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Last active March 2, 2020 04:45
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Save bosconian-dynamics/5587378 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
PHP function to calculate an alphanumeric abbreviation for a string based on capitalization and length. Useful for generating semi-unique (but still human-interpretable) identifiers from things like class or plugin names.
* PHP function to calculate an alphanumeric abbreviation for a string based on capitalization and
* length. Useful for generating semi-unique (but still human-interpretable) identifiers from things
* like class or plugin names.
* PHP version 5
* LICENSE: GPL v3 - Look it up!
* @author Adam Bosco <>
* @license GPLv3
* @version 0.1
* @see AvocaPluginFramework, AvocaPlugin
//Calculates a super-basic alphanumeric abbreviation for a string based on capitalization and length.
function abbreviate( $strString, $intLength = NULL ) {
$defaultAbbrevLength = 8; //Default abbreviation length if none is specified
//Set up the string for processing
$strString = preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z0-9]/", '', $strString); //Remove non-alphanumeric characters
$strString = ucfirst( $strString ); //Capitalize the first character (helps with abbreviation calcs)
$stringIndex = 0;
//Figure out everything we need to know about the resulting abbreviation string
$uppercaseCount = preg_match_all('/[A-Z]/', $strString, $uppercaseLetters, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); //Record occurences of uppercase letters and their indecies in the $uppercaseLetters array, take note of how many there are
$targetLength = isset( $intLength ) ? intval( $intLength ) : $defaultAbbrevLength; //Maximum length of the abbreviation
$uppercaseCount = $uppercaseCount > $targetLength ? $targetLength : $uppercaseCount; //If there are more uppercase letters than the target length, adjust uppercaseCount to ignore overflow
$targetWordLength = round( $targetLength / intval( $uppercaseCount ) ); //How many characters need to be taken from each uppercase-designated "word" in order to best meet the target length?
$abbrevLength = 0; //How long the abbreviation currently is
$abbreviation = ''; //The actual abbreviation
//Create respective arrays for the occurence indecies and the actual characters of uppercase characters within the string
for($i = 0; $i < $uppercaseCount; $i++) {
//$ucIndicies[] = $uppercaseLetters[1]; //Not actually used. Could be used to calculate abbreviations more efficiently than the routine below by strictly considering indecies
$ucLetters[] = $uppercaseLetters[0][$i][0];
$characterDeficit = 0; //Gets incremented when an uppercase letter is encountered before $targetCharsPerWord characters have been collected since the last UC char.
$wordIndex = $targetWordLength; //HACK: keeps track of how many characters have been carried into the abbreviation since the last UC char
while( $stringIndex < strlen( $strString ) ) { //Process the whole input string...
if( $abbrevLength >= $targetLength ) //...unless the abbreviation has hit the target length cap
$currentChar = $strString[ $stringIndex++ ]; //Grab a character from the string, advance the string cursor
if( in_array( $currentChar, $ucLetters ) ) { //If handling a UC char, consider it a new word
$characterDeficit += $targetWordLength - $wordIndex; //If UC chars are closer together than targetWordLength, keeps track of how many extra characters are required to fit the target length of the abbreviation
$wordIndex = 0; //Set the wordIndex to reflect a new word
} else if( $wordIndex >= $targetWordLength ) {
if( $characterDeficit == 0 ) //If the word is full and we're not short any characters, ignore the character
$characterDefecit--; //If we are short some characters, decrement the defecit and carry on with adding the character to the abbreviation
$abbreviation .= $currentChar; //Add the character to the abbreviation
$abbrevLength++; //Increment abbreviation length
$wordIndex++; //Increment the number of characters for this word
return $abbreviation;
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thanks it helps

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typo on line 56 $characterDefecit vs $characterDeficit

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