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Last active October 31, 2017 22:42
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Basic class framework for hackmud. Inheritance is implemented by copying property data and binding methods in lieu of creating prototype chains
function() {
if( #FMCL )
return #G.class
// Opinionated deep clone/merge. Copies the right-most primative into target
const deepMerge = ( target, ...sources ) => {
if( !sources.length )
return target
let obs = []
sources.unshift( target )
for( let i = sources.length; i > 0; i-- ) {
if( sources[ i ] === undefined )
if( typeof sources[ i ] != 'object' || sources[ i ] === null || sources[ i ] instanceof Array ) {
if( !obs.length )
obs.push( sources[ i ] )
obs.push( sources[ i ] )
if( !obs.length )
return target
let props = obs.reduce( ( props, obj ) => {
if( !obj )
return props
for( let prop of Object.keys( obj ) ) {
if( !props.includes( prop ) )
props.push( prop )
return props
}, [] )
return Object.assign(
props.reduce( ( mob, prop ) => {
mob[ prop ] = null, o => o[ prop ] ) )
return mob
}, {} )
// Methods existing on every Class instance object.
// The first argument will be bound to the instance object itself
const instance_methods = {
// Check if a Class instance object is descendant from a specific Class object
instanceOf( instance, other ) {
if( other.__name )
other = other.__name
else if( 'string' != typeof other )
throw Error( 'Invalid class comparison predicate (should be a class object or name): ' + other )
return instance.__class.__path.find( cl => cl._name == other )
// Call ancestor constructors
super( instance, ...args ) {
if( !instance.__super_index )
instance.__super_index = 2
const parent = instance.__class.__path[ instance.__class.__path.length - instance.__super_index++ ]
if( !parent )
throw new Error('Invalid super call: no parent Class object') null, instance, ...args )
if( !parent.__parent )
delete instance.__super_index
// Methods existing on every Class object.
// The first argument will be bound to the Class object itself
const class_methods = {
// Extend a class by copying method and prop definitions
extend( parent, name, con = () => {}, props = {}, methods = {}, stat = {} ) {
let __class = { // Class definition
__constructor: con,
__parent: parent,
__path: [],
__props: parent
? Object.assign( {}, parent.__props, props )
: Object.assign( {}, props ),
__name: name,
__methods: parent
? Object.assign( {}, parent.__methods, methods )
: Object.assign( {}, methods )
// Shim the constructor and apply definition data
__class = Object.assign(
( ...args ) => class_methods.instantiate( __class, ...args ),
stat // Add supplied static properties and methods.
// Add Class ancestory array
__class.__path = parent ? parent.__path.concat( __class ) : [ __class ]
// Bind class object methods (extend(), instantiate(), etc.)
for( let name in class_methods )
__class[ name ] = class_methods[ name ].bind( null, __class )
return __class
// Create an instance of a class
instantiate( __class, ...args ) {
let instance = deepMerge( {}, __class.__props ) // Deep copy class properties/defaults
for( let name in __class.__methods )
instance[ name ] = __class.__methods[ name ].bind( null, instance ) // Bind class methods to instance
for( let name in instance_methods )
instance[ name ] = instance_methods[ name ].bind( null, instance ) // Bind common instance methods
instance.__class = __class
// If instantiating an extended class, bind parent methods as properties on instance.super
if( __class.__parent ) {
instance.super = Object.assign(
Object.keys( __class.__parent.__methods ).reduce(
( methods, name ) => {
methods[ name ] = __class.__parent.__methods[ name ].bind( null, instance )
return methods
// Call the constructor and return the instance (or truthy constructor return value)
return null, instance, ...args ) || instance
// Class factory
const Class = class_methods.extend.bind( null, null )
#G.class = Class
return Class
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