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Forked from tobspr/update_consumers.worker.js
Last active October 12, 2018 14:35
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Webworker to update the consumer network.
Recieves workload messages from the main thread and responds once a solution
has been found.
// Verbose level, set via api from main thread
var VERBOSE = false
// Cached node net & entities
var globalNodeNet = null
var globalEntities = null
// Constants duplicated from Config
var transporterRadius = 3.5 * 1.01
var resourceSpeedTilesPerSecond = 1
var transporterRadiusSquared = transporterRadius * transporterRadius;
// Jobs in queue
var jobQueue = []
// Serialization, must match update_possible_consumers.js!
const KEY_EMITTER = "1"
const KEY_CONSUMER = "2"
const CP_BIAS = 256
const CP_MULTIPLIER = 200 // == Config.numTilesX
const DATA_DIVISOR = "_"
// Message handler
self.onmessage = function (msg) {
const cmd =
const payload =
const jobId =
if (cmd === "setVerboseLevel") {
// Set verbosity level
VERBOSE = payload;
if (VERBOSE) {
console.log("[WEBWORKER] Verbose =", VERBOSE)
} else if (cmd === "onNewNodeNet") {
// New network recieved
if (VERBOSE) {
console.log("[WEBWORKER] Recieved node net")
cmd: "onNewNodeNet",
jobId: jobId,
payload: payload
} else if (cmd === "computeEntity") {
// Workload for entity recieved
if (VERBOSE) {
console.log("[WEBWORKER] Request entity computation", payload)
cmd: "computeEntity",
jobId: jobId,
payload: payload
} else if (cmd === "cancelAll") {
// Net outdated, cancel all
jobQueue = [];
if (VERBOSE) {
console.log("[WEBWORKER] Recieved cancel all")
jobId: jobId,
sourceCommand: cmd,
result: null
// Recurring job handler
function processJobs() {
while (jobQueue.length > 0) {
// Always take first job, FIFO queue
const job = jobQueue.shift();
if (VERBOSE) {
console.log("Processing", job);
const cmd = job.cmd;
const jobId = job.jobId;
const payload = job.payload;
let result = null;
if (cmd === "onNewNodeNet") {
// Deserialize node net and store it
if (VERBOSE) {
console.log("Storing new node net")
globalNodeNet = deserializeNodeNet(payload.nodeNet);
globalEntities = deserializeEntities(payload.entities);
} else if (cmd === "computeEntity") {
// Compute entity
if (VERBOSE) {
console.log("computing entity")
const uid = payload.ui;
const hash = payload.hash;
result = computeEntity(uid, hash);
// Post job done message to notify main thread that work has been done
jobId: jobId,
sourceCommand: cmd,
result: result
// Poll for new job each N ms
setInterval(processJobs, 50);
// Deserializes a float from an utf16 codepoint
function deserializeFloat(str, index) {
return (str.codePointAt(index) - CP_BIAS) / 100.0;
// Deserializes an integer from an utf16 codepoint
function deserializeInt(str, index) {
return str.codePointAt(index) - CP_BIAS;
// Deserializes the node net from an binary encoded utf16 string
function deserializeNodeNet(binaryStr) {
// Format: [fromEntityHash] ([toEntityHash] [toEntityDistance])+ DATA_DIVISOR
let index = 0;
let result = {};
if (VERBOSE) {
console.log("[WEBWORKER] Parsing nodenet of length", binaryStr.length);
while (index < binaryStr.length) {
if (binaryStr[index] === DATA_DIVISOR) {
index += 1;
let startNodeId = binaryStr[index++];
let distances = {};
while (binaryStr[index] !== DATA_DIVISOR && index < binaryStr.length) {
let connectedNode = binaryStr[index++];
const distance = deserializeFloat(binaryStr, index++);
distances[connectedNode] = distance;
result[startNodeId] = distances;
if (VERBOSE) {
console.log("[WEBWORKER] Parsed net:", result);
return result;
// Decodes tile space position from an entity hash (utf16 codepoint)
function decodePositionFromHash(str, index) {
const code = str.codePointAt(index) - CP_BIAS;
const tileX = code % CP_MULTIPLIER;
const tileY = Math.floor(code / CP_MULTIPLIER);
return { x: tileX, y: tileY };
// Deserializes the entity list
function deserializeEntities(binaryStr) {
// Format: [entityHash] ([component] [copmonentData]+)+ DATA_DIVISOR
const result = {};
let index = 0;
// Read in entities
while (index < binaryStr.length) {
if (binaryStr[index] === DATA_DIVISOR) {
index += 1;
// Get hash & position from hash
const hash = binaryStr[index];
const entityData = decodePositionFromHash(binaryStr, index++);
// Read in components
while (binaryStr[index] !== DATA_DIVISOR) {
const componentId = binaryStr[index++];
if (componentId === KEY_TRANSPORTER) {
// Read transporter component
const speed = deserializeFloat(binaryStr, index++);
entityData.transporter = { speed: speed };
} else if (componentId === KEY_CONSUMER) {
// Read consumer component
const resources = [];
const numResources = deserializeInt(binaryStr, index++);
for (let i = 0; i < numResources; ++i) {
entityData.consumer = { resources: resources };
} else if (componentId === KEY_EMITTER) {
// Read emitter component
const resource = binaryStr[index++];
const maxRadius = deserializeFloat(binaryStr, index++);
entityData.emitter = { resource: resource, spawnMaxRadius: maxRadius };
} else {
// Unkown
throw new Error("Invalid component id: " + componentId);
result[hash] = entityData;
return result;
// Helper method copied from utils.js
function newEmptyMap() {
return Object.create(null);
// Converts from an entity hash to the entity handle by looking up in the global dict
function hashToEntity(hash) {
if (!globalEntities[hash]) {
if (VERBOSE) {
console.log("NODENET:", globalEntities, "REQUESTED:", hash);
throw new Error("Invalid hash: " + hash);
return globalEntities[hash];
// Gets tile space distance between two entities
function distanceBetweenEntities(entityA, entityB) {
return Math.hypot(entityA.x - entityB.x, entityA.y - entityB.y);
// Gets squared tile space distance between two entities
function distanceBetweenEntitiesSquared(entityA, entityB) {
var delta_x = entityA.x - entityB.x;
var delta_y = entityA.y - entityB.y;
return delta_x * delta_x + delta_y * delta_y;
// Returns whether the entity consumes the given resource
function entityConsumesResource(entity, resourceId) {
return entity.consumer.resources.indexOf(resourceId) >= 0;
// Checks if the transport between two entities is possible
function transportIsPossible(startEntity, consumerEntity, targetResourceId) {
// Dont emit to ourself
if (startEntity === consumerEntity) {
return false;
const startEmitterComponent = startEntity.emitter;
const distance_squared = distanceBetweenEntitiesSquared(startEntity, consumerEntity);
if (startEmitterComponent && (false
|| consumerEntity.transporter
|| consumerEntity.consumer
)) {
if (distance_squared <= startEmitterComponent.spawnMaxRadius * startEmitterComponent.spawnMaxRadius) {
// Check for emitter -> transporter
if (consumerEntity.transporter) {
// Check for same resource
if (!targetResourceId || startEmitterComponent.resource === targetResourceId) {
return true;
// Check for emitter -> consumer
if (consumerEntity.consumer) {
// Check for same resource
if (entityConsumesResource(consumerEntity, startEmitterComponent.resource)) {
return true;
// Check for transporter -> consumer (don't care about resource type here, too)
const startTransporterComponent = startEntity.transporter;
if (startTransporterComponent && consumerEntity.consumer) {
if (!targetResourceId || entityConsumesResource(consumerEntity, targetResourceId)) {
if (distance_squared <= transporterRadiusSquared) {
return true;
// Check for transporter -> transporter
if (startTransporterComponent && consumerEntity.transporter) {
if (distance_squared <= transporterRadiusSquared) {
return true;
return false;
// Checks if the direct consume between both entities would be fine, while
// ignoring transporters. This behaves like transportIsPossible for the only
// case Emitter -> Consumer
function isEndConsumerFor(emitterEntity, targetEntity) {
// Dont emit to ourself
if (emitterEntity === targetEntity) {
return false;
// Check for a consumer component
const consumerComp = targetEntity.consumer;
if (!consumerComp) {
return false;
// Check if the consumer component accepts the emitters component resources
const emitterComp = emitterEntity.emitter;
const resourceId = emitterComp.resource;
if (entityConsumesResource(targetEntity, resourceId)) {
return true;
return false;
// Travels the node net to compute the distances (dijkstra)
function travelNodeNet(entity, travelDistancesInOut, endNodesInOut, start, targetResourceId) {
// Use a stack instead of recursion (faster)
const stack = [
[start, 0]
// While there are nodes to visit ...
while (stack.length > 0) {
// ... pop next node
const [currentNode, currentPathLength] = stack.pop();
const children = globalNodeNet[currentNode];
const currentStartEntity = hashToEntity(currentNode);
// Look at all children
for (/* const */ childHash in children) {
const distanceToChild = currentPathLength + children[childHash];
// Check if the current path is better, either it is shorter or there
// was no path so far
if (false
|| travelDistancesInOut[childHash] === undefined // eslint-disable-line no-undefined
|| travelDistancesInOut[childHash] > distanceToChild
) {
const childEntity = hashToEntity(childHash);
// Only visit the child if a transport is actually possible
if (transportIsPossible(currentStartEntity, childEntity, targetResourceId)) {
// Store new best way
travelDistancesInOut[childHash] = distanceToChild;
// Visit children of transporters
if (childEntity.transporter) {
stack.push([childHash, distanceToChild]);
// If we found a consumer, store that if its compatible
if (isEndConsumerFor(entity, childEntity)) {
endNodesInOut[childHash] = distanceToChild;
// Computes the traveling distances inside the node net, starting at the entities position
// Mainly a starter for travelNodeNet()
function computeTravelDistances(entity, startHash) {
// Start has a distance of 0
const travelDistances = newEmptyMap();
travelDistances[startHash] = 0;
const endNodes = newEmptyMap();
const targetResourceId = entity.emitter.resource;
travelNodeNet(entity, travelDistances, endNodes, startHash, targetResourceId);
return { travelDistances: travelDistances, endNodes: endNodes };
// Determines the transport speed of a given entity
function determineTransportSpeed(entity) {
if (entity.transporter) {
return entity.transporter.speed;
return resourceSpeedTilesPerSecond;
// Determines the transport speed between two entities
// IMPORTANT: Must be bidirectional, e.g. speed(a, b) === speed(b, a)
function determineTransportSpeedBetween(start, end) {
// Get individual speed
const startSpeed = determineTransportSpeed(start);
const endSpeed = determineTransportSpeed(end);
// If either start or end is a transporter, use that speed
// So consumer ---> transporter is already fast (otherwise looks weird)
if (start.transporter) {
if (end.consumer || end.emitter) {
return startSpeed;
if (end.transporter) {
if (start.consumer || start.emitter) {
return endSpeed;
// Otherwise just take the average
return (startSpeed + endSpeed) / 2;
// Find a path by simply going the path of the least weights
function findPathToConsumer(start, end, travelDistances, targetResourceId) {
let currentPosition = end;
let maxIterations = 999;
const path = [];
// As long as we don't meet our starting point, iterate
while (currentPosition !== start && maxIterations-- > 0) {
// We are now at <currentPosition>
const connections = globalNodeNet[currentPosition];
let bestNext = null;
let bestNextLength = 1e20;
const currentEntity = hashToEntity(currentPosition);
// Find the children with the least distance
for (/* const */ connectedHash in connections) {
// Take the speed into account which we need to travel the given
// distance. Longer ways might actually be faster when the transport speed
// is faster
const connectedEntity = hashToEntity(connectedHash);
const tileSpaceDistance = distanceBetweenEntities(currentEntity, connectedEntity);
const speed = determineTransportSpeedBetween(currentEntity, connectedEntity);
const weight = tileSpaceDistance / speed;
const nodeWeight = travelDistances[connectedHash] + weight;
if (nodeWeight < bestNextLength) {
// Found a theoretically better children than the current one
// - however, check if transport is actually possible
if (transportIsPossible(connectedEntity, currentEntity, targetResourceId)) {
bestNextLength = nodeWeight;
bestNext = connectedHash;
// When no child was found, something must be very wrong, since we
// can not find a way, although there must be one
if (bestNext === null) {
// Debug output to figure out whats going on
console.error("Invalid node net, for ", currentPosition, "there are no valid children");
console.error("- Started from =", globalEntities[start]);
console.error("- Target end =", globalEntities[end]);
console.error("- Path so far =",, " => ", globalEntities[entry]));
console.error("- Current Entity =", globalEntities[currentPosition]);
return null;
// Don't push start and end to the path
if (bestNext !== end && bestNext !== start) {
// Go to the children
currentPosition = bestNext;
// Since we traverse from end -> start, reverse the path
return path.reverse();
// Updates the paths of a given entity
function computeEntity(uid, startHash) {
const entity = globalEntities[startHash];
// Store the distances so far
const { travelDistances, endNodes } = computeTravelDistances(entity, startHash);
const targetResourceId = entity.emitter.resource;
const result = [];
// Find paths to all consumers
for (/* const */ hash in endNodes) {
const path = findPathToConsumer(startHash, hash, travelDistances, targetResourceId);
if (path) {
entity: hash,
stops: path
return {
uid: uid,
hash: startHash,
result: result,
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