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Created April 24, 2017 04:06
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First stab at producing up to 2^64 unique integers in a pseudo-random order without collisions
import math from 'mathjs'
number: 'BigNumber',
precision: 64
* IntegerGenerator
* An iterable representing numbers in a range yielded in a pseudo-random sequence. This is
* accomplished using a linear congruential generator. When given appropriate options which
* satisfy the Hull-Dobell Theorem (or using options which prompt the class to generate these values
* on it's own) the iterable will yield every value in the range - that is to say that given the
* range {0, 2^64-1} the iterable will yield exactly 2^64-1 unique numbers in a shuffled order.
export class IntegerGenerator {
constructor( opts = {} ) {
this.min = math.bignumber( opts.min || 0 )
this.max = opts.max ? math.bignumber( opts.max ) : math.bignumber( math.chain( 2 ).pow( 64 ).subtract( 1 ).done() )
this.range = math.subtract( this.max, this.min )
this.seed = opts.seed ? math.subtract( opts.seed, this.min ) : this.max //TODO: randomize - mathjs random doesn't support BigNumber?? math.random( 0, this.range )
this.previous = opts.previous ? math.bignumber( opts.previous ) : this.seed
this.base = opts.base || 10
this.glyphs = opts.glyphs || '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ+/'
this.unique = opts.unique === false ? false : true
if( this.base > this.glyphs.length )
throw new RangeError( 'Cannot produce base ' + this.base + ' output with only ' + this.glyphs.length + ' glyphs' )
if( opts.increment )
this.increment = math.bignumber( opts.increment )
this.increment = getNthElement( coprimeGenerator( this.range ), math.bignumber( opts.incrementIndex || 1 ) )
if( opts.multiplier )
this.multiplier = math.bignumber( opts.multiplier )
this.multiplier = getNthElement( multiplierGenerator( this.range ), math.bignumber( opts.multiplierIndex || 1 ) )
next() {
if( this.unique && math.equal( this.previous, this.seed ) ) {
return {
done: true,
value: toBaseString( math.add( this.seed, this.min ), this.base, this.glyphs )
if( !this.previous )
this.previous = this.seed
this.previous = math.chain( this.previous ).multiply( this.multiplier ).add( this.increment ).mod( this.range ).done()
return {
done: false,
value: toBaseString( math.add( this.previous, this.min ), this.base, this.glyphs )
getState() {
return {
seed: math.string( this.seed ),
min: math.string( this.min ),
max: math.string( this.max ),
previous: math.string( this.previous ),
base: this.base,
glyphs: this.glyphs,
unique: this.unique
export const toBaseString = ( n, base, glyphs ) => {
let output = []
if( 10 === base )
return math.string( n )
do {
output.push( glyphs[ math.number( math.mod( n, base ) ) ] )
n = math.chain( n ).divide( base ).floor().done()
} while( !math.equal( n, 0 ) )
return output.reverse().join('')
* Generates a sequence of numbers which satisfy the Hull-Dobell Theorem requirements for a linear
* congruential generator's multiplier. Specifically, the multiplier - 1 must A) be divisible by
* all prime factors of the modulus and B) be divisible by 4 if the modulus is divisible by 4.
* @param {BigNumber} n - The modulus (or maximum value) of the LCG
* @return {Generator} An iterable representing all qualifying multipliers in the range {0, n}
export const multiplierGenerator = function *( n ) {
let factors = getUniqueFactors( n )
let largestFactor = math.max( factors )
if( math.equal( largestFactor, n ) )
throw new Error( 'Cannot generate multipliers for a prime modulus' )
// Multiplier - 1 must be divisible by 4 if n is - so add 4 to factors if n%4===0, and remove 2 if present
if( math.chain( n ).mod( 4 ).equal( 0 ).done() ) {
factors = factors.filter( el => !math.equal( el, 2 ) )
factors.unshift( math.bignumber( 4 ) )
let i = 1
let m = math.bignumber( factors, [ i++ ] ) )
if( math.larger( m, n ) )
throw new Error( 'No possible multipliers for modulus ' + math.string( n ) )
for(; math.smaller( m, n ); i++ ) {
yield math.add( m, 1 )
m = factors, [ i++ ] )
throw new RangeError( 'No further multipliers possible for modulus ' + math.string( n ) )
* Generates a sequence of numbers in the range {0, n} which are coprime with n.
* @param {BigNumber} n
* @return {Generator}
export const coprimeGenerator = function *( n ) {
for( let i = math.bignumber( 0 ); math.smaller( i, n ); i = math.add( i, 1 ) )
if( math.equal( 1, math.gcd( n, i ) ) )
yield i
* Given an iterable, advances iteration to the specified index and returns that value
* @param {[type]} iterable [description]
* @param {[type]} index [description]
* @return {[type]} [description]
export const getNthElement = ( iterable, index ) => {
for( let i = 0; !math.equal( i, index ); i++ )
export const getUniqueFactors = n => {
let facts = factorize( n ).map( n => math.string( n ) )
return [ Set( facts ) ]
* Determine the prime factors of a BigNumber. Uses dtr's risk factor. This is extremely quick for
* most numbers - most notably those which are round powers - but can take up to 20 minutes for
* numbers who's largest prime factor is near Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER or larger
* @param {BigNumber} n - The number which to factor
* @return {BigNumber[]} - An array of factors
export const factorize = n => {
if( math.smaller( n, 3 ) )
return [ n ]
let limit = math.sqrt( n )
let facts = []
if( math.chain( n ).mod( 2 ).equal( 0 ).done() ) {
facts.push( 2 )
facts.push( ...factorize( math.divide( n, 2 ) ) )
return facts
for( let i = math.bignumber( 3 ); math.smallerEq( i, limit ); i = math.add( i, 2 ) ) {
if( math.chain( n ).mod( i ).equal( 0 ).done() ) {
facts.push( i )
facts.push( ...factorize( math.divide( n, i ) ) )
return facts
return [ n ]
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