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Last active July 19, 2017 20:31
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Double Lop
import time
import os
import numpy as np
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
from IPython.display import Image
def Rop(f, x, v):
if isinstance(f, (list, tuple)):
u = [T.zeros_like(fi) for fi in f]
u = T.zeros_like(f)
return T.Lop( T.Lop(f, x, u), u, v)
def print_graphs(f, w, v, shapes=None, folder=None):
if isinstance(w, (list, tuple)):
inputs = w + v
inputs = [w, v]
jvp = T.Rop(f, w, v)
a_jvp = Rop(f, w, v)
compiled_jvp = theano.function(inputs, jvp)
compiled_a_jvp = theano.function(inputs, a_jvp)
if folder is not None:
theano.printing.pydotprint(compiled_jvp, os.path.join(folder, "rop.png"),
theano.printing.pydotprint(compiled_jvp, os.path.join(folder, "double_lop.png"),
if shapes is not None:
np_inputs = [np.random.randn(*s) for s in shapes] + [np.random.randn(*s) for s in shapes]
np_inputs = [array.astype(theano.config.floatX) for array in np_inputs]
for i in range(20):
f1 = compiled_a_jvp(*np_inputs)
t = time.time()
for i in range(100):
f1 = compiled_a_jvp(*np_inputs)
t1 = time.time() - t
for i in range(20):
f2 = compiled_jvp(*np_inputs)
t = time.time()
for i in range(100):
f2 = compiled_jvp(*np_inputs)
t2 = time.time() - t
if isinstance(f1, (list, tuple)):
abs_diff = sum(np.sum(np.abs(f1_i - f2_i)) for f1_i, f2_i in zip(f1, f2))
abs_diff = np.sum(np.abs(f1 - f2))
print("Absolute difference:", abs_diff)
print("Time regular Rop: {:.3f}s, time double Lop: {:.3f}s".format(t2, t1))
x = T.fmatrix('x')
y = T.fmatrix('y')
w = [x, y]
u = [T.fmatrix('vx'), T.fmatrix('vy')]
f = T.sum(T.sin(T.sin(T.sin(x))) * T.cos(T.cos(T.cos(y))))
print_graphs(f, w, u, shapes=[(15, 15), (15, 15)])
from lasagne.layers import Conv2DLayer as conv
from lasagne.layers import DenseLayer as dense
from lasagne.layers import MaxPool2DLayer as maxpool
from lasagne.layers import InputLayer, get_output
def lenet5(inputs_shape, folder=None):
w = T.ftensor4("input")
l = InputLayer(inputs_shape, input_var=w)
l = conv(l, 32, 5)
l = maxpool(l, 2)
l = conv(l, 64, 5)
l = maxpool(l, 2)
l = dense(l, 512)
# output layers
logits = dense(l, 10, nonlinearity=None)
f = get_output(logits)
v = T.ftensor4("vi")
print_graphs(f, w, v, [inputs_shape], folder=folder)
lenet5([100, 1, 28, 28], "/home/alex/work/python")
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