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Last active September 18, 2023 03:52
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Seafile Collector for Prometheus Node Exporter
# Get some useful Seafile metrics to be comsumed by Node Exporter's text collector (so that we don't need to write
# a separate exporter for Seafile)
# Fill in authorization token and server address (see below) and let this script run via cronjob at desired frequency
# Requires curl and jq to be installed (and prometheus-node-exporter, of course)
# Assumes there are no more than 1000 users, libraries and devices (otherwise increase per page limit or implement paging)
# If an error is encountered during API call, previous values are preserved and seafile_collector_result metric
# holds error codes as explained in the description. You should monitor this metric to get notified of failures.
# More detailes on the Seafile API used:
# Get it with "curl -d """
# Put your server name here
curl -f -H "Authorization: Token ${AUTHTOKEN}" ${API_ROOT}/libraries/?per_page=1000 >${TMPFILE_PREFIX}libraries.json 2>/dev/null
let API_ERROR=$(( $API_ERROR | $? ))
curl -f -H "Authorization: Token ${AUTHTOKEN}" ${API_ROOT}/users/?per_page=1000 >${TMPFILE_PREFIX}users.json 2>/dev/null
let API_ERROR=$(( $API_ERROR | 0x100 * $? ))
curl -f -H "Authorization: Token ${AUTHTOKEN}" ${API_ROOT}/ldap-users/?per_page=1000 >${TMPFILE_PREFIX}ldap-users.json 2>/dev/null
let API_ERROR=$(( $API_ERROR | 0x10000 * $? ))
curl -f -H "Authorization: Token ${AUTHTOKEN}" ${API_ROOT}/devices/?per_page=1000 >${TMPFILE_PREFIX}devices.json 2>/dev/null
let API_ERROR=$(( $API_ERROR | 0x1000000 * $? ))
if [[ $API_ERROR == "0" ]] ; then
echo "# HELP seafile_collector_result Errors when Running Seafile Collector, error while getting libraries API in lower 2 bytes, users API - next 2 bytes, then LDAP users and devices API" >>${TMPFILE_PREFIX}output
echo "# TYPE seafile_collector_result gauge" >>${TMPFILE_PREFIX}output
echo "seafile_collector_result 0" >>${TMPFILE_PREFIX}output
echo "# HELP seafile_library_size Seafile Library Sizes, bytes" >>${TMPFILE_PREFIX}output
echo "# TYPE seafile_library_size gauge" >>${TMPFILE_PREFIX}output
cat ${TMPFILE_PREFIX}libraries.json | jq -r '.repos[] | "seafile_library_size{name=\"\(.name)\",owner=\"\(.owner)\",encrypted=\"\(.encrypted)\",status=\"\(.status)\"} \(.size)"' >>${TMPFILE_PREFIX}output
echo "# HELP seafile_library_file_count Seafile Library File Counts" >>${TMPFILE_PREFIX}output
echo "# TYPE seafile_library_file_count gauge" >>${TMPFILE_PREFIX}output
cat ${TMPFILE_PREFIX}libraries.json | jq -r '.repos[] | "seafile_library_file_count{name=\"\(.name)\",owner=\"\(.owner)\",encrypted=\"\(.encrypted)\",status=\"\(.status)\"} \(.file_count)"' >>${TMPFILE_PREFIX}output
echo "# HELP seafile_user_quota Seafile User Quota Usage" >>${TMPFILE_PREFIX}output
echo "# TYPE seafile_user_quota gauge" >>${TMPFILE_PREFIX}output
cat ${TMPFILE_PREFIX}users.json | jq -r '.data[] | "seafile_user_quota{name=\"\(.name)\",email=\"\(.email)\",is_active=\"\(.is_active)\",create_time=\"\(.create_time)\",last_access_time=\"\(.last_access_time)\"} \(.quota_usage)"' >>${TMPFILE_PREFIX}output
cat ${TMPFILE_PREFIX}ldap-users.json | jq -r '.ldap_user_list[] | select(.last_login | .!="") | "seafile_user_quota{name=\"\(.email)\",email=\"\(.email)\",is_active=\"true\",create_time=\"\(.create_time)\",last_access_time=\"\(.last_access_time)\"} \(.quota_usage)"' >>${TMPFILE_PREFIX}output
echo "# HELP seafile_device Seafile Device Statistics" >>${TMPFILE_PREFIX}output
echo "# TYPE seafile_device gauge" >>${TMPFILE_PREFIX}output
cat ${TMPFILE_PREFIX}devices.json | jq -r '.devices[] | "seafile_device{device_name=\"\(.device_name)\",client_version=\"\(.client_version)\",last_accessed=\"\(.last_accessed)\",last_login_ip=\"\(.last_login_ip)\",user=\"\(.user)\",platform=\"\(.platform)\",is_desktop_client=\"\(.is_desktop_client)\"} 0"' >>${TMPFILE_PREFIX}output
sed -i "s/^seafile_collector_result\ [0-9]*$/seafile_collector_result ${API_ERROR}/" $PROMFILE
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