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Last active September 23, 2020 17:57
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Luck or hard work?
// run this script in your browser on:
import 'dart:math';
// number of participants:
const n_participants = 18300;
// that will receive a skill between:
const minimum_skill = 0;
const maximum_skill = 100;
// and some luck between:
const minimum_luck = 0;
const maximum_luck = 100;
// that will participate in a contest with n winners:
const n_winners = 11;
// where winners are picked by score, which is a combination of skill and luck.
const skill_factor = 0.95; // percent
const luck_factor = 0.05; // percent
// and where the skill distribution is
// 1 = even (just as likely to be bad as good)
// 2 = skewed (more likely to be bad than good)
const skill_skewedness = 1.0;
// we will show the lowest skilled winner out of n contests
const n_contests = 100;
final random = Random();
void main() {
print('Random contest:');
final contest = Contest();;
print('Worst winner in $n_contests contests:');
final worstWinner = worstWinnerEver(contests: n_contests);
Participant worstWinnerEver({int contests}) {
Participant worstWinnerEver;
for (var i = 0; i < contests; i++) {
var worstWinner = Contest().worstWinner;
if (worstWinnerEver == null || worstWinner.skill < worstWinnerEver.skill) {
worstWinnerEver = worstWinner;
return worstWinnerEver;
class Contest {
List<Participant> participants;
Contest() {
participants = Iterable<int>.generate(n_participants).map((element) {
return Participant(
skill: minimum_skill +
pow(random.nextDouble(), skill_skewedness) *
(maximum_skill - minimum_skill),
luck: minimum_luck + (random.nextDouble() * (maximum_luck-minimum_luck)),
participants.sort((p1, p2) => p2.score.compareTo(p1.score));
Iterable<Participant> get winners => participants.getRange(0, n_winners);
Participant get worstWinner {
var winners =;
winners.sort((w1, w2) => w1.skill.compareTo(w2.skill));
return winners.first;
class Participant {
final num score;
final num skill;
final num luck;
Participant({this.luck, this.skill})
: score = luck * luck_factor + skill * skill_factor;
String toString() {
return 'Participant{score: ${format(score)}, skill: ${format(skill)}, luck: ${format(luck)}}';
String format(num n) => n.toStringAsFixed(1).padLeft(5);
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