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Last active February 11, 2017 20:32
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function! g:FilterQf(ob)
let [cc,bnr] = [[],bufnr('%')]
let shm = &shortmess
set shortmess+=A
for i in a:ob
silent! exe 'hide keepalt keepjumps b ' . get(i,'bufnr')
let [ln,cl] = [get(i,'lnum'),get(i,'col')]
if synIDattr(synID(ln, cl ? cl : matchend(getline(ln),'^\s*\S'),0),'name')
\ !~? 'string\|regex\|comment'
call add(cc,deepcopy(i))
silent! exe 'keepalt keepjumps b ' . bnr
let &shm = shm
return cc
command! QfSyn call setqflist(g:FilterQf(getqflist()))
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