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Created May 6, 2015 19:10
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  • Save bourroush/36374ad473dbbb6f4071 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bourroush/36374ad473dbbb6f4071 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
- @title = "About Us"
- @description = "The Team Behind the Platform"
.l-wrap-image.l-wrap-image--tall{:data => {'stellar-ratio' => parallax_ratio}}
= render 'about_hero'
.m-sec-subtitle--red{:data => {'wp' => '', 'wp-cleared' => 'false', 'wp-menutheme' => 'dark', "an" => "", "an-cat" => "level-1", "an-label" => "work-is-our-passion", "an-action" => "scroll"}}
%h3 Your Work is Our Passion
\Airware is building the Aerial Information Platform for the development and safe operation of commercial drones.
.m-sec-content--narrow.m-sec-content--twoColumns.m-sec-content--tall.m-sec--whiteGray{data: {"sc-eq" => "", "sc-eq-bp" => "640"}}
\In 2011, we identified a significant gap in the market. Military autopilots were too inflexible and expensive and hobbyist projects weren’t safe or reliable enough for commercial use. We knew that for the growing number of diverse commercial applications, the industry needed more than an autopilot.
\Airware’s Aerial Information Platform enables customers to tailor UAS to any commercial application by seamlessly connecting airframes, actuators, sensors, payloads, and application-specific software.
= render 'about_leadership'
= render 'about_slider_top'
= render 'about_team'
= render 'about_board'
.m-sec-content.p-about--backers{:data => {'wp' => '', 'wp-cleared' => 'false', "an" => "", "an-cat" => "level-4", "an-label" => "backers", "an-action" => "scroll"}}
= render 'about_backers'
= render 'about_careers_cta'
# Waypoints
Waypoints = {}
((obj) ->
# Constants & Globals
isTouch = if Modernizr.touch then true else false
$header = $ '.m-menu'
$window = $ window
# Controller
obj.init = ->
# Body level
# - detect if reached the bottom
handler: (direction)->
console.log 'reached bottom'
# General
$this = $(@)
# Analytics
if !$'wp-cleared') and $"an") != undefined
# Clear the section
$'wp-cleared', 'true').attr('data-wp-cleared', 'true')
offset: 'bottom-in-view'
# Element level
# $els need:
# - data-wp
# - data-wp-cleared="false"
# - data-wp-value="xyz"
# - data-wp-menutheme="dark|light"
$els = $('[data-wp]')
offset = 0
handler: (direction)->
# General
$this = $(@)
# Analytics
if !$'wp-cleared') and $"an") != undefined
# Clear the section
$'wp-cleared', 'true').attr('data-wp-cleared', 'true')
# Add relevant classes to the section
# Menu
obj.menuTheme(direction, $this)
offset: offset
# Menu
obj.menuTheme = (direction, $el)->
# Direction
if (direction == "down")
# Theme
if ($'wp-menutheme') != undefined)
$header.trigger "wp-menutheme", $'wp-menutheme')
# Layout
$header.trigger "wp-menulayout", $'wp-menulayout')
# Theme
if ($el.waypoint('prev').data('wp-menutheme') != undefined)
$header.trigger "wp-menutheme", $el.waypoint('prev').data('wp-menutheme')
# Private & Helpers
) Waypoints
# Ready
$ ->
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