-sym ~info-sym)
precompiled-sym (gensym "precompiled")
handle-params-code `(~precompiled-sym ~@used-locals)]
;; this is the actual patch
(sci/intern @sci-ctx @sci/ns cache-sym (i/mutable-cell))
;; end patch
`(let [info# ~get-cache-code
(if (nil? info#)
(let [~info-sym (i/magic-precompilation
~(str *ns*)
(quote ~used-locals)
(quote ~possible-params))]
~precompiled-sym (i/cached-path-info-precompiled info#)
dynamic?# (i/cached-path-info-dynamic? info#)]
(if dynamic?#
(def sns (sci/create-ns 'com.rpl.specter nil))
(defn make-ns
"Copies public Clojure vars from namespace to a sci namespaces,
transforming clojure Vars into sci vars. Returns map which can be
used in :namespaces configuration."
[ns sci-ns]
(reduce (fn [ns-map [var-name var]]
(let [m (meta var)
no-doc (:no-doc m)
doc (:doc m)
arglists (:arglists m)]
(if no-doc ns-map
(assoc ns-map var-name
(sci/new-var (symbol var-name) @var
(cond-> {:ns sci-ns
:name (:name m)}
(:macro m) (assoc :macro true)
doc (assoc :doc doc)
arglists (assoc :arglists arglists)))))))
(ns-publics ns)))
(def ctx (sci/init {:namespaces
(make-ns 'com.rpl.specter.impl sns)
(assoc (make-ns 'com.rpl.specter sns)
;; the patched path macro
'path (sci/copy-var path sns))}
:classes {'java.lang.ClassCastException ClassCastException
'clojure.lang.Util clojure.lang.Util}}))
(vreset! sci-ctx ctx)
;; enable println, prn etc.
(sci/alter-var-root sci/out (constantly *out*))
(defn -main [& _]
'(do (use 'com.rpl.specter)
(transform [MAP-VALS MAP-VALS]
{:a {:aa 1} :b {:ba -1 :bb 2}}))
(select [ALL ALL #(= 0 (mod % 3))]
[[1 2 3 4] [] [5 3 2 18] [2 4 6] [12]]))
(transform [(filterer odd?) LAST]
[2 1 3 6 9 4 8]))
(setval [:a ALL nil?] NONE {:a [1 2 nil 3 nil]}))
(setval [:a :b :c] NONE {:a {:b {:c 1}}}))
(setval [:a (compact :b :c)] NONE {:a {:b {:c 1}}}))
(transform [(srange 1 4) ALL odd?] inc [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7]))
(setval (srange 2 4) [:a :b :c :d :e] [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]))
(setval [ALL END] [:a :b] [[1] '(1 2) [:c]]))
(select (walker number?)
{2 [1 2 [6 7]] :a 4 :c {:a 1 :d [2 nil]}}))
(select ["a" "b"]
{"a" {"b" 10}}))
(transform [(srange 4 11) (filterer even?)]
[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15]))
(setval [ALL
(selected? (filterer even?) (view count) (pred>= 2))
[:c :d]
[[1 2 3 4 5 6] [7 0 -1] [8 8] []]))
(transform [ALL (collect-one :b) :a even?]
[{:a 1 :b 3} {:a 2 :b -10} {:a 4 :b 10} {:a 3}]))
(transform [:a (putval 10)]
{:a 1 :b 3}))
(transform [ALL (if-path [:a even?] [:c ALL] :d)]
[{:a 2 :c [1 2] :d 4} {:a 4 :c [0 10 -1]} {:a -1 :c [1 1 1] :d 1}]))))))
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