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Last active November 29, 2016 04:36
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Section 1:
Cubic Council: Cube, surrounding area
Article 1:
Old City
Self Governed
Spawning allowed
Capital City
Entity of Federal Government
Self Governed
Creative Disallowed
Article 2:
Nether Base Charlie
Creative disallowed
Water allowed
Nether Base Alpha/Beta/Subway
No Rules
Section 2:
Article 1:
Supreme Emperor (Herpanator)
Server Admin
Original Member, major contributer
voted in 2/3 of Emperors and Supreme Emperor
Standard Member:
Team Members
Everyone else
Article 2:
Supreme Emperor:
Chair 14X7X6
Can Modify
Must have raising chair
5 X 7 X 8
Can Modify
Must have raising chair
Standard Members:
Chair made of sandstone
Provided, can't be modified
Can Add sign
Chair made of brick
Provided, can't be modified
Can Add sign
Article 3:
Must be in ventrilo for say in council dealing
Seat must be raised to talk
One person talks at a time
Supreme Emperor can talk at any time
Article 4:
Laws can be proposed by any member
Brought up during debate
Time and Date will be posted in advanced
Supreme Emperor given 1 vote
Each Emperor given 1 vote
Supreme Emperor votes in ties of internal matters or in dealings of the server
2 Emperors and the Supreme Emperor or 3 Emperors are minimum for vote to occure
Atleast 3 Standard Members must be present for vote to count
Standard Member's vote is majority of all Standard Members present
Peasants are not given a vote
Three votes for laws to be passed
Amendments may be passed with four votes and Supreme Emperor
Section 3:
Article 1:
Server Offenses:
Distributing IP
Without Consent
Excessive exploration or TNT usage
1st Offense: Warning, Stern Talking to
2nd Offense: Banishment for a week
3rd Offense: Permaban
Federal Offenses:
Violating Federal Law
Set by Cubic Council as defined in Section 2: Article 4
City Offenses:
Violating City Law
Set by City
Article 2:
Free Speech
Refrain from foul Language
No obnoxious noises
Use common sense
No intentional homocide / right to life
unless consent given
Right to Travel
Except as limited in Section 3: Article 3
No Teleporting others without their consent
Right to trial by Cubic Council
Article 3:
No building on, under, over others structures
Unless prior consent obtained
Existing structures are exempt from this law
Such structures cannot be expanded without consent
Buildings must look structurally sound
The government maintains the right to claim citizens land if needed for public projects
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bot190 commented Nov 29, 2016

Amending Section 2: Article 2
5 X 7 X 3
Area under Emperor chairs can be modified provided it does not interfere with anything
Chairs located above emperor chairs

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