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Last active April 21, 2022 20:50
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Gradle dependencies lock
* Compares the current project dependencies with the ones stored in the dependencies.lock file
* Fails if the dependencies do no match and outputs the difference
task compareDependencies {
dependsOn "generateCurrentDependencies"
def lockFile = new File(rootProject.rootDir, "dependencies.lock")
doFirst {
if (!lockFile.exists()) throw new IllegalStateException("${lockFile.path} file is missing. You may want to execute the 'generateDependenciesLockFile' task")
doLast {
println "Comparing current project dependencies with the one locked in the ${lockFile.path} file..."
def tmpLockFile = generateCurrentDependencies.outputs.getFiles().getSingleFile()
if (lockFile.text != tmpLockFile.text) {
println "diff ${lockFile.path} ${tmpLockFile.path}".execute().text
throw new IllegalStateException("""Project dependencies and lock dependencies are different. You may want to :
|- check why there is a difference
|- or execute the 'generateDependenciesLockFile' task to overwrite the current file""".stripMargin())
println "Dependencies match, all good !"
dependencies {
implementation "" // Fixed
implementation "[20.0.0, 20.99.99]" // Ranged
implementation "" // Prefixed
implementation "" // Not constrained ...
dependencies {
implementation "com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:4.9.2"
implementation "com.datadoghq:dd-sdk-android:1.10.0"
// ...
dependencies {
implementation "com.onesignal:OneSignal:4.3.0"
// ...
* Generates a temporary file in the [buildDirectory] folder containing the tree structure of the app:dependencies command
* @returns tmpLockFile a RegularFileProperty
abstract class GenerateCurrentDependencies extends DefaultTask {
final abstract RegularFileProperty tmpLockFile = project.objects.fileProperty().convention(project.layout.buildDirectory.file('dependencies.lock.tmp'))
GenerateCurrentDependencies() {
outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
void join() {
println "Fetching project dependencies"
def output = "./gradlew app:dependencies --configuration releaseRuntimeClasspath".execute().text
def startIndex = output.indexOf("releaseRuntimeClasspath")
def endIndex = output.indexOf("BUILD SUCCESSFUL")
def tmpFile = tmpLockFile.get().asFile
tmpFile << output.substring(startIndex, endIndex).replace("\\---", "+---")
tasks.register('generateCurrentDependencies', GenerateCurrentDependencies)
* Generates a dependencies.lock file containing the tree structure of the app:dependencies command
task generateDependenciesLockFile {
dependsOn "generateCurrentDependencies"
def lockFile = new File(rootProject.rootDir, "dependencies.lock")
doLast {
println "Locking project dependencies..."
def tmpLockFile = generateCurrentDependencies.outputs.getFiles().getSingleFile()
lockFile << tmpLockFile.text
println "Dependencies written down to ${lockFile.path}"
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