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Last active April 17, 2020 12:39
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gatsby-remark-embed-gist filter-by-lines
import querystring from "querystring";
import cheerio from "cheerio";
import rangeParser from "parse-numeric-range";
import request from "request-promise";
import visit from "async-unist-util-visit";
// default base url
const baseUrl = "";
* @typedef {object} PluginOptions
* @property {string} username the default gist user.
* @property {boolean} includeDefaultCss a flag indicating the default css should be included
* @typedef {object} GistQuery
* @property {string} file the file name.
* @property {string|Array<number>} highlights the numbers to be highlighted.
* Validates the query object is valid.
* @param {GistQuery} query the query to be validated.
* @returns {boolean} true if the query is valid; false otherwise.
function isValid(query) {
if (query == null) return false;
if (query.file == null && query.highlights == null) return false;
// leaving this for future enhancements to the query object
return true;
* Builds the query object.
* This methods looks for anything that is after ? or # in the gist: directive.
* ? is interpreted as a query string.
* # is interpreted as a filename.
* @param {string} value the value of the inlineCode block.
* @returns {object} the query object.
function getQuery(value) {
const hasHash = value.includes("#");
const hasParams = value.includes("?");
const split = value.split(/[?#]/);
const params = hasParams ? querystring.parse(split[hasHash ? 2 : 1]) : null;
const file = hasHash ? split[1] : params ? params.file : null;
// // if there is no file, then return an empty object
if (file == null) return { highlights: [], lines: [] };
const query = { file, ...params };
// validate the query
if (!isValid(query)) {
throw new Error("Malformed query. Check your 'gist:' imports");
// explode the highlights ranges, if any
let highlights = [];
if (typeof query.highlights === "string") {
highlights = rangeParser.parse(query.highlights);
} else if (Array.isArray(query.highlights)) {
highlights = query.highlights;
query.highlights = highlights;
// get the range of lines to display
let lines = [];
if (typeof query.lines === "string") {
lines = rangeParser.parse(query.lines);
} else if (Array.isArray(query.lines)) {
lines = query.lines;
query.lines = lines;
return query;
* Builds the gist url.
* @param {string} value the value of the inlineCode block.
* @param {PluginOptions} options the options of the plugin.
* @param {string} file the file to be loaded.
* @returns {string} the gist url.
function buildUrl(value, options, file) {
const [gist] = value.split(/[?#]/);
const [inlineUsername, id] =
gist.indexOf("/") > 0 ? gist.split("/") : [null, gist];
// username can come from inline code or options
const username = inlineUsername || options.username;
// checks for a valid username
if (username == null || username.trim().length === 0) {
throw new Error("Missing username information");
// checks for a valid id
if (id == null || id.trim().length === 0) {
throw new Error("Missing gist id information");
// builds the url and completes it with the file if any
let url = `${baseUrl}/${username}/${id}.json`;
if (file != null) {
url += `?file=${file}`;
return url;
* Handles the markdown AST.
* @param {{ markdownAST }} markdownAST the markdown abstract syntax tree.
* @param {PluginOptions} options the options of the plugin.
* @returns {*} the markdown ast.
export default async ({ markdownAST }, options = {}) => {
// this returns a promise that will fulfill immediately for everything
// that is not an inlineCode that starts with `gist:`
return await visit(markdownAST, "inlineCode", async node => {
// validate pre-requisites.
if (!node.value.startsWith("gist:")) return;
// get the query string and build the url
const query = getQuery(node.value.substring(5));
const url = buildUrl(node.value.substring(5), options, query.file);
// call the gist and update the node type and value
const body = await request(url);
const content = JSON.parse(body);
let html = content.div;
const hasHighlights = query.highlights.length > 0;
const hasLines = query.lines.length > 0;
if (hasHighlights || hasLines) {
const $ = cheerio.load(html);
const file = query.file
? query.file.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+/g, "-").toLowerCase()
: "";
// highlight the specify lines, if any
if (hasHighlights) {
query.highlights.forEach(line => {
// remove the specific lines, if any
if (hasLines) {
const codeLines = rangeParser.parse(`1-${$("table tr").length}`);
codeLines.forEach(line => {
if (query.lines.includes(line)) {
html = $.html();
node = Object.assign(node, {
type: "html",
value: html.trim()
return markdownAST;
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