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Created July 29, 2020 19:51
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My aliases for git
# === Common Commands ===
a = add # Shortcut for add
br = branch # Shortcut for br
branches = branch -a # Shortcut for branch -a
co = checkout # Shortcut for checkout
cob = checkout -b # Shortcut for checkout -b
cp = cherry-pick # Shortcut for cherry-pick
po = push origin # Shortcut for push origin
remotes = remote -v # Shortcut for remote -v
st = status # Shortcut for status
stashes = stash list # Shortcut for stash list
sub = submodule # Shortcut for submodule
tags = tag # Shortcut for tag
# === File Management Commands ===
discard = checkout -- # Reverts a path to the last committed state.
undo = checkout -- # Reverts a path to the last committed state.
unstage = reset -q HEAD -- # Unstage a path
# === Commit Commands ===
amend = commit --amend # Add staged files to the previous commit. Changes the SHA-1 of the previous commit.
ca = commit -av # Shortcut for commit -av (verbose commit with diff)
ci = commit -v # Shortcut for commit -v (verbose commit with diff)
fix = commit --amend --no-edit # Amend the previous commit with all current changes keeping the previous commit message.
uncommit = reset --mixed HEAD~ # Undoes a commit while retaining file changes.
# === Branch Management ===
current = "!git branch | grep '*' | sed 's/* //'" # Gets the current branch name.
publish = "!f() { git push -u ${1:-origin} $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD); }; f" # Create a copy of the current branch on origin.
remote-br = "!f() { git ls-remote --heads ${1:-origin} | sed 's?.*refs/heads/??'; }; f " # Print all remote branches. Defaults to the origin branch but a different one can be specified.
# === Diffing & Change Info ===
df = "!f() { [ -z \"$GIT_PREFIX\" ] || cd \"$GIT_PREFIX\" && git diff --color \"$@\" | diff-so-fancy | less --tabs=4 -RFX; }; f" # Fancy diff using
dfs = df --staged # Diff staged files
dfc = "!dfc() { git df $1^ $1; }; dfc" # Get changes for a single commit
dt = difftool # Open up diff in vimdiff
mt = mergetool # Open up merge conflict in vimdiff
# === Logging ===
l = log --pretty=format:"%C(auto)%h%d\\ %s\\ %C(cyan)[%aN,\\ %Creset%cr%C(cyan)]" --graph # List commits on this branch, formatted
last = log -1 --decorate # Show the last commit on the current branch
ld = log --pretty=format:"%C(auto)%h%d\\ %s\\ %C(cyan)[%aN,\\ %Creset%cr%C(cyan)]\\ %C(magenta)[%ad]" --graph --all -20 # List commits including date
la = !git l --all # List all commits
ls = !git la -20 # List last 20 commits
lsac = !git la --numstat # List all commits and their changed files
lsc = !git lsac -10 # List last 10 commits and their changed files
# === GitHub Commands ===
issues = !gh issue list # Get a list of issues from GitHub.
url = "!f() { gh repo view --web; }; f" # Open the current repo in the web browser.
rrl = !sh -c 'URL=$(git config remote.${1:-origin}.url | sed -E s/[a-z]+@\\(.+?\\):\\(.+\\)\\.git$/\\\\\\1\\\\\\/\\\\\\2/) && echo "https://$URL"' - # Get the URL of a repository (origin by default)
crl = !sh -c 'URL=$(git rrl)"/commit/"$(echo $(git rev-parse $([ "$0" = "sh" ] && echo HEAD || echo $0))) && echo "$URL"' # Get the GitHub URL of the revision (HEAD by default)
brl = !sh -c 'BRANCH=${1:-$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)} && echo $(git rrl $(git config branch.$BRANCH.remote))"/tree/"$BRANCH' - # Get the GitHub URL of a branch (HEAD by default)
open-rrl = !xdg-open $(git rrl) # Open rrl in a browser.
open-crl = !xdg-open $(git crl) # Open crl in a browser.
open-brl = !xdg-open $(git brl) # Open brl in a browser.
prc = "!gh pr create --label 'code review'" --web # Create a PR
prd = "!gh pr create --draft --label 'code review'" # Create a draft PR
# === Assorted Commands ===
aliases = "!grep -E '( =|^$)' ~/.gitconfig | sed -E -e 's/^([^=]+)=.+#([^#]+)$/\\x1b[96m\\1\\x1b[0m\\x1b[32m\\2\\x1b[0m/'" # List formatted aliases and descriptions
aliases2 = "!git config -l | grep alias | cut -c 7-" # List aliases with expanded commands
cmd = "!git aliases" # Alias for git aliases
commands = "!git aliases" # Alias for git aliases
sub = submodule update --init --recursive # Update submodules recursively
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