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Created January 8, 2020 08:29
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heavy light decomposition
#include "header.hpp"
class segtree {
constexpr static int n = 10005;
int t[2*n];
void set(int i,int v) {
t[i>>1]=max(t[i], t[i^1]);
int get(int l,int r) {
int a=0;
for(l+=n,r+=n;l<r;l>>=1,r>>=1) {
if(l&1) a=max(a,t[l++]);
if(r&1) a=max(a,t[--r]);
return a;
class DecomposedTree {
constexpr static int n = 10005;
segtree values;
int c2d[n], d2c[n], top[n], par[n], siz[n], dep[n], cid;
int dfs1(int node, int prev) {
if(prev != -1) dep[n] = dep[prev]+1;
else dep[n] = 1;
par[node] = prev;
siz[node] = 1;
for(int& i:eli[node])
if(i != prev)
siz[node] += dfs1(i, node);
return siz[node];
void dfs2(int node, bool strong) {
c2d[node] = cid;
d2c[cid] = node;
if(strong) { top[node] = top[par[node]]; }
else { top[node] = c2d[node]; }
if(eli[node].size() == 1) return;
int mx = -1;
for(int& i:eli[node])
if(i != par[i] && (mx == -1 || siz[mx] < siz[i]))
mx = i;
dfs2(mx, true);
for(int& i:eli[node])
if(i != par[i] && i != mx)
dfs2(i, false);
vector<int> eli[n];
DecomposedTree() { }
void initialize() {
dfs1(1, -1);
cid = 1;
dfs2(1, false);
void update(int node, int val) {
values.set(c2d[node], val);
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