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Created December 25, 2020 19:22
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AoC 2020 Day 23 Part 2 (atomics)
defmodule Day23 do
def p2 do
i = "389547612"
cups = String.split(i, "", trim: true) |>
start = hd(cups)
max = 1_000_000
steps = 10_000_000
mem =, [])
Enum.each(, tl(cups) ++ [10]), fn {i, next} -> :atomics.put(mem, i, next) end)
Enum.each(10..max, &:atomics.put(mem, &1, &1 + 1))
:atomics.put(mem, max, hd(cups))
836_763_710 = play(start, mem, steps, max)
def play(i, cups, steps, max) when steps > 0 do
a = :atomics.get(cups, i)
b = :atomics.get(cups, a)
c = :atomics.get(cups, b)
dest = dest(i - 1, [a, b, c], max)
dest_next =, dest, a)
next =, c, dest_next)
:atomics.put(cups, i, next)
play(next, cups, steps - 1, max)
def play(_i, cups, 0, _max) do
a = :atomics.get(cups, 1)
b = :atomics.get(cups, a)
a * b
def dest(0, picked, max) do
dest(max, picked, max)
def dest(x, picked, max) do
if x in picked, do: dest(x - 1, picked, max), else: x
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