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Last active October 26, 2022 12:43
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remind yourself what config changes you made to superslicer
use strict;
use warnings;
## sometimes I forget when (or what ) manual changes were made in superslicer.
## but since I always put the gcode into the same working directory, you can
## basically just look for differences for a diff between chronolocal files
## to see how the settings have evolved
## credit to
use Data::Dumper;
use File::Basename;
#------------------start of-- local configuration ---------------------------------------
my $GCODE_DIRECTORY='/mnt/archives/gcode/hadron'; # my working directory
my $MATCHPATTERN='; SuperSlicer_config = begin'; # flag superslicer puts at beginning of list
#------------------end of --- local configuration ---------------------------------------
my @files = `ls -rt ${GCODE_DIRECTORY}/*.gcode`;
chomp @files;
#print STDERR Dumper( \@files ) . "\n";
## read earliest chronological file for initial config, make hash
my $init_file = shift(@files);
print " ==initFile=== $init_file ======================\n";
my %initialConfig = %{ makeHashOfConfigFile( $init_file ) };
## loop thru remaining files comparing to initial config
for my $f ( @files ){
my $ts = `date -r "${f}" "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S" `; chomp $ts;
my $root_name = basename($f, ".gcode" );
$root_name =~ s/_.*$// ;
my %tempHash = %{ makeHashOfConfigFile( "$f" ) };
#print Dumper (\%tempHash ) ."\n";;
my @report = compare_hashes(\%initialConfig, \%tempHash);
if ( scalar @report == 0 ) {
push @report, "----- NO CHANGES -------";
print " ============= $f ======================\n";
print " report for $root_name ($ts)\n";
print join "\n", @report;
print "\n\n";
%initialConfig = %tempHash;
## make hash of config
sub makeHashOfConfigFile {
my ($fn) = @_;
my %h;
my @lines = `sed -n '/${MATCHPATTERN}/,\$p' "${fn}"`;
chomp @lines;
foreach (@lines){
next if /SuperSlicer_config/;
$_ =~ s/^; // ; # remove leading semicolon
#print STDERR">>>> ". $_ . "\n";
my ($attr,$val) = split( /\s*=\s*/ ,$_, 2);
#print STDERR"---- |$attr| = |$val|\n";
$h{$attr} = $val ;
return \%h;
## see
sub compare_hashes {
my ($first, $second) = @_;
my @report;
foreach my $k (keys %{ $first }) {
if (not exists $second->{$k}) {
push @report, " The key '$k' does not exist in second hash";
} elsif (not defined $first->{$k} and not defined $second->{$k}) {
# ok, neither is defined
} elsif (defined $first->{$k} and not defined $second->{$k}) {
push @report,
" The value of '$k' is '$first->{$k}' in the first hash"
. " and undef in the second hash";
} elsif (not defined $first->{$k} and defined $second->{$k}) {
push @report,
" The value of '$k' is '$second->{$k}' in the second hash"
. " and undef in the first hash";
} elsif ($first->{$k} ne $second->{$k}) {
push @report,
" The value of '$k' differs: '$first->{$k}' changed to '$second->{$k}'";
foreach my $k (keys %{ $second }) {
if (not exists $first->{$k}) {
push @report, " The key '$k' does not exist in first hash";
return @report;
example output:
============= /mnt/archives/gcode/hadron/zbandingStack_4wall_020.gcode ======================
report for zbandingStack (20221025_112632)
The value of 'top_solid_layers' differs: '3' changed to '0'
The value of 'fill_density' differs: '7.5%' changed to '0%'
The value of 'bottom_solid_layers' differs: '3' changed to '0'
The value of 'brim_width' differs: '3' changed to '0'
============= /mnt/archives/gcode/hadron/zbandingThin_20221025_2wall_020.gcode ======================
report for zbandingThin (20221025_113822)
The value of 'perimeters' differs: '4' changed to '2'
============= /mnt/archives/gcode/hadron/zbandingThin_20221025_2wall_021.gcode ======================
report for zbandingThin (20221025_113918)
The value of 'layer_height' differs: '0.2' changed to '0.21'
============= /mnt/archives/gcode/hadron/zbandingThin_20221025_2wall_028.gcode ======================
report for zbandingThin (20221025_113952)
The value of 'layer_height' differs: '0.21' changed to '0.28'
============= /mnt/archives/gcode/hadron/lrs-box-slice_20221025-132352_ss.gcode ======================
report for lrs-box-slice (20221025_131928)
The value of 'brim_width' differs: '0' changed to '2'
The value of 'perimeters' differs: '2' changed to '4'
The value of 'top_solid_layers' differs: '0' changed to '1'
The value of 'bottom_solid_layers' differs: '0' changed to '2'
The value of 'fill_density' differs: '0%' changed to '5.5%'
============= /mnt/archives/gcode/hadron/BlindsAssy_20221025-155512_ss.gcode ======================
report for BlindsAssy (20221025_155332)
The value of 'brim_width' differs: '2' changed to '0'
The value of 'bottom_solid_layers' differs: '2' changed to '0'
The value of 'top_solid_layers' differs: '1' changed to '3'
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boverby commented Oct 26, 2022

added example output for clarity

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