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  • Save bossjones/e21b53c6dff04e8fdb3d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bossjones/e21b53c6dff04e8fdb3d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Updated PyGtk threading example, originally made by John Stowers at ... This is a more modern example using PyGObject (aka PyGI)... essentially the modern Python Bindings for GLib/GObject/GIO/GTK+. Includes Gtk3 support.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Refactored by Malcolm Jones to work with GTK+3 PyGobject( aka PyGI ). Mar 2016.
# Demo application showing how once can combine the python
# threading module with GObject signals to make a simple thread
# manager class which can be used to stop horrible blocking GUIs.
# (c) 2008, John Stowers <>
# This program serves as an example, and can be freely used, copied, derived
# and redistributed by anyone. No warranty is implied or given.
import os
import sys
import time
import gi
gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
from gi.repository import Gtk
from gi.repository import GObject
import threading
import time
import random
import StringIO
import re
import ConfigParser
from signal import signal, SIGWINCH, SIGKILL, SIGTERM
from IPython.core.debugger import Tracer
from IPython.core import ultratb
sys.excepthook = ultratb.FormattedTB(mode='Verbose',
from colorlog import ColoredFormatter
import logging
from gettext import gettext as _
import traceback
from functools import wraps
import Queue
def setup_logger():
"""Return a logger with a default ColoredFormatter."""
formatter = ColoredFormatter(
"(%(threadName)-9s) %(log_color)s%(levelname)-8s%(reset)s %(message_log_color)s%(message)s",
'DEBUG': 'cyan',
'INFO': 'green',
'WARNING': 'yellow',
'ERROR': 'red',
'CRITICAL': 'red',
'message': {
'ERROR': 'red',
'CRITICAL': 'red',
'DEBUG': 'yellow'
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
handler = logging.StreamHandler()
return logger
def trace(func):
"""Tracing wrapper to log when function enter/exit happens.
:param func: Function to wrap
:type func: callable
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
logger.debug('Start {!r}'. format(func.__name__))
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
logger.debug('End {!r}'. format(func.__name__))
return result
return wrapper
# Create a player
logger = setup_logger()
class _IdleObject(GObject.GObject):
Override GObject.GObject to always emit signals in the main thread
by emmitting on an idle handler
def __init__(self):
def emit(self, *args):
GObject.idle_add(GObject.GObject.emit, self, *args)
class _FooThread(threading.Thread, _IdleObject):
Cancellable thread which uses gobject signals to return information
to the GUI.
__gsignals__ = {
"completed": (
GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, []),
"progress": (
GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, [
GObject.TYPE_FLOAT]) # percent complete
def __init__(self, *args):
self.cancelled = False = args[0] = args[1]
self.setName("%s" %
def cancel(self):
Threads in python are not cancellable, so we implement our own
cancellation logic
self.cancelled = True
def run(self):
print "Running %s" % str(self)
for i in range(
if self.cancelled:
self.emit("progress", i / float( * 100)
class FooThreadManager:
Manages many FooThreads. This involves starting and stopping
said threads, and respecting a maximum num of concurrent threads limit
def __init__(self, maxConcurrentThreads):
self.maxConcurrentThreads = maxConcurrentThreads
# stores all threads, running or stopped
self.fooThreads = {}
# the pending thread args are used as an index for the stopped threads
self.pendingFooThreadArgs = []
def _register_thread_completed(self, thread, *args):
Decrements the count of concurrent threads and starts any
pending threads if there is space
running = len(self.fooThreads) - len(self.pendingFooThreadArgs)
print "%s completed. %s running, %s pending" % (
thread, running, len(self.pendingFooThreadArgs))
if running < self.maxConcurrentThreads:
args = self.pendingFooThreadArgs.pop()
print "Starting pending %s" % self.fooThreads[args]
except IndexError:
def make_thread(self, completedCb, progressCb, userData, *args):
Makes a thread with args. The thread will be started when there is
a free slot
running = len(self.fooThreads) - len(self.pendingFooThreadArgs)
if args not in self.fooThreads:
thread = _FooThread(*args)
# signals run in the order connected. Connect the user completed
# callback first incase they wish to do something
# before we delete the thread
thread.connect("completed", completedCb, userData)
thread.connect("completed", self._register_thread_completed, *args)
thread.connect("progress", progressCb, userData)
# This is why we use args, not kwargs, because args are hashable
self.fooThreads[args] = thread
if running < self.maxConcurrentThreads:
print "Starting %s" % thread
print "Queing %s" % thread
def stop_all_threads(self, block=False):
Stops all threads. If block is True then actually wait for the thread
to finish (may block the UI)
for thread in self.fooThreads.values():
if block:
if thread.isAlive():
class Demo:
def __init__(self):
# build the GUI
win = Gtk.Window()
win.connect("delete_event", self.quit)
box = Gtk.VBox(False, 4)
addButton = Gtk.Button("Add Thread")
addButton.connect("clicked", self.add_thread)
box.pack_start(addButton, False, False, 0)
stopButton = Gtk.Button("Stop All Threads")
stopButton.connect("clicked", self.stop_threads)
box.pack_start(stopButton, False, False, 0)
# display threads in a treeview
self.pendingModel = Gtk.ListStore(
self.completeModel = Gtk.ListStore(GObject.TYPE_STRING)
self._make_view(self.pendingModel, "Pending Threads", True, box)
self._make_view(self.completeModel, "Completed Threads", False, box)
self.manager = FooThreadManager(3)
# Start the demo
def _make_view(self, model, title, showProgress, vbox):
view = Gtk.TreeView(model)
title, Gtk.CellRendererText(), text=0))
if showProgress:
"Progress", Gtk.CellRendererProgress(), value=1))
vbox.pack_start(view, True, True, 0)
def quit(self, sender, event):
def stop_threads(self, *args):
def add_thread(self, sender):
# make a thread and start it
data = random.randint(20, 60)
name = "Thread #%s" % random.randint(0, 1000)
rowref = self.pendingModel.insert(0, (name, 0))
rowref, data, name)
def thread_finished(self, thread, rowref):
self.completeModel.insert(0, (,))
def thread_progress(self, thread, progress, rowref):
self.pendingModel.set_value(rowref, 1, int(progress))
if __name__ == "__main__":
demo = Demo()
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screen shot 2016-03-12 at 6 01 59 pm

screen shot 2016-03-12 at 6 01 43 pm

*Output from run:

± |feature-new-gst-and-pocketsphinx U:11 ?:27 ✗| → python
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start '__init__' PyGTKDeprecationWarning: Using positional arguments with the GObject constructor has been deprecated. Please specify keyword(s) for "homogeneous, spacing" or use a class specific constructor. See:
  box = Gtk.VBox(False, 4) PyGTKDeprecationWarning: Using positional arguments with the GObject constructor has been deprecated. Please specify keyword(s) for "label" or use a class specific constructor. See:
  addButton = Gtk.Button("Add Thread") PyGTKDeprecationWarning: Using positional arguments with the GObject constructor has been deprecated. Please specify keyword(s) for "label" or use a class specific constructor. See:
  stopButton = Gtk.Button("Stop All Threads")
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start '_make_view' PyGTKDeprecationWarning: Using positional arguments with the GObject constructor has been deprecated. Please specify keyword(s) for "model" or use a class specific constructor. See:
  view = Gtk.TreeView(model)
(MainThread) DEBUG    End '_make_view'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start '_make_view'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End '_make_view'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start '__init__'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End '__init__'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'add_thread'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'make_thread'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start '__init__'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start '__init__'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End '__init__'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End '__init__'
Starting <_FooThread(Thread #327, initial)>
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'run'
Running <_FooThread(Thread #327, started 140065556141824)>
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'make_thread'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'add_thread'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit' PyGIDeprecationWarning: GObject.idle_add is deprecated; use GLib.idle_add instead
  GObject.idle_add(GObject.GObject.emit, self, *args)
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    Start 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'emit'
(Thread #327) DEBUG    End 'run'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_progress'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'thread_finished'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'thread_finished'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start '_register_thread_completed'
<_FooThread(Thread #327, stopped 140065556141824)> completed. 0 running, 0 pending
(MainThread) DEBUG    End '_register_thread_completed'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'quit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    Start 'stop_all_threads'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'stop_all_threads'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End 'quit'
(MainThread) DEBUG    End '__init__'

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Dude, GObject.idle_add is deprecated, I replaced it with GLib.idle_add which is (in theory) the updated solution. But neither yours nor mine actually get the signal emitted on the main thread. They actually do nothing, and if I comment out the def emit override, the signal is emitted from the thread (which does not solve the problem)... Do you have any ideas on how to make it work?

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