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Created March 9, 2012 16:06
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Cloudy World (Notes)

#Cloudy World

##Types ###Bare metal - Still exists .. need to have a strategy for it... Cobbler, Kickstart, Crowbar

###Legacy.. Virtualization - If it's not broke don't fix it?

###Enterprise Cloud ####Typically expensive reliable hardware, robust virtualization i.e., Vmware or a lot of sweat equity in open source virt (Xen, KVM)... (Vmware Vcloud) ####Key points legacy migrations . Tightly coupled not desiged for commodity and failure modes ####Issues - Secure for the most part, automation blockers due to human intervention in some cases...

###Commodity Cloud ####Hardware not as robust on the low end, managing virtualization may not be as robust (e.g., aws vs Openstack - Cloudstack, Eucalyptus.. milage varies... #####Key points - new design patterns . loosly coupled, decoupled architectures, designed for failure patterns work best, distributed. ####Issues - Security for public, multiT, maturity for pvt,

##Hyprid.. No great examples... Kind of a pipe dream...

FOG, Dasein cloud, jclouds... Enstratus .. vcloud terramark.. Chef, Puppet...

##The big guys... ###IBM Openstack who knows... ###Dell Openstack and Cloudstack ###HP Openstack .. not sure... ###Citrix Cloudstack .. Openstack


###Public Heroku, EY, Azure, ###Private Cloudfoundry Openshift ###Roll your own... National Instruments...

###enabling technologies in Config Management - Chef, Puppet, Cfengine ###enabling technologies in Cloud Management - Enstratus, Rightscale

#big Data

##Doc Store ###Couchdb - Industrial strength .. however harder to manage. ###Mongo - A lot of traction in the enterprise.. Kind of like the nagios of Document store.

##Key value Store ###Cassandra - Netflix ###Riak - Most consider best of breed ###Redis - KInd of like MOngo in that it's easy and it works. ###Hbase - Complicated, however used a lot with big time analytics

##Solutions ###Apache Hadoop ###Amazon EMR ###Cloudera (Hadoop) ###Hortonworks

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