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Last active October 20, 2016 15:10
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Save bowheart/4c66607ab1a6ff8de9fb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Filling out forms can be tedious stuff. This library will autofill city and state fields in a form when the user enters their zipcode. Makes use of the Google Maps API.
* Another library by Joshua Claunch
* A jQuery-dependent secret intelligence library. :O
(function() {
var Autofiller = function(zipInput, cityInput, stateInput, phoneInput) {
this.zipInput = zipInput;
this.cityInput = cityInput;
this.stateInput = stateInput;
this.phoneInput = phoneInput;
this.geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
Autofiller.prototype = {
autofill: function(cityVal, stateVal) {
autofillCity: function(cityVal) {
autofillState: function(stateVal) {
.val(this.statePrefix + stateVal)
autoFocus: function() {
if (!this.jumpFocus) return;
bindInput: function() {
this.zipInput[0].addEventListener('input', this.handleInput.bind(this));
fetchZipInfo: function() {
var self = this;
self.geocoder.geocode({address: self.val}, function(results, status) {
if (!results || status.toLowerCase() !== 'ok') return; // It didn't work. Don't try to do anything.
var result = self.parseResults(results); // reduce to a single result
if (!result) return; // No correct-country result. Stop execution.
handleInput: function() {
if (!this.zipIsValid()) return;
parseResults: function(results) {
var self = this;
return results.filter(function(nextResult) {
return nextResult.address_components.pop().short_name ===; // filter out non-correct-country results
})[0]; // assume we want the first correct-country result (a pretty safe assumption, I think?)
parseCityVal: function(zipInfo) {
return zipInfo.address_components[1].short_name;
parseStateVal: function(zipInfo) {
return zipInfo.address_components.pop().short_name;
validCondition: function(cityVal, stateVal) {
return cityVal && stateVal;
validateZipInfo: function(zipInfo) {
var cityVal = this.parseCityVal(zipInfo),
stateVal = this.parseStateVal(zipInfo);
if (!this.validCondition(cityVal, stateVal)) return; // The result isn't what's expected. Stop execution.
this.autofill(cityVal, stateVal);
zipIsValid: function() {
return this.val.length >= this.length;
get focusInput() {
return this.newFocusInput || this.phoneInput;
get val() {
return this.zipInput.val();
jumpFocus: true,
length: 5,
statePrefix: ''
var USAutofiller = function() { Autofiller.apply(this, arguments); };
USAutofiller.prototype = Object.create(Autofiller.prototype, {
country: { value: 'US' }
var CAAutofiller = function() { Autofiller.apply(this, arguments); };
CAAutofiller.prototype = Object.create(Autofiller.prototype, {
country: { value: 'CA' },
length: { value: 7 }
var GBAutofiller = function() { Autofiller.apply(this, arguments); };
GBAutofiller.prototype = Object.create(Autofiller.prototype, {
country: { value: 'GB' },
jumpFocus: { value: false },
length: { value: 6 },
parseStateVal: { value: function(zipInfo) {
var optionText = zipInfo.address_components.pop().short_name.trim().toLowerCase(),
stateOption = this.stateInput.find('option').filter(function() {
return this.innerHTML.trim().toLowerCase() === optionText;
if (!stateOption.length) {
this.validCondition = function(cityVal) {
return !!cityVal;
this.autofillState = function() {}; // do nothing
return '';
return stateOption[0].value;
} },
var AUAutofiller = function() { Autofiller.apply(this, arguments); };
AUAutofiller.prototype = Object.create(Autofiller.prototype, {
country: { value: 'AU' },
length: { value: 4 },
statePrefix: { value: 'AU-' },
autofillCity: { value: function(cityVal) {
// do nothing.
} },
focusInput: { get: function() {
return this.cityInput;
} }
var autofillersMap = {
USAutofiller: USAutofiller,
CAAutofiller: CAAutofiller,
GBAutofiller: GBAutofiller,
AUAutofiller: AUAutofiller
var factory = function() {
// create the correct Autofiller descendant (one for each form on the page) based on the site's country.
var zipInputs = $('input').filter(function() { return /zip/i.test(; }),
tempStateInput = zipInputs.first().parents('form').find('select').filter(function() { return /state/i.test(; }),
country = tempStateInput.find('option')[1].value.slice(0, 2).toUpperCase()
if (country === 'AB') country = 'CA'; // A hack... AB == Alberta ... Canada
else if (country === 'AL') country = 'US'; // A hack... AL == Alabama ... US
var countryAutofiller = autofillersMap[country + 'Autofiller'];
zipInputs.each(function() {
var zipInput = $(this),
cityInput = zipInput.parents('form').find('input').filter(function() { return /city/i.test(; }),
stateInput = zipInput.parents('form').find('select').filter(function() { return /state/i.test(; }),
phoneInput = zipInput.parents('form').find('input[name="phone"]').add(zipInput.parents('form').find('input[name="card"]'));
new countryAutofiller(zipInput, cityInput, stateInput, phoneInput);
var loadGoogleMaps = function(onload) {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.onload = onload;
script.src = '';
$(function() {
if ($('script').filter(function() { return this.src.match(/google\.com\/maps\/api\/js/); }).length) {
return factory();
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