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Created May 19, 2017 07:11
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((type . [function supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language elisp regex \\((defun|cl-defun)\\s+JJJ\\j tests [(defun test (blah) (defun test
(cl-defun test (blah) (cl-defun test
] not [(defun test-asdf (blah) (defun test-blah
(cl-defun test-asdf (blah) (cl-defun test-blah
(type . [variable supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language elisp regex \\(defvar\\b\\s*JJJ\\j tests [(defvar test (defvar test
(type . [variable supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language elisp regex \\(defcustom\\b\\s*JJJ\\j tests [(defcustom test (defcustom test
(type . [variable supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language elisp regex \\(setq\\b\\s*JJJ\\j tests [(setq test 123)] not [setq test-blah 123)]])
(type . [variable supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language elisp regex \\(JJJ\\s+ tests [(let ((test 123)))] not [(let ((test-2 123)))]])
(type . [variable supports [ag rg git-grep] language elisp regex \\((defun|cl-defun)\\s*.+\\(?\\s*JJJ\\j\\s*\\)? tests [(defun blah (test) (defun blah (test blah) (defun (blah test)] not [(defun blah (test-1) (defun blah (test-2 blah) (defun (blah test-3)]])
(type . [function supports [ag rg git-grep] language c++ regex \\bJJJ(\\s|\\))*\\((\\w|[,&*.<>]|\\s)*(\\))\\s*(const|->|\\{|$)|typedef\\s+(\\w|[(*]|\\s)+JJJ(\\)|\\s)*\\( tests [int test(){ my_struct (*test)(int a, int b){ auto MyClass::test ( Builder& reference, ) -> decltype( builder.func() ) { int test( int *random_argument) const { test::test() { typedef int (*test)(int);] not [return test();) int test(a, b); if( test() ) { else test();]])
(type . [variable supports [ag] language c++ regex \\b(?!(class\\b|struct\\b|return\\b|else\\b|delete\\b))(\\w+|[,>])([*&]|\\s)+JJJ\\s*(\\[(\\d|\\s)*\\])*\\s*([=,(){;]|:\\s*\\d)|#define\\s+JJJ\\b tests [int test=2; char *test; int x = 1, test = 2 int test[20]; #define test typedef int test; unsigned int test:2] not [return test; #define NOT test else test=2;]])
(type . [type supports [ag rg git-grep] language c++ regex \\b(class|struct|enum|union)\\b\\s*JJJ\\b\\s*(final\\s*)?(:((\\s*\\w+\\s*::)*\\s*\\w*\\s*<?(\\s*\\w+\\s*::)*\\w+>?\\s*,*)+)?((\\{|$))|}\\s*JJJ\\b\\s*; tests [typedef struct test { enum test { } test; union test { class test final: public Parent1, private Parent2{ class test : public std::vector<int> {] not [union test var; struct test function() {]])
(type . [variable supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language clojure regex \\(def\\s+JJJ\\j tests [(def test (foo)]])
(type . [function supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language clojure regex \\(defn-?\\s+JJJ\\j tests [(defn test [foo] (defn- test [foo]]])
(type . [function supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language clojure regex \\(defmacro\\s+JJJ\\j tests [(defmacro test [foo]]])
(type . [type supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language clojure regex \\(deftype\\s+JJJ\\j tests [(deftype test [foo]]])
(type . [type supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language clojure regex \\(defmulti\\s+JJJ\\j tests [(defmulti test fn]])
(type . [type supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language clojure regex \\(defmethod\\s+JJJ\\j tests [(defmethod test type]])
(type . [type supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language clojure regex \\(definterface\\s+JJJ\\j tests [(definterface test (foo)]])
(type . [type supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language clojure regex \\(defprotocol\\s+JJJ\\j tests [(defprotocol test (foo)]])
(type . [type supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language clojure regex \\(defrecord\\s+JJJ\\j tests [(defrecord test [foo]]])
(type . [function supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language coffeescript regex ^\\s*JJJ\\s*[=:].*[-=]> tests [test = () => test= => test = -> test=()-> test : () => test: => test : -> test:()->] not [# test = => test = 1]])
(type . [variable supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language coffeescript regex ^\\s*JJJ\\s*[:=][^:=-][^>]+$ tests [test = $ test : [ test = { test = a] not [test::a test: => test == 1 # test = 1]])
(type . [class supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language coffeescript regex ^\\s*\\bclass\\s+JJJ tests [class test class test extends] not [# class]])
(type . [function supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language objc regex \\)\\s*JJJ(:|\\b|\\s) tests [- (void)test - (void)test:(UIAlertView *)alertView] not [- (void)testnot - (void)testnot:(UIAlertView *)alertView]])
(type . [variable supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language objc regex \\b\\*?JJJ\\s*=[^=\\n]+ tests [NSString *test = @\"asdf\"] tests [NSString *testnot = @\"asdf\" NSString *nottest = @\"asdf\"]])
(type . [variable supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language swift regex (let|var)\\s*JJJ\\s*(=|:)[^=:\\n]+ tests [let test = 1234 var test = 1234 private lazy var test: UITapGestureRecognizer] not [if test == 1234:]])
(type . [function supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language swift regex func\\s*JJJ\\b\\s*\\( tests [func test(asdf) func test()] not [func testnot(asdf) func testnot()]])
(type . [type supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language swift regex (class|struct)\\s*JJJ\\b\\s*? tests [class test: class test: UIWindow] not [class testnot: class testnot(object):]])
(type . [function supports [ag rg] language csharp regex ^\\s*(?:[^=\\W]+\\s+){1,3}JJJ\\s*\\( tests [int test() int test(param) static int test() static int test(param) public static MyType test() private virtual SomeType test(param) static int test()] not [test() testnot() blah = new test()]])
(type . [variable supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language csharp regex \\s*\\bJJJ\\s*=[^=\\n)]+ tests [int test = 1234] not [if test == 1234: int nottest = 44]])
(type . [type supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language csharp regex (class|interface)\\s*JJJ\\b tests [class test: public class test : IReadableChannel, I] not [class testnot: public class testnot : IReadableChannel, I]])
(type . [function supports [ag rg] language java regex ^\\s*(?:[^=\\W]+\\s+){1,3}JJJ\\s*\\( tests [int test() int test(param) static int test() static int test(param) public static MyType test() private virtual SomeType test(param) static int test()] not [test() testnot() blah = new test()]])
(type . [variable supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language java regex \\s*\\bJJJ\\s*=[^=\\n)]+ tests [int test = 1234] not [if test == 1234: int nottest = 44]])
(type . [type supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language java regex (class|interface)\\s*JJJ\\b tests [class test: public class test implements Something] not [class testnot: public class testnot implements Something]])
(type . [variable supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language python regex \\s*JJJ\\s*=[^=\\n]+ tests [test = 1234] not [if test == 1234:]])
(type . [function supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language python regex def\\s*JJJ\\b\\s*\\( tests [ def test(asdf) def test()] not [ def testnot(asdf) def testnot()]])
(type . [type supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language python regex class\\s*JJJ\\b\\s*\\(? tests [class test(object): class test:] not [class testnot: class testnot(object):]])
(type . [variable supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language ruby regex \\s*JJJ\\s*=[^=\\n]+ tests [test = 1234] not [if test == 1234]])
(type . [function supports [ag rg] language ruby regex \\bdef\\s+(?:\\w+(::|\\.))*JJJ\\j tests [def test(foo) def test() def test foo def test; end def self.test() def MODULE::test()]])
(type . [function supports [ag rg] language ruby regex \\bdefine(?:_singleton|_instance)?_method\\s*(?:\\(\\s*)?:JJJ\\j tests [define_method(:test, &body) mod.define_instance_method(:test) { body }]])
(type . [type supports [ag rg] language ruby regex \\bclass\\s+(?:\\w*::)*JJJ\\j tests [class test class Foo::test]])
(type . [type supports [ag rg] language ruby regex \\bmodule\\s+(?:\\w*::)*JJJ\\j tests [module test module Foo::test]])
(type . [variable supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language scala regex \\bval\\s*JJJ\\s*=[^=\\n]+ tests [val test = 1234] not [case test => 1234]])
(type . [variable supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language scala regex \\bvar\\s*JJJ\\s*=[^=\\n]+ tests [var test = 1234] not [case test => 1234]])
(type . [variable supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language scala regex \\btype\\s*JJJ\\s*=[^=\\n]+ tests [type test = 1234] not [case test => 1234]])
(type . [function supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language scala regex \\bdef\\s*JJJ\\s*\\( tests [def test(asdf) def test()]])
(type . [type supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language scala regex class\\s*JJJ\\s*\\(? tests [class test(object)]])
(type . [type supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language scala regex trait\\s*JJJ\\s*\\(? tests [trait test(object)]])
(type . [type supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language scala regex object\\s*JJJ\\s*\\(? tests [object test(object)]])
(type . [variable supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language r regex \\bJJJ\\s*=[^=><] tests [test = 1234] not [if (test == 1234)]])
(type . [function supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language r regex \\bJJJ\\s*<-\\s*function tests [test <- function]])
(type . [function supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language perl regex sub\\s*JJJ\\s*\\{ tests [sub test{ sub test {]])
(type . [variable supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language perl regex JJJ\\s*=\\s* tests [$test = 1234]])
(type . [function supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language shell regex function\\s*JJJ\\s* tests [function test{ function test { function test () {] not [function nottest {]])
(type . [variable supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language shell regex \\bJJJ\\s*=\\s* tests [test = 1234] not [blahtest = 1234]])
(type . [function supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language php regex function\\s*JJJ\\s*\\( tests [function test() function test ()]])
(type . [variable supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language php regex (\\s|->|\\$|::)JJJ\\s*=\\s* tests [$test = 1234 $foo->test = 1234]])
(type . [trait supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language php regex trait\\s*JJJ\\s*\\{ tests [trait test{ trait test {]])
(type . [interface supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language php regex interface\\s*JJJ\\s*\\{ tests [interface test{ interface test {]])
(type . [class supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language php regex class\\s*JJJ\\s*(extends|implements|\\{) tests [class test{ class test { class test extends foo class test implements foo]])
(type . [function supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language faust regex \\bJJJ(\\(.+\\))*\\s*= tests [test = osc + 0.5; test(freq) = osc(freq) + 0.5;]])
(type . [variable supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language fortran regex \\s*\\bJJJ\\s*=[^=\\n]+ tests [test = 1234] not [if (test == 1234)]])
(type . [function supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language fortran regex \\b(function|subroutine)\\s+JJJ\\b\\s*\\( tests [function test (foo) integer function test(foo) subroutine test (foo, bar)] not [end function test end subroutine test]])
(type . [type supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language fortran regex ^\\s*module\\s+JJJ\\s* tests [module test] not [end module test]])
(type . [variable supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language go regex \\s*\\bJJJ\\s*=[^=\\n]+ tests [test = 1234] not [if test == 1234 {]])
(type . [variable supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language go regex \\s*\\bJJJ\\s*:=\\s* tests [test := 1234]])
(type . [function supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language go regex func\\s+\\([^\\)]*\\)\\s+JJJ\\s*\\( tests [func (s *blah) test(filename string) string {]])
(type . [function supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language go regex func\\s+JJJ\\s*\\( tests [func test(url string) (string, error)]])
(type . [type supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language go regex type\\s+JJJ\\s+struct\\s+\\{ tests [type test struct {]])
(type . [function supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language javascript regex (service|factory)\\(['\"]JJJ['\"] tags [angular] tests [module.factory('test', [\"$rootScope\", function($rootScope) {]])
(type . [function supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language javascript regex \\bJJJ\\s*[=:]\\s*\\([^\\)]*\\)\\s+=> tags [es6] tests [const test = (foo) => test: (foo) => { test: (foo) => {]])
(type . [function supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language javascript regex \\bJJJ\\s*\\([^\\)]*\\)\\s*[{] tags [es6] tests [test(foo) { test (foo){ test(foo){]])
(type . [function supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language javascript tags [es6] regex class\\s*JJJ\\s*[\\(\\{] tests [class test(object) { class test{]])
(type . [function supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language javascript tags [es6] regex class\\s*JJJ\\s+extends tests [class test extends Component{]])
(type . [variable supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language javascript regex \\s*\\bJJJ\\s*=[^=\\n]+ tests [test = 1234 const test = props =>] not [if (test === 1234)]])
(type . [variable supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language javascript regex \\bfunction\\b[^\\(]*\\(\\s*[^\\)]*\\bJJJ\\b\\s*,?\\s*\\)? tests [function (test) function (test, blah) function somefunc(test, blah) { function(blah, test)] not [function (testLen) function (test1, blah) function somefunc(testFirst, blah) { function(blah, testLast) function (Lentest) function (blahtest, blah) function somefunc(Firsttest, blah) { function(blah, Lasttest)]])
(type . [function supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language javascript regex function\\s*JJJ\\s*\\( tests [function test() function test ()]])
(type . [function supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language javascript regex \\bJJJ\\s*:\\s*function\\s*\\( tests [test: function()]])
(type . [function supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language javascript regex \\bJJJ\\s*=\\s*function\\s*\\( tests [test = function()]])
(type . [function supports [ag] language haskell regex ^\\s*(let)?\\s*JJJ\\b\\s*(.+)?(?<==) tests [test n = n * 2 let test x y = x * y] not [nottest n = n * 2 let testnot x y = x * y test $ y z]])
(type . [function supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language haskell regex ^\\s*(let)?\\s*JJJ\\b\\s*:: tests [test :: FilePath -> HttpSession [PkgIndexIndex] test :: PackageId -> Tar.Entry -> PkgIndexInfo] not [nottest :: FilePath -> HttpSession [PkgIndexIndex] testnot :: PackageId -> Tar.Entry -> PkgIndexInfo]])
(type . [variable supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language lua regex \\s*\\bJJJ\\s*=[^=\\n]+ tests [test = 1234] not [if test === 1234]])
(type . [variable supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language lua regex \\bfunction\\b[^\\(]*\\(\\s*[^\\)]*\\bJJJ\\b\\s*,?\\s*\\)? tests [function (test) function (test, blah) function somefunc(test, blah) function(blah, test)] not [function (testLen) function (test1, blah) function somefunc(testFirst, blah) function(blah, testLast) function (Lentest) function (blahtest, blah) function somefunc(Firsttest, blah) function(blah, Lasttest)]])
(type . [function supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language lua regex function\\s*JJJ\\s*\\( tests [function test() function test ()]])
(type . [function supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language lua regex function\\s*.+[.:]JJJ\\s*\\( tests [function MyClass.test() function MyClass.test () function MyClass:test() function MyClass:test ()]])
(type . [function supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language lua regex \\bJJJ\\s*=\\s*function\\s*\\( tests [test = function()]])
(type . [function supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language lua regex \\b.+\\.JJJ\\s*=\\s*function\\s*\\( tests [MyClass.test = function()]])
(type . [variable supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language rust regex \\blet\\s+(\\([^=\\n]*)?(mut +)?JJJ([^=\\n]*\\))?(:\\s*[^=\\n]+)?\\s*=\\s*[^=\\n]+ tests [let test = 1234; let test: u32 = 1234; let test: Vec<u32> = Vec::new(); let mut test = 1234; let mut test: Vec<u32> = Vec::new(); let (a, test, b) = (1, 2, 3); let (a, mut test, mut b) = (1, 2, 3); let (mut a, mut test): (u32, usize) = (1, 2);]])
(type . [variable supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language rust regex \\bconst\\s+JJJ:\\s*[^=\\n]+\\s*=[^=\\n]+ tests [const test: u32 = 1234;]])
(type . [variable supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language rust regex \\bstatic\\s+(mut\\s+)?JJJ:\\s*[^=\\n]+\\s*=[^=\\n]+ tests [static test: u32 = 1234; static mut test: u32 = 1234;]])
(type . [variable supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language rust regex \\bfn\\s+.+\\s*\\((.+,\\s+)?JJJ:\\s*[^=\\n]+\\s*(,\\s*.+)*\\) tests [fn abc(test: u32) -> u32 { fn abc(x: u32, y: u32, test: Vec<u32>, z: Vec<Foo>) fn abc(x: u32, y: u32, test: &mut Vec<u32>, z: Vec<Foo>)]])
(type . [variable supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language rust regex (if|while)\\s+let\\s+([^=\\n]+)?(mut\\s+)?JJJ([^=\\n\\(]+)?\\s*=\\s*[^=\\n]+ tests [if let Some(test) = abc() { if let Some(mut test) = abc() { if let Ok(test) = abc() { if let Ok(mut test) = abc() { if let Foo(mut test) = foo { if let test = abc() { if let Some(test) = abc() if let Some((a, test, b)) = abc() while let Some(test) = abc() { while let Some(mut test) = abc() { while let Ok(test) = abc() { while let Ok(mut test) = abc() {] not [while let test(foo) = abc() {]])
(type . [variable supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language rust regex struct\\s+[^\\n{]+[{][^}]*(\\s*JJJ\\s*:\\s*[^\\n},]+)[^}]*} tests [struct Foo { abc: u32, test: Vec<String>, b: PathBuf } struct Foo<T>{test:Vec<T>} struct FooBar<'a> { test: Vec<String> }] not [struct Foo { abc: u32, b: Vec<String> } /// ... construct the equivalent ...
fn abc() {
(type . [variable supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language rust regex enum\\s+[^\\n{]+\\s*[{][^}]*\\bJJJ\\b[^}]*} tests [enum Foo { VariantA, test, VariantB(u32) } enum Foo<T> { test(T) } enum BadStyle{test} enum Foo32 { Bar, testing, test(u8) }] not [enum Foo { testing }]])
(type . [function supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language rust regex \\bfn\\s+JJJ\\s*\\( tests [fn test(asdf: u32) fn test() pub fn test()]])
(type . [function supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language rust regex \\bmacro_rules!\\s+JJJ tests [macro_rules! test]])
(type . [type supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language rust regex struct\\s+JJJ\\s*[{\\(]? tests [struct test(u32, u32) struct test; struct test { abc: u32, def: Vec<String> }]])
(type . [type supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language rust regex trait\\s+JJJ\\s*[{]? tests [trait test; trait test { fn abc() -> u32; }]])
(type . [type supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language rust regex \\btype\\s+JJJ([^=\\n]+)?\\s*=[^=\\n]+; tests [type test<T> = Rc<RefCell<T>>; type test = Arc<RwLock<Vec<u32>>>;]])
(type . [type supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language rust regex impl\\s+((\\w+::)*\\w+\\s+for\\s+)?(\\w+::)*JJJ\\s+[{]? tests [impl test { impl abc::test { impl std::io::Read for test { impl std::io::Read for abc::test {]])
(type . [type supports [ag grep rg git-grep] language rust regex mod\\s+JJJ\\s*[{]? tests [mod test; pub mod test {]]))
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