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Created July 26, 2012 00:54
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Save boundsj/3179645 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Find all the things with a bounding box and no mongo geo.
import math
import pymongo
from pymongo import Connection
# constants to
bbox_earth_radius = 3959.0 # miles
bbox_dist_from_center = 0.1 # miles
def sum_by_distinct_type(dist_type, distinct_key, args):
nearby_requests = db.windygrid.find({"$and": [{"where.latitude": {"$gte": args["ll_y"]}}, \
{"where.latitude": {"$lte": args["ur_y"]}}, \
{"where.longitude": {"$gte": args["ll_x"]}}, \
{"where.longitude": {"$lte": args["ur_x"]}} \
], "type": args["agr_type"],
distinct_key: dist_type})
return {dist_type: nearby_requests.count()}
def sum_types_by_locations_in_query(search_type_query, search_mask, mask_name_key, distinct_key, aggregate_type, db, table):
cursor = db.windygrid.find(search_type_query, search_mask)
result = {}
# master collection
location_counts = []
print "running against query results of %d records" % cursor.count()
for doc in cursor:
if doc['where']['location'] == [-1, 1]:
print "invalid coordinates (-1, 1) for %s" % doc['_id']
lat = doc['where']['location'][0]
lon = doc['where']['location'][1]
ll_x = lon - math.degrees(bbox_dist_from_center / bbox_earth_radius / math.cos(math.radians(lat)))
ll_y = lat - math.degrees(bbox_dist_from_center / bbox_earth_radius)
ur_x = lon + math.degrees(bbox_dist_from_center / bbox_earth_radius / math.cos(math.radians(lat)))
ur_y = lat + math.degrees(bbox_dist_from_center / bbox_earth_radius)
print "bbox = lowerleft:[%f, %f], upperright[%f, %f]" % (ll_x, ll_y, ur_x, ur_y)
nearby_requests = db.windygrid.find({"$and": [{"where.latitude": {"$gte": ll_y}}, \
{"where.latitude": {"$lte": ur_y}}, \
{"where.longitude": {"$gte": ll_x}}, \
{"where.longitude": {"$lte": ur_x}} \
], "type": aggregate_type})
# total requests for bounding box and type
count = nearby_requests.count()
print "processed %s; it had %d records near it" % \
(doc[mask_name_key], count)
# get a list of distinct types
distinct_types = db.windygrid.find({"type": aggregate_type}) \
# collect counts by distinct type
counts = [sum_by_distinct_type(dist_type, \
{"agr_type": aggregate_type, \
"ll_x": ll_x, \
"ll_y": ll_y, \
"ur_x": ur_x, \
"ur_y": ur_y}) \
for dist_type in distinct_types]
# create array of types and their counts
type_counts = []
for c in counts:
keys = c.keys()
for key in keys:
if c[key] > 0:
type_counts.append({key: c[key]})
# add to master collection
location_counts.append({"what": doc[mask_name_key],
"location": doc['where']['location'],
"total_count": count,
"type_counts": type_counts})
result["location_counts"] = location_counts
return result
# query params
connection = Connection()
db = connection["test"]
search_type_query = {"type" : "business_licenses"}
search_mask = {"_id" : 0, "what.legal_name" : 1, "where.location" : 1}
mask_name_key = "what"
distinct_key = "what.type_code"
aggregate_type = "311"
table = "windygrid"
# run
result = sum_types_by_locations_in_query(search_type_query, search_mask, mask_name_key, distinct_key, aggregate_type, db, table)
# display (or save in db)
print result
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