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Created February 27, 2012 11:15
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vim s:snr() & s:sid() & s:parse_script_names() & s:path_to_snr()
function! s:snr()
let sfile = expand('<sfile>')
return matchstr(sfile, '<SNR>\zs\d\+\ze_snr$')
function! s:sid()
let snr = s:snr()
return printf('<SNR>%s_', snr)
function! s:parse_script_names()
redir => _
silent! scriptnames
redir END
let scripts = split(_, '\n')
cal map(scripts, 'matchlist(v:val, ''^\s*\(\d*\):\s*\(\S*\)\s*$'')')
call filter(scripts, '!empty(v:val)')
return map(scripts, '{''snr'': v:val[1], ''path'': v:val[2]}')
function! s:path_to_snr(path)
let scripts = s:parse_script_names()
call filter(scripts, 'expand(v:val.path) ==# a:path')
return empty(scripts) ? '' : scripts[0].snr
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